Ripped in 30: Anyone else?

Hey guys!

I'm on day 2 of week 1 in the Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 DVD series and boy am I sore. The back of my thighs are killing right now and it's only going to be worse tomorrow! Anyone else doing the DVD? Where are you at? How are your results? What kind of diet are you going along with?


  • ginarod04
    ginarod04 Posts: 1 Member
    I started a few months back, did it 2-3x per week to complement my running workouts. When I first started, I had to take 2-3 days off in-between because of muscle soreness. I got stronger and made it to Level 4, then let my sister borrow the DVD... never got it back! I bought another copy from Target. Now I'm doing it 4-5x per week. Level 2 is my favorite, I love cardio planks!

    I'm very close to my goal weight, only looking to lose about 5lbs and tone up. I'm down 1lb from last week, when I got serious about working out again. I have a small frame, so I'm on a 1200 cal diet right now, and I eat back my exercise calories. Looking to do Insanity next.
  • Katazoe
    Katazoe Posts: 3
    Today was my first day of Ripped in 30 and I loved it! I am going to do it 5 days a week. I did Insanity and completed the program. Ripped in 30 has a lot of the same moves! I am really excited to see how it goes. I am 5'4 and 126 pounds. I would like to lose about 10 pounds. I didn't lose and weight with Insanity, but I went from a size 9 to a 5! I toned up a lot too!
  • sambosmitty
    sambosmitty Posts: 39 Member
    I'm just about to do my day 3 and it seems a lot easier! I haven't noticed a difference yet in my body and am holding off on weighing/measuring myself till sunday(when I started). Yikes!
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Just coming to the end of the 30 Day Shred and have this ready in waiting!

    Looking forward to it

    I haven't as yet had a day off from exercise, which I know I should but I think I'm slightly addicted to the fact that the workouts are so effective for such a short session

    Can I really do that much harm without a rest day? I am off work for a week now so at least I won't be working alongside exercise.
  • sambosmitty
    sambosmitty Posts: 39 Member
    JIllians says that you NEED at least one day of rest to help your muscles recuperate and avoid injury. I would def. listen to her!!!
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    I rested! And started week 1 it!
  • brichinthecity
    brichinthecity Posts: 4 Member
    How are you guys tracking the RI30 exercises in my fitness pal? Also, any idea how many calories are burned for week 1 exercises?
  • LadonnaFunk
    LadonnaFunk Posts: 15 Member
    I started RI30 about six weeks ago. I was so out of shape when I started the DVD that it took me about 5 weeks of doing it 4-5x a week to be able to do the whole thing without stopping, and without doing the modifiers. I just moved on to level 2, and I'm probably going to do it for a few weeks (it's hard!). So far I am loving how good I feel, and how my body is way more toned than before. I have lost about 6 pounds as well. I have not been following the diet plan, I've just been using myfitnesspal to figure out my food intake. I enter the exercises as "circuit training," which is what other people on here have said that they do.
  • LadonnaFunk
    LadonnaFunk Posts: 15 Member
    I read a previous thread about this, and people figured out that it burns around 300, give or take a few calories.
  • Kiswinning
    Kiswinning Posts: 35 Member
    I'm starting it tomorrow. A heart rate monitor would tell you how much you burned.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    I read a previous thread about this, and people figured out that it burns around 300, give or take a few calories.
    Week 1 only burns 200 or so for me, and that's with me doing the cardio at a faster pace than the ladies in the DVD, and pausing my HRM during the cool down. I weigh 118 lbs though, so burn may be higher for somebody bigger.

    OP, I did RI30 a fee times last week, officially starting it for 30 days (Mon-Sat) tomorrow. After that month I'll probably start rotating through Extreme Shed & Shred, Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism, No More Trouble Zones and Six-week 6-pack.
  • Nan_
    Nan_ Posts: 83 Member
    I just finished week 2, but I'm going to do it for one more week before I move on to week 3. I have a bad back and want to make sure I am strong enough in the core before moving up.

    The soreness usually only lasts a couple of days and then it goes away, at least it did with me. I was sore with week one but week two hasn't been too bad.

    There's a RI30 group here on MFP. It just started up on Monday of last week and I assume anyone is welcome to join. Here's the link:
  • Nan_
    Nan_ Posts: 83 Member
    How are you guys tracking the RI30 exercises in my fitness pal? Also, any idea how many calories are burned for week 1 exercises?

    For the 30 Day Shred I heard that Jillian says (on her website) to take your current weight and times it by 3.267, that's how many calories you would burn in one hour. Then you divide it by 3 to get the 20 minutes calories number that you've burned. So I'm hoping that maybe all of her dvd's might be somewhat similar in calories burned.
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    How are you guys tracking the RI30 exercises in my fitness pal? Also, any idea how many calories are burned for week 1 exercises?

    I use a hrm. First day I burnt 304 then the second 256. So either my hrm was playing up or I generally did have a higher rate
  • sambosmitty
    sambosmitty Posts: 39 Member
    Just finished Day 1 of Week 2 and she wasn't kidding when she said she was going to bring it! I had to have a few breaks because my hips were really sore. I did the Color Run yesterday!! Sooo much fun!
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    First day of Week 2 today.....crow push ups.....o m g
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Options walk.....why are you so mean!?
  • heatherhsimpson
    I started RI30 Saturday and have been rotating 6W6P and KB&T along with my daily 30min of cardio for the last two weeks. I'm not seeing a lot of weight loss but can definitely feel myself getting stronger. My belly is flatter and my sides are slimming...already down a pants size. These are great DVDs for me to work in throughout my day!
  • jecka93
    jecka93 Posts: 415 Member
    Just finished my first day of week 2!
    Holy crap that was INTENSE!!!!