Is there anyone just now starting Couch to 5k?

Anyone? I could really use a buddy - even if it is through the Internet and not in person.

My birthday is coming up next Monday (41st!), and I got it in my head to do Couch to 5k. Even though I am clumsy. Even though I have never been good at sports. Even though previously, I would only run if someone ominous was chasing me! But, I really want to see if I can do it.

For my birthday gift, I went out and bought myself a really good pair of running shoes. I intend to start my Week 1 this Wednesday (Wednesday/Friday/Sunday). I know that seems a little wonky, but those days are when I have slightly more free time.

Anyone willing to try this along with me?


  • dawLs
    dawLs Posts: 84
    I have been thinking about doing it... But I'm scared!!!
  • Caroline3746
    Caroline3746 Posts: 17 Member
    Today will be my first day of week 3, Just dont give up =] I hate jogging and Im doing it lol.
  • bethanynovak
    bethanynovak Posts: 16 Member
    Starting week 2 today!! :)
  • deejaycee114
    deejaycee114 Posts: 139 Member
    i've been doing it, though not consistently. i'm on week 1 (again). LOL! yesterday was day 1, tomorrow will be day 2.

    my days are mondays, wednesdays, and fridays! let's do this! :)
  • Darcyw4
    Darcyw4 Posts: 44
    I have the app on my phone but havent had the courage to try it. I am hesitant about jogging in public - what if i fall? what if i get too far from home? can you tell I have anxiety issues? :) And its been so freaking hot around here that I would die if I ran outside. Any words of reassurance would be nice. is it okay that I friend you to keep in touch about this?
  • Prettylittlelotus
    Prettylittlelotus Posts: 239 Member
    I just started day 1 today!
  • christyd4
    christyd4 Posts: 191
    I'll start with you, feel free to add me! I can do those days as my schedule is pretty flexible.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I started last week and will be doing week 2 day 2 tonight :) I love this app! It makes it so much easier for me to pace myself and actually breath right lol
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    I've just finished it and loved it. I would never have thought I would be able to run 5K but I did and have now moved on to the B210K programme. Go for it if you are thinking of starting and good luck to those who have already started. Feel free to add me or PM me for support :)
  • chrisykramer
    chrisykramer Posts: 3 Member
    I am on week 1 day 3. It has gotten easier all ready. Don't be scared!! It feels great when you finish that run.
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    I will do it with you! I'm currently doing it, I have to repeat day one of week three. I'm a little bit a head of you, but it doesn't matter, as long as we both do it every day... :)
  • mommamisty823
    I just completed day 2 of week 2 today. I really didn't like running, now that I've been doing it I LOVE it. (although I'm still not that great.) It's my "me time". and I think that it's something I'll continue to do even after I do my 5K in October.
  • YumemiruJin
    YumemiruJin Posts: 133 Member
    I just started week 2 yesterday! It's really not that bad, promise :)
  • xtrordinari
    I encourage you and anyone interested to try it. Love the app! I'm in my 4th week with it but I am doing each week twice so that puts me on my second round with week 2. So far it is not as difficult as I thought it would be.
  • macsgirl526
    I started week 3 day 1 yesterday. I love it. I was so very nervous about starting. I am also very self conscience about running in front of people with all my fat. So I run in the "back" of my neighborhood where there is little no traffic.LOL. Feel free to add me.Good luck!!!
  • nefbaker
    nefbaker Posts: 79
    I did it a year ago. I have now, even though I'm still 30 lbs away from my goal, run two half-marathons. Don't worry about how you look, or what people may or may not say. I've found nothing but wonderful, supportive people at every race I've done in the past year. Even as they pass you, they hollar congratulations and keep going and good work. I run the races just for the positive affermations....Doesn't matter how fast you finish...just that you finish.
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    I am on Week 4, Day 3. I may be repeating this level as it has been very tough. You just have to jump in and do it. Don't let the voices in your head discourage you! I still have them nagging at me every time I do it. Just have to ignore them!
  • GemskiB
    GemskiB Posts: 95 Member
    I am planning on starting either Sunday or Monday, mental week full of visitors and moving furniture ahead :)
  • kaztaz55
    kaztaz55 Posts: 11 Member
    I am on day 2 of week 2.

    It's amazing and I look forward to my next run. Something that I was not able to say in the past.
  • ClareRae
    ClareRae Posts: 153 Member
    I have the app on my phone but havent had the courage to try it. I am hesitant about jogging in public - what if i fall? what if i get too far from home? can you tell I have anxiety issues? :) And its been so freaking hot around here that I would die if I ran outside. Any words of reassurance would be nice. is it okay that I friend you to keep in touch about this?

    LoL- I'm on week 4, and a while back I "found" a crack in the sidewalk. Scraped my knee up pretty bad. But, I got up, looked around to make sure no one was holding a camera, and kept going. What I've found is, even if there is someone else on my jogging trail, and even if they are in better shape than me, they understand. They know how hard it is. I haven't come across one discouraging person. I hope you can bring yourself to give it a try. :)