Trying to LOSE again ugh :(



  • shoesalwaysfit
    shoesalwaysfit Posts: 48 Member
    I did the same thing - lost 10 + pounds and gained it all back. I think we forget how hard we worked to get it off and lose track of our eating again. I am finding that logging everything I eat - even if I don't want to see it on there, helps a lot. Feel free to add me as well.
  • Doreen9686
    Doreen9686 Posts: 62
    Feel free to add me as a friend, we all need all the help and encouragement we can get! I'm new on here (1 month) and still learning the ropes.:happy:
  • LexxySixx
    LexxySixx Posts: 16
    Dont be disheartened :( You did it can certainly do it again :) keep your chin up :) x
  • Anola13
    Anola13 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in the same current situation right now...I understand. You can do this because you want to do this! Feel free to add me for support :)
  • robinregina
    robinregina Posts: 131 Member
    sorry about you setback, but i'm sure this time you will succeed. just believe in yourself and your family and there is nothing you can't accomplish. good luck and may God bless!!!!!

    from Robin
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    Well, you are here with thousands of other people who have been in the same boat many times. Focus, utilize the great MFP tools and friend support, and make this one last!
  • I lost 30 pounds, then gained it back over three years.

    So I joined this site. LOL.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Same thing here! I lost over 100 pounds and gained some back :( What went wrong was losing too fast by restricting my cals to 1250 and exercising my *kitten* off but never upping the cals to compensate. I wouldn't believe the whole eat more philosophy. This time around, eating back cals, lifting weights more and differently and keeping my body happy by eating enough plus not over-restricting myself.

    I fully expect to lose weight and get strong, just keep plugging along....
  • Pedalpush
    Pedalpush Posts: 246 Member
    Accountability is key. That's why I feel like MFP is going to be IT for me! If i know that someone is watching, I will make appropriate choices. If I feel that someone will benefit from the example I set, I will do my best to help them while helping myself. I'm here to provide a pat on the back or a kick in the a** - whatever you need!:smile:
  • amyford25
    amyford25 Posts: 85 Member
    Like a lot of people, I'm right there with you! Now I've quit smoking and I'm determined to turn my life around and get healthy!!! Please send me a request as I don't have any friends on here yet, maybe we can motivate each other!! :)
  • Been there done that several times. You can lose it again. I swear I'm not gaining it back this time. I get so tired of battling my weight. But I think that will always be my life. Eat smart and exercise a lot.
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    Been there done that.. I lost 10 pounds on MFP, gave up in july last year and came back in october and finally stuck to it!
    You can do it!! :smile:
  • Bravyn
    Bravyn Posts: 57 Member
    Feel free to add me for support. :D

    As the others have said, don't dwell on the past.
  • I am new here and I know how you are feeling! I hate that I am where I'm at and kicking myself letting myself get in this shape but today is a new day! Starting to focus on healthy and being positive. You can do this! Good luck and add me if like i don't have any friends because I don't know how all this works yet! lol
  • gracielasg
    gracielasg Posts: 4 Member
    I understand! I have done the same! I know it is frustrating but like you said... Let's not worry about the past! It's all about the now! For a fresh new start! One step at a time! I am keeping a food log and water one too! It helps! Good luck! We can do it:)
  • gracielasg
    gracielasg Posts: 4 Member
    I am proud that you quit SMOKING!! Awsome!!! Keep it up! I am new here too! I am not sure how to add people yet!:(