Up to 8 minutes on elliptical



  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    to me the elliptical is easier than a treadmill. I have both. I have them in my game room and can watch tv while working out and it makes it seem easier to me...lol
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    I remember when I first got my elliptical, a few years back. I could only go for about 10 minutes. Now, it seems almost too easy. I've stayed on there for two hours before and could probably keep going. You WILL get there, keep pushing!!
  • it's not about how long you can go, It's about quality, you can run during 3 minutes, then have one minute break and run for another 3 minutes... HIIT :D
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Good for you!! 8 minutes is a lot better than nothing! You can work your way up to longer. Just keep pushing and I'm sure you'll get there. Congrats on taking those first steps! :flowerforyou:
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    My first day, I lasted 6 minutes. Now, my record is 40. It'll happen. I remember feeling so discouraged Thani could only burn 30 calories, but hey, it was something, and I'm proud of how far I've come
  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    Yep - I was the same, now I can go 30 mins but I do 10 mins x3 on 3 different types of elliptical at the gym - only once a week!
  • donnasjohnson
    donnasjohnson Posts: 71 Member
    Totally agree with waldenlev! It's so easy for our perspectives to be negative, when really we are having amazing success! I started in April on the elliptical only being able to do 3 minutes, and now I'm finding myself doing 45 easily. I made a decision that I would get on, and do one minute better each week. Very quickly I was able to blow past that goal and add 5 and an occasional 10. Keep up the great work! You can only improve if first, you step on the machine!
  • gmpuggles
    gmpuggles Posts: 137 Member
    The elliptical certainly can be a beast to work out on when you first start out on it. The first time I went on one I pushed myself to do 5 minutes and thought it was awful. Then I didn't workout on one for almost a year and now I usually incorporate into my cardio 3 or 4 times during the week. I can do up to 25 minutes before I decide to get off of it.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Is staying on it for longer hard physically or mentally?

    For me it's always been mental, I don't call it the 'dreadmill' for nothing.... but I know I can be on there over an hour now... it's all mind over matter.. I try to get lost in my music and a good daydream.. Sometimes I work out my problems... Set very small goals and when you hit it, set another one right away.

    Good luck..
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Not so much on elliptical but when I first started exercising and was heavy and out of shape it def wasn't easy...I took frequent breaks and just kept trying! I can do more now at almost 40 than I could when I was 15 and losing my weight! JUST KEEP TRYING...try to add a minute each time. If you're getting bored, which I would on an elliptical, try something else that you may enjoy more so that it doesn't feel like a chore. Take a kickboxing or Zumba class, try out workout DVDs at home...a lot of them can be so much fun it doesn't even feel like working out!
  • If you listen to music and cover the timer with a towel you will increase your time. Start with 10 mins then increase to 20 mins and so on... you CAN do it. i always tell myself "i can do ANYTHING for 30 mins" (or however long im doing it). If you think about it, 10-30 mins is only a GLIMPSE of your entire day! Good luck!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I can get to maybe 2 minutes but by then I'm hurting. I have a bad knee and my calves have never quite recovered from when I tore them at band camp (hey you try walking backwards on your toes carrying a 15lb instrument around your neck for hours) so it really gets my legs to screaming.

    On my list of cardio machines, I think the last I'll ever try to tackle is the elliptical. Probably by then my legs will be over themselves and let me not look like an idiot at the gym.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    When I first started exercise was really really hard. Now, I'm fit and in shape. Keep going. You are doing great!!
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    I think the first 15 minutes are the hardest even if you can go longer. All the machines seem like such a breeze after the first 15, the only problem I have after that is boredom. lol I think if you have access to more than that machine to start a light walk on the treadmill for 15 then your legs may be nice and warmed up to go longer once you get on the elliptical. Just be proud of any strides you make, even if they seem small to you. Progress is progress!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    My legs just feel like they can't go any further. My mini goal right now is to get to 20 minutes.

    I have this issue when I run.. I always say it takes a good 10 minutes to get my runner's legs on... just lose yourself in something -- music, a daydream, or a tv show... Quickly you will realize your legs are numb and you can keep going :)
  • doutri2
    doutri2 Posts: 186 Member
    My legs just feel like they can't go any further. My mini goal right now is to get to 20 minutes.

    The important thing is that you set a goal and you posted your goal. I think you will find a way to reach that goal. It is completely attainable.

    When I am on a machine- tread, arc, ellipt- and I think I can't go any farther, I think of ancestors before me who had no choice but to row boats in the bellows of ships to make it across oceans. Or, I think of men/ children who had to walk on ancient treadmills for hours at a time to work machines in early industry. Or how did the Mayans build alters or Egyptians build pyramids? They made their bodies work when their bodies wanted to give up. For them, I go a little bit longer.

    This is probably way more than you wanted to hear.
  • ronitabur
    ronitabur Posts: 178 Member
    Oh, I remember those days. Today I hauled rocks out of my step-daughters back yard for an hour and 15 minutes. Yes, you will get there. Always set a goal whenever you step on your machine. For me, music is a must when I'm on the elliptical or treadmill. You can breathe easier if you cannot hear your breath.

    Good luck. Also remember to try other things so you get variety. Try a crunch or a pushup or go for a walk outside.

  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    Great job!!! I hate the elliptical...it KILLS my knees....and I couldnt last more than 2 minutes the first time...VERY NICE JOB!
  • CONGRATS!!! You are doing great if you can do 8. I have not even tried it yet. in two weeks I am hoping to get one. keep it up! I will follow right behind you!!!
  • restoreleanne
    restoreleanne Posts: 217 Member
    I was in the same place as you and now a year later I can do a hour and be fine if I can get passed the first 10. I use mine almost every day for at least 30 min. it is very mental I need music or some time tv will do it.