Hi, my name is Kelly, and I'm a fatty. ;D

Eclipsoh Posts: 26 Member
Kinda like an AA meeting! I have been fat for my entire life. (well, except the first week I was born...) I have so many hopes for next year. My brother lives in Hawaii and he's getting married next July! I would love to be able to surprise him with my weight loss and be able to wear a bikini on the beach. ;) Another goal I have is to be able to do Tough Mudder next September. I'll admit, that goal may be a bit crazy to reach because of the muscle I will need to put on, but it's worth a shot! I have about 75-80 pounds to lose, so I'm getting cracking now. I really hope I can lose the weight I want to in time. Wish me luck! :D


  • Good luck Kelly, a trip to Hawai will be an amazing motivation!
  • staryful7
    staryful7 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello Kelly, and welcome. Sound like a great goal. Hawaii is beautiful and you will want to wear the bikini everywhere! I wish you will. Add me if you like for support.
  • hijude57
    hijude57 Posts: 97 Member
    It sounds like you have some great goals. Good luck Kelly!!!
  • Good luck Kelly. I'm in the boat with you. I just joined and I'm hoping to lose at least 50 pounds, just to be healthy.
  • anniemc4
    anniemc4 Posts: 2
    I have been using MFP for about 3 weeks. It is soooo easy. I eat all day long - but track it all..which is always easy and fast. I make better choices, I don't eat "crap" any longer. My body is now getting to where it cravea healthier foods. I have prepared so many of the hungrygirl.com recipes. That girl is brilliant. Two words for you, Kelly...FIBER ONE (original cereal). I also bought Rocco Dispiritos book of all meals under 350 calories and his recipes are REALLY good. I snack on the 100 calorie packs of Pringles or chocolate covered pretzels or cottage cheese duals w/ fruit. There is never any question of what is going in my mouth and I love knowing that I'm not going over my calorie goal. I had no idea how easy it could be. I have 2 very close friends who've lost 62lbs and 40lbs quickly and easily (and healthily) just by counting their calories. It's that simple.
    GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!! You can do it!! Check out Hungry Girl's books too, like I said - she is brilliant. :happy:
  • anniemc4
    anniemc4 Posts: 2
    And, they need to take all the Sensa adds off this site. I did some research and it is a SCAM. I wish they wouldn't run their adds.
  • MomGraz
    MomGraz Posts: 23 Member
    Wishing you all the motivation in the world, Kelly! I'm sure you can do it--buy that bikini now and hang it on the door of the fridge! :happy:
  • Eclipsoh
    Eclipsoh Posts: 26 Member
    Wow, this is a lot of support and love! Thank you so much, you guys! Anniemc4, those are some really good ideas! I'm trying to eat more stuff like roasted almonds and, not necessarily organic, just stuff with good nutritional value. I'm really pumped that you have successful friends, and I will have to check out those books! Thanks!

    EDIT: Momgraz, I do plan on buying that bikini just as soon as I can find it! It's kind of a double win thing. If I lose the weight, I get to wear it. If I don't, I just spent money on something that I can't wear (and I'm pretty broke, so thats a relatively serious offense.) woo!
  • Bere4ever
    Bere4ever Posts: 188
    Hello!! welcome feel free to add me,let's do this we can do it!!!!!!!!!