Lacking Motivation

I want to lose weight... I need to lose weight. I know these things yet I can't seem to stay on track for more than 3 days at a time. I've lost 50lbs in the past so I know I am perfectly capable of doing it. I don't know what it is that is keeping me from committing completely.

Has anyone else dealt with this? What made you finally get your act together?


  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Even after a stay in the ICU I wasn't totally committed. The aha moment was when I saw that I had been on MFP for 18 months and only lost 13 pounds.I thought what a waste of time and I don't want to waste anymore so I began to be totally honest with my logging and to work out at least 30 minutes every day when I physically can.Also getting committed friends that give me honest feed back and are not just there(if you know what I mean). Friends that never comment are not friends! Good luck!
  • phoenix_59
    phoenix_59 Posts: 1,123
    You are the only one who can control have to want to make the changes you seek and you have to understand that it takes hard work and commitment to that change in order to be successful....nothing more, nothing want it ....then do it!
  • dragonmorgan7
    Honestly I'm goin through this same problem. I've always been such a quitter but i think what made the difference for me was recognizing that i had a problem giving up on things. Especially if it was hard or didn't offer instant gratification. I did some looking around at different things and finally found a workout routine that i didn't think was goin to bore me and was really gonna challenge me. I also decided to start a 30 day challenge that way i had a goal to work towards. I'm doin the 30 day challenge from march. Its free, motivational, doesn't require much equipment (and it can all be substituted or they give modifications if you are just using body weight) and its different everyday. Im startin week 2 today and I'm still as into it as i was when i stated. The trick i use is that anytime a workout is hard our i get to a point where i think i might want to slack a little i just recognize that those little things, like reckon it easy or takin to long a break or not pushing myself, is how i used to get right before i gave up on something and that's really helped me push thru. Then i get on here and look at scribes before and after pics and it helps re motivate me to keep goin. I think the main thing is domain Somethin you enjoy and then not lettin yourself fall back into the same habit as before about quittin.
  • Suaso
    Suaso Posts: 48
    I turned to fitness as a way to manage my emotions after a particularly nasty break-up.
    I began to associate fitness with happiness (no matter how temporary).
    As I got better emotionally I tried to find other ways to keep motivated.
    My newest motivation is reading. I don't do enough of it at home surrounded by all my gadgets.
    I'll pick a few good books I've wanted to read for a while and I will only read them at the gym. Now I can't wait to get back to the gym to pick up on where I left off :)
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. ..And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. "

    Marianne Williamson
  • leighn62
    leighn62 Posts: 142 Member
    That is such a brilliant idea! I just got a Kindle app on my Touchpad. I can't wait to try it when I get home! Thanks!
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    want to know what I do? It may be silly but works for me.

    I don't place a large concentration on my eating because I usually eat pretty good and don't keep crap in the house. That is one way to help.

    Secondly, I always think about the health side of it. Meaning, I keep thinking about how much healthier I am than half the US population. I don;t know, it just makes me feel better about exercising.

    Lastly, if I can help motivate someone else, that is the best motivation in the world!
  • rdy2lose
    rdy2lose Posts: 106
    I want to lose weight... I need to lose weight. I know these things yet I can't seem to stay on track for more than 3 days at a time. I've lost 50lbs in the past so I know I am perfectly capable of doing it. I don't know what it is that is keeping me from committing completely.

    Has anyone else dealt with this? What made you finally get your act together?

    I am right with you! I have been having the hardest time watching what I eat and getting to the gym. I have been really stressed and just don't want to do anything but eat fatty and sugary foods. I have gained 3 lbs and it was hard to lose those pounds, so I am mad at myself.

    Just the other night though, my 15 yo son said to me, "Mom, you can't quit, you don't accomplish anything if you quit." Wow, talk about a smack in the face. I have told him these same words more than once. What a hyprocrite I was. So now, I am trying really hard to get back on track and when I look at those chips I am going to listen for my son's words, "You can't quit Mom!"