Lose for Labor Day



  • summergirl73
    summergirl73 Posts: 70 Member
    Would like to lose 5% so 6.75LB by labour day.
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    Ooh, I'm in! My Labor Day goal is to be at a healthy BMI! (Which, at my current rate of weight loss, I should just barely be able to make! I would be right on the threshold of healthy & unhealthy, haha). Most of my adult life I have not been at a healthy BMI and I want to reverse that and make it the reality for the rest of my life. =)

    Also, congrats on your wedding!! It is going to be really hard to keep up your lifestyle changes when you're a newlywed... I will have been married 2 years in August so I can speak from experience!! I was my absolute heaviest since high school in the year and a half after the wedding. Just a fair warning. =) Keep it up & stay strong!!
  • hellamark
    hellamark Posts: 9 Member
    200lbs on Labor Day has been my goal for sometime. SW 4-15-2012 was 271. CW 212. Good luck and good work to all.
  • cheergirl1993
    cheergirl1993 Posts: 137 Member
    Just saw this and I plan to lose 15 lbs by labor day :) Im going to have to step it up! Good luck everyone I know we can do this!
  • TOxen
    TOxen Posts: 9 Member
    Today is the first day to a "new" me. Just starting this so would like any and all encouragement. By Labor Day I'm going for a 15 lb. weight loss. My favorite scripture is Phillippians 4:13- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  • KJWanzek
    KJWanzek Posts: 13 Member
    Hi - I have come back to MFP after getting ill and gaining back 7 pounds! I am one that has to workout! SO COUNT ME IN! Very exciting about your wedding!
    I started at 199.4 On July 16th I am currently at 195. Labor Day is in 7 weeks I will push for 15 pounds! I wll be so incredibly happy to 180! I seem to struggle with getting out of the 180 - 181 range that has been my weight lost cycle, 180 something back to 197- 199 ect. ! - SO NO MORE making the 180's jump this time and NOT looking back. I do best when set little goals at a time.
    Thanks for the good idea! Let's do this everyone! SMILE - K
  • ggmay49
    ggmay49 Posts: 9
    I'm in. I would love to be at 220 by Labor Day. Thats 16 pounds for me. I think I will be more apt to try my best if I have the support and friendship of a group effort. LET'S DO IT!
  • I started out at 170 in November. I am down to 142. My goal is to get to 130, my ideal goal weight for my height. It's been a struggle at times, but I am commited to doing this. I am starting a new workout program next week (finishing ChaLean Extreme this week) which I hope will jumpstart these last 12 pounds. I love the excitement I am seeing in this group and would love to be a part of it.
  • MillerCrock
    MillerCrock Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in I want to be 150 by Labor day. That is lose 10 lbs. Then be 140 for Christmas. Mini Goals is the way to go!
  • run17
    run17 Posts: 27
    You are doing great! It is good to set a goal- But if you do not get under 200 by Labor Day DO NOT GIVE UP! It is a lifestyle to be healthy and fit. If you want to kick start with a great workout program try the Nike Training Club for women app. If you have a smart phone- It is great! It is free! you can do it in the privacy of your home or at the gym. They talk you through the routines and you can view the exercises before you attempt them. You will sweat like crazy and your muscles will be sore. I like the "get lean" advanced workouts. They give you bonus workouts and you can set your playlist to it! I am 44 and a mother of 2. I can wear my 15 year olds clothes now! LOL! She does not like it but I do! I have been exercising for 25 years, but this app is amazing. Your legs and butt will disappear! Before and after a workout try making a smoothie with fruit or veggies, greek yogurt, protein powder and 100% only fruit juice. it will give you energy and help you to stay on track with your diet! Good luck! You look great and no matter how much weight you lose - You will be a beautiful bride! Remember it is a life style!
  • katellanova
    katellanova Posts: 204 Member
    I am in :) I want to be in the 150s by my birthday (the day after labor day). I will need to lose a minimum of 13 pounds to reach my goal.
  • pdaly99
    pdaly99 Posts: 1
    I am all in. 10 lbs by Labor Day to reach 160
  • alissadough84
    alissadough84 Posts: 95 Member
    I'd like to be down to 150 by labor day, but that's 25 pounds that is a lot! So I am going to say lose 15-20.
  • I'm loving all these goals, and I can't wait to see the results! What are y'all (yes, I'm Southern!) doing to meet your goals in terms of exercise and eating plans?
  • Lwillis1234
    Lwillis1234 Posts: 990 Member
    I want to be under 200 by labor day (198) and i'm 216.4 right now! and hopefully lose some inches or 2 off my waist? I don't know if that is realistic or not :)

    Exercise Plan: finish 30 day shred & start 2nd round of insanity! I would be on month 2 of insanity by time labor day :)

  • Exercise Plan: finish 30 day shred & start 2nd round of insanity! I would be on month 2 of insanity by time labor day :)

    Great plan!
  • JB5349
    JB5349 Posts: 135 Member
    I am in hoping to lose 10:happy:
  • LollipopViolet
    LollipopViolet Posts: 121 Member
    OK, another UK lady who's definitely up for this! I weighed in yesterday at 181lbs.

    I go on holiday to Prague on September 7th, and have a wedding to attend on September 1st.

    So, for all of those, I'd like to be... hmm, let me think. I've got 6 weeks roughly, and MFP says if I keep my current eating and exercise habits, I'll be 170 in 5 weeks.

    Alright, I'm gonna shoot for 166, for a total loss of 15lbs.

    Eating plan: Just to try and eat as healthily as I can, cut down on carbs a little, and also try and eat breakfast every day, as I'm really bad at that!

    Exercise plan: 3 x a week at the gym, aiming to walk 45 minutes each session on the treadmill and do 15 on the bike to make up an hour of cardio per session. Then lots of weights - I've discovered my functional strength isn't where I'd like it to be, so I need to find a program that will help with that. Things like lifting heavy boxes are still kinda hard, and I'd like to change that.
  • cHaRlIe0411
    cHaRlIe0411 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm in! I don't have a goal weight to reach, however, because my main goal is to lose inches around my belly button! I am currently at 31 inches and I'd like to lose 2 inches by labour day :)
  • thewestwifey
    thewestwifey Posts: 50 Member
    200lbs on Labor Day has been my goal for sometime. SW 4-15-2012 was 271. CW 212. Good luck and good work to all.

    Thanks for joining us! I'm at 211.5 right now, so we can do it together! I'd love to be under 200! Good Luck :)