Is a Cheat meal better than a Cheat day?



  • jching29
    jching29 Posts: 163
    I actually set goals to reach before I do cheat meals :) it works well...yeah, I know, they say you shouldn't reward yourself with food, but if I want to go out to the local wing joint, damn it, I can. And if I feel better after losing another three pounds before I do it, who should care?

    I think "cheat" meals are a good way to go, every once in a while. They usually help me lose more weight in the long run.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I stopped doing "cheat" days or meals, it got out of hand and I would just go over board. Now if there's something I want like chinese then I have it but I have a small portion, the whole moderation thing works for me now.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    I have a lot of weight to lose (90 lbs total, 50 left) and even longer to go to gain muscle and get in the physical fitness condition I want, so I'm going to be at this for a while (I've been at it since March, lost 40 pounds so far and dropping). I find it very helpful to have 1 cheat meal every week where I can eat whatever I want. I've found that it gives me a goal to look forward to and to also replenish calories and nutrients I may be missing. but I still track all those calories for that meal (which is usually over 1200 calories) and jump back into game face mode right afterwards. a typical friday night cheat meal for me would be a Chipotle burrito or a few slices of pizza, some chips or fries or something crunchy like that, and a desert (cheesecake is nice). I've found this has kept my focus very sharp (not depriving myself all the time for months ad nausseum) and I really think there is something to tricking the body out of potential starvation mode.
  • escalada22
    escalada22 Posts: 191 Member
    For my entire weightloss journey, I haven't restricted what I eat.
    If I want cake, I have it. If I want fried chicken, I have it. If i want a bowl of creamy pasta (my FAVOURITE!) I have it!.
    I just have it in MODERATION.
    Small servings, and healthy choices for the rest of the day.

    I've lost 15kgs so far, and havent denied myself of anything.

    I feel the same way...Although I have not put my best foot forward when I am really doing this and have my full mind into it, I feel that if I want a piece of cake or ice cream I enjoy it! If I deny myself of it I will over indulge.
  • merseyblue
    merseyblue Posts: 37 Member
    I'm a freelance writer and was asked to write a guide to Tim Ferriss' The 4 Hour Body for a company called Hyperink. His low carb diet plan advocates one cheat day each Saturday. When I say cheat, I mean cheat - this guy was eating a ton of food. The plan is supposed to help you lose 20lbs a month. It does seem to work, but is a little too low on carbs for my liking. I haven't followed the plan to the letter but I am taking a bit of it on board - mainly water within 30 minutes of waking up and a protein rich breakfast. I'm saving the full plan for when I hit a plateau at some point with what I'm doing now.

    There is an interesting post about it on Tim's blog is anyone is interested.

    BTW - this isn't a plug for my book lol - I've already been paid :)
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    For my entire weightloss journey, I haven't restricted what I eat.
    If I want cake, I have it. If I want fried chicken, I have it. If i want a bowl of creamy pasta (my FAVOURITE!) I have it!.
    I just have it in MODERATION.
    Small servings, and healthy choices for the rest of the day.

    I've lost 15kgs so far, and havent denied myself of anything.

    This here is what I do. I just log whatever I eat so I know the cost of it, I eat everything but in moderation. I eat ice cream almost every other day but I make sure I still remain in my calorie intake for the day.

    I'm trying to develop a new healthy life style I'm not trying to starve myself (well maybe a little), so you can have whatever you want just log it in and with that accountability you will learn the cost of what is good and what is bad for you. Go ahead eat that cheeseburger but know the cost of it is like an hour+ in the GYM :)

    Also I have noticed the biggest thing I used to do in any type of buffet, was eat like I will never see food again. Also some people eat as if they want to get their money's worth out of it. When I go now, I just look at a buffet as an easy way to sample a little from a lot of food. I aim to never be stuffed but rather not hungry.
  • LadyL2012
    LadyL2012 Posts: 127 Member
    I think it really depends on the purpose. Some will see good results with a meal or day and some with just a meal.

    The thing to remember is that a cheat meal DOESNT mean you should be stuffing your face and doing a 2000 calorie meal. It means to have something you wouldnt normally have in your diet or pehaps to have double servings or a dessert too. My cheat meals are typically only about 500-600 cals so I end up going only a little bit over my calorie goal and still well under maintenance.

    It keeps me sane and stops me caving in and in theory should give your metabolism a kick up the *kitten*. So they have psychological and physicql beneits.
  • bailuna
    bailuna Posts: 56
    I have somewhat of a cheat meal, once a week, on Wednesdays with my husband. It's the night we go out with friends to a pub for dinner. I have things I don't have throughout the week (soda, fried things) .. but still make sure to fit it into my calories for the day.
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member
    Just use this and you'll be fine


    You win the internets today.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    a cheat meal is def. better than a whole cheat day. that's something i don't understand, people get off track with one little thing, so they just get totally crazy about it. i think it is okay sometimes because you don't want to feel deprived and then give up, but i don't think binge eating is ever okay, and i think you should try to add in a little extra exercise on a day that u know ur gonna cheat or have cheated, or like u said, make up for it my having light meals the rest of the day
  • Magnamus
    Magnamus Posts: 66 Member
    I allow myself a cheat everyday.

    Most times I do not use it or I use wisely, either by taste or by choice.
    I'll eat a raw vegan dessert, homemade anything, special treats (bubble tea, muffin, etc....) but ultimately nothing if off limits.

    As time went by and my progress got better the cheats weren't cheats anymore. They became more of a hindrance than anything else. They would bloat me and make me feel sluggish. Tracking with MFP would let me see the progress slow down.
    So a actual cheat would be plastic surgery or some super drug... which i would not do or recommend. It's not really cheating if its planned and for some reason easier to deny when you give yourself permission.
  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    I allow myself a cheat everyday.

    Most times I do not use it or I use wisely, either by taste or by choice.
    I'll eat a raw vegan dessert, homemade anything, special treats (bubble tea, muffin, etc....) but ultimately nothing if off limits.

    As time went by and my progress got better the cheats weren't cheats anymore. They became more of a hindrance than anything else. They would bloat me and make me feel sluggish. Tracking with MFP would let me see the progress slow down.
    So a actual cheat would be plastic surgery or some super drug... which i would not do or recommend. It's not really cheating if its planned and for some reason easier to deny when you give yourself permission.

    I had to go for a long walk saturday night because I thought it was a great idea to eat like an idiot and felt like crap. After the walk I felt awesome. Cheating doesn't really work for me. I suppose it kind of does becuase it makes me work out more but I don't do it often and I definitely don't make it a rule.