Up to 8 minutes on elliptical

Lynn625 Posts: 56 Member
When I first got my elliptical, I could not stay on it for a whole minute! I worked my way up on the elliptical to 3 minutes, then 5 minutes, now I am at 8 minutes. I cannot even imagine staying on it for 30 minutes. Has anyone else had this problem?


  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    You are doing a good job. Keep pushing yourself. You CAN do it and you will do it. I am doing 45 to 60 minutes regularly now. I still have 86 lbs to goal weight. When you think you can't do anymore push to do one more minute. And don't tell yourself you can't! Tell yourself "I can and I will!"
  • twimom03
    twimom03 Posts: 19
    Yes!!! I kicked myself for getting an elliptical opposed to a treadmill in which I had intended on buying before the sales guy talked me out of it. I could only do 10 mintues but after slowly increasing (5 minutes) every week... I was up to 30 minutes. Listen to your body, and increase the time as you feel comfortable. It is a more challenging workout opposed to walking on a treadmill or outside. I also recommend not to go crazy with your speed or resistance, just get used to the motion and staying on it for longer periods of time. Once you are worked up to a longer time, you can add the resistance and increase your speed in increments. Good Luck!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I was never big on the elliptical, but I used the ARC trainer, which is similar, but a little more intense. Everyone is different... I started out at 15 minutes, and that took a lot of effort. I'm now doing one hour. So hang in there, YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Lynn625
    Lynn625 Posts: 56 Member
    My legs just feel like they can't go any further. My mini goal right now is to get to 20 minutes.
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    I have managed 3 whole minutes on that dreaded machine, haven't tried it for over 3 months now. One of these days I will go back into the gym and conquer that thing. For now I will stick to walking, water aerobics, water jogging. I actually jogged tonight and alternated with brisk walking for 15 minutes total. I usually walk for 1 - 2 hours
  • nursenessa1
    nursenessa1 Posts: 182 Member
    lol yes just add a minute each time! You will get there.
  • gotpaper
    gotpaper Posts: 17
    I had the same problem so you are not alone. I can do 30-45 minutes now...not fast but at an even pace. Just keep at it you will increase as you get stronger.
  • krhadley
    krhadley Posts: 11
    It is all personal, I bought mine last week and I turn my resistance up and burn my calories in less time. Then some times I turn it down and read while on it for longer time. Listen to your body and try to do a little more every day...You can do it:)
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    You are making awesome strides! Stick with it and you'll be to 20 minutes before you know it!
  • waldenlev
    waldenlev Posts: 102 Member
    Has anyone else had this problem?

    Problem? What problem? You were at 1, then 3, the 5, now 8. You'll get to 10, 15 and 30 in no time flat. I think you're having great success, not a problem!
  • Jeliwood
    Jeliwood Posts: 61
    I could only do about 3 minutes on the blasted thing when I first started on it (may 15th) now I can do a whole hour and honestly not want to die lol I'm surprised how much I love it. I switch up the cross ramp and the resistance a lot to keep myself entertained.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    My legs just feel like they can't go any further. My mini goal right now is to get to 20 minutes.

    That's a good goal. I also started out at 10 minutes and worked up to an hour. You can do it. There were some days I would tell myself I could do one more minute and quit, then as I built up, I would tell myself just 5 more minutes. I can do anything for 5 minutes. You'll get there:flowerforyou:
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    Trust me, you will get there. It was only about 2 months ago that I couldn't do even 5 minutes on the elliptical. Now I can do 30+. Just take it easy and go at your own pace adding time as you can. You will get there! Have fun!
  • Keep going! I was the same way I now do resistance level 7-8, 30 incline just to keep my heart rate up and burn calories. :) You'll get there!!
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    You'll get there! I was exactly the same way starting out. Just keep adding a minute when you can!
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    I think it's a matter of getting used to it and not watching the clock. I used to have that problem too. Now I do 30-35 min and mainly stop because I'm bored lol But it's definitely a workout. I've just never been patient with exercise machines.
  • gogonunubean
    gogonunubean Posts: 160 Member
    Has anyone else had this problem?

    Problem? What problem? You were at 1, then 3, the 5, now 8. You'll get to 10, 15 and 30 in no time flat. I think you're having great success, not a problem!

    ^ This. You are 800% better than you were when you started - that sounds great to me :happy:
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    You are doing so good! My first time was 12 minutes and I only stayed on that long because I was too embarrassed at the gym to get off sooner. I almost had to crawl to my car after that and I couldn't go back to the gym for a week because my legs and butt hurt so bad.

    3 months later I am on for 40 at 20 resistance which is where I intend to stay for now. Just go a little bit more every day and you will get to where you want.
  • kcmcd
    kcmcd Posts: 239 Member
    Has anyone else had this problem?

    Problem? What problem? You were at 1, then 3, the 5, now 8. You'll get to 10, 15 and 30 in no time flat. I think you're having great success, not a problem!

    Yes, this!! You've come from less than a minute to eight! That is awesome!
  • kelfran1
    kelfran1 Posts: 1,213 Member
    I don't know if you watch the time like I do, but I found it helpful to switch it from the mode where it counts down the whole amount of time (10 minutes or whatever) to the mode where it counts down just the segment that I am currently on. That way when I finish a segment, I tell myself "just one more..." and also if the interval is way high on the resistance then I can see how many more seconds until it bumps itself back down to an easier resistance.

    Added: Also, see if you can watch TV while you do it. That takes my mind off the muscle fatigue a little so I can go longer.