Not doing so well the past few days...

Hi everyone. I went out of town on Sunday and got back last night. I had every intention of watching what I ate and staying healthy while I was gone, but I failed miserably and now I feel almost like I'm right back to where I was when I started this journey. I am so mad at myself. I started out today pretty good by going to the gym, but I am just feeling really down in the dumps. I have really been trying hard and to have a big 3 day mess up is a huge bummer. I know, I know... drink lots of water and keep my chin up... but sometimes I feel like it's 1 step forward and then 3 steps backwards. I just need some words of encouragement, I guess... I can't even bring myself to log the food I INHALED while I was gone because I just can't face it.


  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    Hi everyone. I went out of town on Sunday and got back last night. I had every intention of watching what I ate and staying healthy while I was gone, but I failed miserably and now I feel almost like I'm right back to where I was when I started this journey. I am so mad at myself. I started out today pretty good by going to the gym, but I am just feeling really down in the dumps. I have really been trying hard and to have a big 3 day mess up is a huge bummer. I know, I know... drink lots of water and keep my chin up... but sometimes I feel like it's 1 step forward and then 3 steps backwards. I just need some words of encouragement, I guess... I can't even bring myself to log the food I INHALED while I was gone because I just can't face it.
  • mollymay
    Sometimes I think we need a binge to get us motivated again. I know thats weird to say but if I binge it makes me really mad at myself and makes me more determined (at least for a little while).

    And, sometimes binges can be good. If you stall out it tricks your body back into losing when you straighten out your eating habits again.
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    I have been there and done that also……many times. I am sure I will have days that I will do it again. But ya know what? That is just 3 days. I have had times when I got off track for a week but I got back with it and I lost the weight. And you will too.
    I know the feeling well. But this is a new day and you will get back with it and you will lose the weight.
    These things happen to us we are human. Don’t let this defeat you. Just pick yourself up….dust yourself off and start all over again. You can do it!!
    I can’t tell you the exact day that I got really serious to lose the weight but I can tell you this. The day I decided to get serious….I mean really serious….I started in the middle of the day. I had already had calories in an amount that there was no way for me to know how much I had eaten. But I started right then….that moment and I was on my way to losing the weight. For the rest of the day I ate right and from then on out I had more good days then I had bad ones.
    If you are having a bad day today why not start right now this moment and make it a really good day. Act as though you hadn’t eaten anything you shouldn’t have. Don’t eat anything else you know you should not eat. Decide to make today a really good day for you and get back on track.
    Hang in there. I am pulling for you.
    Loretta :flowerforyou:
  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member
    Focus on the _almost back to where you were_ part. You're still better than you were before, so you have that much less to go to get to where you were. Prefektly clear, no?

    I agree that sometimes a binge is a good thing. In fact, I am planning on a little "slip" this Friday. I've been craving pizza for 2 weeks and I'm going to have some and lots of it, dammit! :smile:

    Then, of course, I'll regret it. But I find after I do make a deviation from the program like that, it makes it easier to stay on track the next couple of weeks. Whether it's someone's B'day dinner or just deciding it's time for some KFC, so long as it's occasional, it seems to help me overall.
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    I agree that sometimes a binge is a good thing. In fact, I am planning on a little "slip" this Friday. I've been craving pizza for 2 weeks and I'm going to have some and lots of it, dammit! :smile:

    Then, of course, I'll regret it. But I find after I do make a deviation from the program like that, it makes it easier to stay on track the next couple of weeks. Whether it's someone's B'day dinner or just deciding it's time for some KFC, so long as it's occasional, it seems to help me overall.

    I have never hear it called a little slip before. A planed one at that. I like it though….I will have to use it sometime.
    Some call it “cheat” day. We have what we call “treat” day and we do it every Friday and it helps us stay on track with our eating plan and it keeps our metabolism guessing so it is less likely to set its self at the lower caloric intake. No matter what you call it it’s the same thing and it is a good thing if you ask me. It really helps keep us on track most of the time because we know Friday is coming and we will eat out and have ice cream or cookies or what every we want that day. My husbands weigh-in is Thursday night and mine is on Friday morning so we go out Friday night and enjoy the “Forbidden Foods”. The next day we get back to our eating plan and behave ourselves.
    Of course we both feel porky after we eat out on Friday and we do drop the calories down the next couple of days to make up for that we took in on Friday. It works for us. :flowerforyou:
  • aslavich
    aslavich Posts: 250 Member
    :ohwell: I've been been feeling the same way... back to square one. And since I can't weigh myself (thanks, Banks) I don't know (not sure if I want to know) how bad I'm doing.

    I feel like I'm being pulled in a million different directions... it's month end at work, I have sudden commitments I hadn't counted on, driving my kids here and there... and Saturday we're having my son's birthday party. I'm really going to me a conscious (sp?) effort to not go overboard this weekend.

