Calf cramps while sleeping... VERY painful!!



  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    potassium problem. drink omre water and take some potassium. Bananas help with this.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    Saw this on "The Chew" (I think) last week. Pickle juice! There is even a company that is marketing single "shots" of it!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Electrolyte imbalance. The big 3 - sodium, potassium and magnesium. I imagine you get enough sodium in your diet, so potassium and magnesium are likely the culprit. I was having the same problem and getting enough potassium. I started taking magnesium every day and I maybe get one every 4 months - before it was nearly every night. Hydration is never a bad thing either.
  • rlboles
    rlboles Posts: 3
    I also get those. I use to get them when I was pregnant but they just started back. I thought maybe because I just started jogging. Pottassium and Water. Feel better soon!
  • lowry12
    lowry12 Posts: 74 Member
    low potassium try eating a banana works for me the water thing idk bout that i drink almost a gallon of water a day and i still get em every now and then
  • I had the same problem and then my doctor recommended a supplement that had calcium, magnesium and zinc. One vitamin with all 3 in it and I haven't had ANY leg cramps in 7 months. I take 2 pills every morning and their very reasonable. A generic at any pharmacy runs between $6-$8. I had them as bad as you did and they would wake me out of a sound sleep....but not anymore. :)
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    Sounds like charlie horse? I am guessing low potassium? I had these when pregnant - would wake up screaming. I found that if I ate a banana (or substitute any other decent potassium containing food) near bedtime and stretched my calves before bed, they went away. They can also be exacerbated if you are not getting enough hydration. That's my 2 cents anyhow!

    ^ This exactly!
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    I had the same problem and then my doctor recommended a supplement that had calcium, magnesium and zinc. One vitamin with all 3 in it and I haven't had ANY leg cramps in 7 months. I take 2 pills every morning and their very reasonable. A generic at any pharmacy runs between $6-$8. I had them as bad as you did and they would wake me out of a sound sleep....but not anymore. :)

    Thanks! I will look into this!
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    no clue why but this happened to me ALL the time while I was pregnant (closer to the end). Hurt like a *itch!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Three things come to mind...

    Might be your walking stride that's causing the muscles to cramp? Make sure you stretch REALLY well after your walks and maybe even do a heat/ice treatment to help relax the muscle. When I started walking longer/faster, I would get really bad pains in my hamstrings - heat, and Advil/Tylenol helped. And maybe see about getting inserts for your shoes to make sure you've got plenty of support.

    A friend of mine is just recovering from plantar fasciitis (sp?) pain that come to find out was due to tension in her calf which ultimately led to weakness in her upper glutes and core. So maybe try to add in some full core workouts that include back strenthening like supermans and bridges (aka pelvic thrust).

    Lastly, I've heard that leg cramps can come from potassium deficiency. Bananas are typically suggested but there are many other foods more rich in potassium - google for a list.

    Beyond that, think about going to see a physical therapist or sports medicine specialist for help and advice.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Drink more water!

    I will give you a trick I learned while being pregnant. You get them all the time because of bad circulation when you are pregnant. When you get another, although painful at first, pres your heel as far down and raise your toes up. It immediately stops mine and releases the pressure and the pain stops. Had them all through my last trimester with both kids. I found it on a website and it works for me right away. It for some reason just loosens everything up. Give it a try… hopefully it works for you.
  • larsmac83
    larsmac83 Posts: 24
    I get these every now and then, too. When I feel one coming on, I IMMEDIATELY shove my heel down and lock my leg before the cramp can really get hold of my calf. It usually goes away very quickly and I don't usually have any soreness the next morning. Water and potassium are great, but my doctor also told me to not forget magnesium. It also contributes. So water, potassium, magnesium. Usually you can get a little of all of these by drinking something like Powerade Zero or something else with electrolytes in it. Good luck!
  • I've also been told it is due to not enough water. If you're doing that much walking each week you need lots of water. I've torn both my calf muscles so I have had them in both legs EVERY morning when I get up for the past 7 years and they're no fun. I've found now that I'm drinking more water they're not as severe.
  • FatCopThinCop
    FatCopThinCop Posts: 40 Member
    Water and Bananas... Get it in ya today day.. Muilti-Vita Pack too. It should help. I know it does for me. I get the same thing if I don't do tow of the three stated.

    Good luck,

  • crystal_darling
    crystal_darling Posts: 53 Member
    I get this too! Hasn't happened for a bit since I started eating bananas and drinking tons of water. So I agree with everyone on this.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    It doesn't have to be bananas, any veggies and fruit have potassium.I tracked it for a year, and found that if I eat 4-5 servings of any vegetables a day, I get plenty.

    You can Google potassium rich foods, but off the top of my head I know that these are especially good:

    Potatoes (with skin)
    Dark leafy vegetables
    Coconut water
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    I have had severe calf cramps while sleeping twice during the past week. They are so painful that they wake me out of a sound sleep. Today, my leg is still sore from the one I had last night, so I am taking the day off from exercising.

    I typically walk 6 - 8 miles four to five days a week, and in addition, I do Vinyassa Yoga three to four times per week.

    I am not sure what is causing these cramps, but I would appreciate any advice on what can be done to avoid them that you may have.


    Did you have to stand up and force your foot flat to the ground? Women seem to get those a lot! Eating banana's help me. I walk a lot to(I'm a dog walker) and drink a lot of water. Make sure you are hydrated.

    I bet every woman on here knows exactly what you are talking about. I've always been told it's a charlie horse. They hurt.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    i get them constantly. The biggest help for me is to fill a hard plastic water bottle with hot water and lay it under your calf. You can roll it under your calf to massage the muscle and the hot water helps to relax it.
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    Drink tons of water. I found a glass of 2% milk before bed stops those leg cramps. (That's what my Dr. suggested and it worked.)
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    Coconut water and avocados are higher in potassium than bananas, so are dried apricots, prunes, raisins, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, halibut, salmon, beans and DARK CHOCOLATE! Just sayin'...

    (Unsweetened baking chocolate provides 830mg (24% DV) per 100 gram serving or 241mg (7% DV) per square. Most sweetened milk chocolates will provide around 272mg (11% DV) per 100 gram serving, and 164mg (5% DV) per bar (1.5oz).)