first rant in a while... please hear me out and no hate

hello !
so this is my first rant in a while and its going to do with the compulsion to overeat. the last two days i have been overeating like crazy. not enough to totally f^&&*k myself but enough to feel uncomfortable and feel like crap the next day. i notice that i do this every so often ill be really good for a while then take a little time and get into the cycle of not caring how much i eat . its normally at night and ive also noticed it is worse when im at home alone rather than if someone else is there. i have a big final comming up tommarow and i dont know if stress is related . i guess i just want to be held accountable right now. i guess i just want someone to say that it is going to be okay and i can do it, i mean overcome this and stay on track. i guess i just want someone who understands what this feels like.. sometimes i feel like i have two brains, one that tells me f$% it ... and the othe one that tells me , "its ok youre human just get back up and keep going" i am flustered right now and just needed to vent . anyways i have alot of studying to do so i gotta go thanks for listening and please if u have any suggestions or comments let me know!


  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    When you get that craving for unplanned snacks, try to eat some nuts or some PB. (Hope you aren't allergic.) It will help.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I have started stocking the fridge with fresh veggies that I can eat anytime I feel hungry. Most of your veggies can be eaten until you are stuffed and still not be too many calories. My favorite is broccoli.
  • It really is true that your brain uses up a boatload of calories when it's doing work - things like studying. So don't be down on yourself. You really might need the calories/carbs. Also, from your pic, it looks like you're doing ok, so try not to worry about it too much.
  • kfdunn
    kfdunn Posts: 14
    EVERYBODY stumbles. The difference between those who succeed & those who fail --- those who succeed get up one more time than they fall!

    Given the inevitable cravings, stress attack or just bad moods that all of us deal with, PLAN for those times. Throw away stuff you simply should not ever eat (don't keep a pint of Ben & Jerry's or a huge bag of Fritos in the pantry, for example). Put some snacks in the house you'd be OK with eating given your goals & habits.

    Like UsedToBeHusky said, nuts or PB are great - stuff with more protein sticks with you better & keeps away the munchies!
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    Being off plan and knowing it is not a problem. It's a bump in the road, an event sure to happen from time to time. You recover, correct and continue on.

    Being off plan and NOT knowing IS a problem!!
    Being unaware that things are sliding out of your grip, that you have lost focus, that you don't know or don't care what is going on with you is an issue and what we need to fight to avoid. That is why we are here. Being in a group helps with self awareness.
  • jlaurena
    jlaurena Posts: 60
    It really is true that your brain uses up a boatload of calories when it's doing work - things like studying. So don't be down on yourself. You really might need the calories/carbs. Also, from your pic, it looks like you're doing ok, so try not to worry about it too much.

    Knowing this would have made me study a lot more in HS and College...haha.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    cravings are your body's way of asking for minerals - electrolytes.

    how's your mg, ca, cu, k, zc, na sources? Are you eating organ meats or deep green veggies to provide you with these essential minerals? You can't absorb vitamins or even properly exercise or mentally function without them!
  • JackShow70
    JackShow70 Posts: 49
    I have gone through the "2 brain" thing so often it is old hat, so I know where you are coming from. First, I looked at your diary for the last few days. I know you had more carbs than you would like, but you are still under 80 grams..even on your "bad" days. I don't think you are going to put on weight or fat in that range. Under 100g a day is a fat loss zone for most people.

    Second, learn your triggers, think about what you are feeling for a minute, and try to reprogram yourself. Are you really hungry? Or bored? Stressed? Looking for comfort? If you are hungry, eating is good :) As others have mentioned, just replace the bar snacks with something more healthy and carb friendly. Drinking water or coffee helps me control hunger too. Also doing a quick burst of exercise helps control my appetite. A few pushups or whatever gets your heart rate going..

    Sorry I rambled a bit.. Hope it helps. Good luck with your exams :)
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    This is not hate. I really don't see how you have greatly gone over calories. Going over 1 day at 100 calories and another day 200 calories is hardly out of control. You are in maintenance mode and probably just needed a few extra calories. Sometimes you need to listen to your body more than your brain.
  • daniellexcara
    daniellexcara Posts: 114 Member
    i swear this is the exact thought in my mind. theres times where i seriously just eat anything in my house i can find. ill take a bag of chips and start eating those and then ill eat cookie sand ice cream and anything i can find. when im done, i feel like crap and then the next day i eat better again. I dont really know why it happens but trust me, it happens to almost everyone at some point. One day doesnt make that big of a difference, just trust yourself to do better the next day :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    what helps for me is not keeping too much in the house that i can easily snack on. i never keep chips, cookies, ice cream, etc in the house unless it's a few of those small individual sized bags or a 1 serving sized mini container of haagen dazs

    for instance last night, i was bored i wanted to eat something else even though i was technically done eating. it was a psychological things where i wanted to be eating something and not like i was hungry. since all i had available was stuff that would require me to cook or spend 20 minutes assembling and cleaning up afterwards, i gave up on that idea of eating and just had a cup of tea
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    Cravings are natural. I crave things like pizza and pasta from time to time. Ages ago, I tried the Adkins diet. I used to constantly crave chocolate and other sweets all the time. This is not like me at all. Is it possible that you are depriving yourself of certain things and this is your body's way of telling you?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Going by what I see in your diary, you're pretty much on target. Maybe your body is smarter than your mind.
  • I'm new at this message board but not at dieting. I agree with many others; the fact that you recognized it is really an accomplishment. We all have those days and it sounds like you are really going through a tremendous amount of stress. So, start fresh in the morning. Do something that will make you instantly proud of yourself. For me, an example would be going to Starbucks and getting the lime or berry refresher instead of a caramel frappie. I actually think it's good to "go off the wagon" for a very brief period of time. My problem was staying off too long. Getting healthy is a lifetime commitment. Can you get up and go for a walk or call a friend when you are by yourself? Also, put some empty calorie snacks in your frig. Please don't be so hard on yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    I agree with Taso. Your macros have been spot on for the past few days. Good amount of calories, high protein, moderate to high fat and low carb. As long as you don't see it negatively impacting your body composition, which I highly doubt you will, I would suggest continuing eating how you have been.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Bless you, it could well be stress related and I do hope that your exams go well. No advice really except to say that I totally understand and I can only be good for so long too, you are definitely not on your own. I'm currently reading a book by Matt Hudson entitled something like The Inner Saboteur and I'm hoping that that will give me an insight as to why it happens. Take good care of yourself whilst you are going through exams x
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    When you get that craving for unplanned snacks, try to eat some nuts or some PB. (Hope you aren't allergic.) It will help.

    Bad advice if your losing weight since they are high caloric dense foods...

    Try cucumber and pickles? anything less calories to fill yourself up when you cant get past not eating...

    Focus on your goal, I had to tell myself that if I gave in it was wasting all my effort, and it usually got me to persevere...
  • racbergs
    racbergs Posts: 72
    I go through those moments all the time so I understand where you're coming from. This might sound silly, but find yourself a sponsor :) If I know that I'm about to binge on junk food I tell my husband "hey, I want to go eat that bag of potato chips" or whatever it is that's calling my name and he will either try to talk me off the ledge or (because there is absolutely no reasoning with me at that point) he'll go into the kitchen and dump out the bag of chips! I don't know if you live with anyone but even if you just find a friend or family member to call during these moments I think it would help you. But remember its okay to splurge every once in a while :) but give this a try if its a more regular occurance for you! Good luck.
  • kewlerone
    kewlerone Posts: 1
    Well, I'm no EXPERT but I was/am a big snacker too... in response to sometimes feeling STARVED....

    I would get out of bed at 2:00AM FAMISHED... and ya know what happens next... ;o)

    Now I get the whole emotional/stress eating thing and work to understand it, BUT FOR ME SOMETHING SIMPLER HAS HELPED

    At the advice of my Doctor, I started to simply respond to the hard craving by drinking (1) 8oz glass of water when I begin feeling that way, and then waiting just 5 minutes (sounds weird but watching the second hand go by for five minutes seems to focus me on something besides eating too)...

    IF Still Hungry, I have a little something NO GUILT, But honestly, 75% of the time I was Just THIRSTY... then feeling satisfied I'm back to whatever I was doing!

    Sometimes our system sends the I'm hungry message when in fact we're just THIRSTY...

    Yeah, Yeah, I know the difference between hungry and thirsty too.... OR SO I THHOUGT...

    Hope this helps. Best Of Luck!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I've been struggling with this for the past few weeks ((hugs))