    I really want to hit my Thanksgiving goal...
  • tracturk
    Pick yourself up and brush yourself off. You only had 3 bad days - heck I've had a whole month that went sideways on me once! The point is you get back on track because you're conscious of it and in your heart of hearts you know you really want to do it.

    We're all here for you. Tomorrow is another day - start that foodjournal again and slap on the sneakers. You're going to be fine, I just know it!:happy:
  • tdroseler
    just wanted to share a bit of a giggle with you all.

    this past monday was a thumbs down day. i figure i was going through withdrawls. I wanted, of all things a double cheeseburger from McD's. that isn't even, like real meat!!!

    There i was moping around the house. I called my sister, went to my dads, did a lot to try and get my mind off of it. (i knew it was stress related craving) My hunny came home, took one look at me and marched me out the door. Being the spoiled brat that i felt like being, i though how dare he come in here and take me for a walk like some little poochie. felt like throwing the collar and leash at him, lol...when we got home he asked me if it would have been better for him to let me go get the Mc D's...realistically, no...
    Anyways...we were talking about it. i was annoyed cause we have a nice weekend planned in the city, and i was only thinking about the food that i wouldn't be allowed to eat.
    He said that if i wanted, Saturday evening i could have whatever i wanted on the menu. It would be a "treat".
    He is so supportive...and knows me so well, even though we have only been together for 2.5 yrs.
    And, i have to say, im really proud of myself, so is he...i told him, no, but thank you. I was able to get firm and say, ive come far enough, that i don't want this to beat me. I want to say to the mirror, on monday...Yes!!!! you did it girl.
    Kind of all confusing, i think, lol...but the moral of the story is...when you think you are being weak...that is when you find your strength.
    We prove it every time we get back on this roller coaster we call Dieting...we are all incredibly strong day, 3 days...they don't matter much when you count how many days you have stuck it through...those are the days that make the most difference in our lives.
  • redalee
    redalee Posts: 256 Member
    we are all incredibly strong day, 3 days...they don't matter much when you count how many days you have stuck it through...those are the days that make the most difference in our lives.

    Great comment TD Rose! :wink:
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    ...when you think you are being weak...that is when you find your strength.

    Bravo!!! I Love It!!! And it is So true! :flowerforyou:
  • MsSandyE28
    MsSandyE28 Posts: 15 Member
    One thing that I always remember after a crazy weekend is that ... next time I will remember how terrible I felt after and will not allow myself to do that again!

    Pick yourself up! You are strong, the first tep is realizing that you want to get back on track! Good for you! Now do it! :) .. and don't forget what you feel like right at this moment as you go away for another long weekend in the future...

    Ok, I'm off to the gym now.
  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    You guys are the BEST! I feel so much better. I went back to the gym after I wrote my entry and when I got home I made myself a healthy dinner and I'm feeling back on track. I never thought in a million years that I'd be able to share my "fears" and struggles with food... this is the best.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,058 Member
    Yay, Katie! You got right back on track!

    I went to Vegas two weeks after starting MFP - we were there four days which equalled time for five buffets, two humongous meals in nice restaurants, and not just six desserts, but about fifty we figured (ok, so buffet desserts are small....) Oh, and I had about eight or nine cocktails - margaritas, beer, pomegranate martinis. - A bajillion crab legs with butter, lobster, filet mignon (which was easily 12 ounces), huge bowls of mashed potatoes.....happy hour chicken wings....oh, boy!

    You couldn't have been that crazy on your trip. But, it was fun, and I knew we would do that, and then a couple weeks later, a whole half gallon of tuxedo ice cream - in two days - by myself. tee hee.

    Se la vie! It was way worse for me when I had an injury and couldn't work out......I did gain weight that time: I think you have to cut loose occasionally, be it planned or not.

    cmriverside AKA Cheryl
  • tdroseler
    good for you katie...that is the inner spirit shining can do anything!!!!
  • Najah5150
    :ohwell: I've been been feeling the same way... back to square one. And since I can't weigh myself (thanks, Banks) I don't know (not sure if I want to know) how bad I'm doing.

    I feel like I'm being pulled in a million different directions... it's month end at work, I have sudden commitments I hadn't counted on, driving my kids here and there... and Saturday we're having my son's birthday party. I'm really going to me a conscious (sp?) effort to not go overboard this weekend.

    I really want to hit my Thanksgiving goal...

    Ang & Katie~
    I've been feeling the same way you both have...everyday is a STRUGGLE for me:sad: . I too REALLY wanna reach my goal by my weigh in on Thanksgiving day. I KNOW I can do's just been hard these past couple days for me to get it in gear.

    I know you both will get back on track!:wink:

    OH...and Ang....GL at Jeremy's birthday this weekend...I'm going to need that same luck next weekend for Devin's:grumble:
