Looking for friends that are also doing Weight Watchers :)

I am doing weight watchers but I also use this site. Would like some friends that know what I am talking about when it comes to points lol If you're doing weight watchers, add me :)


  • I am going to re-join ww this week and would love to have another friend. Do you track in both ww online and mfp?
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 614 Member
    I am on weight watchers too ! LOVING it !
  • My husband just started on Weight Watcher 2 days ago and I am tracking his food on that site and mine on this site. So far he has lost 4 pounds and is not hungry at all.
  • Jillian2128
    Jillian2128 Posts: 71 Member
    i do weight watchers too, i really enjoy it bc it helps me get in my fruits and veggies since they are "free" rather than eating 100 cal packs and stuff. I also NEED to be weighed. ive been a member for 3 months and have lost 17 lbs so far! I still log on here just bc if been on here for 2 years and i like to compare how many cals im eating and burning with the points lol
  • Rory_123
    Rory_123 Posts: 68 Member
    I track on both! Keeps my fruit intake in check.
  • Alana56
    Alana56 Posts: 4
    I am doing weight watchers as well and i would also like to talk to someone on the propoints its is a great way to go really enjoying that nothing is of the menus.
  • di2losew8
    di2losew8 Posts: 131 Member
    Im doing WW too my name on WW is mom2losew8 add me if you have a profile on the community. Add me here too.
  • gmpuggles
    gmpuggles Posts: 137 Member
    I'm doing Weight Watchers as well. I've got the same screen name there if you'd like to add me as a friend.
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    I did weight watchers and its great dont do it now just log on here and I think its great.
  • Inked2Love
    Inked2Love Posts: 48
    I am almost 4 weeks post partum and am debating on joining Weight Watchers. I have already been working out (yes i got clearance since i was active before and during pregnancy) and I have been doing low carb dieting. I am getting frustrated cuz in the past I could easily drop a few lbs a week.. well i have yet to drop even a single lb or inch. In the past I lost 135 lbs and kept it off doing a low carb lifestyle and working out a few days a week so this has been very hard for me to gain the weight and now have issues losing it. I am not breast feeding so its okay for me to restrict calories etc but even that doesnt help. I do not wanna hear "Oh you just had a baby". Yes thats true but its been a month pretty much and if I am watching what I eat and staying active.. then science says I should atleast lose a lb a wk. Thats all Im asking.. yeah more would be nice but right now Ill take anything. I suffered from an eating disorder due to all the emotional issues that came with losing so much weight... and I dont want that to be a part of my life again or my sons. Right now Im extremely depressed about this and its effecting me and of course my husband. Anyways Im just wondering if any of you ladies has had a good post partum experience with Weight Watchers? My sis has done the home version and she likes it. I have 25-30 lbs to lose for me to be at my happy weight. I appreciate anyones input and like I said.. please dont say "oh you should just wait awhile cuz of horomones etc" . Lol I dont wanna wait cuz my sanity is going out the window... I do track on here every day and did through my regnancy too. I love MFP!
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    Hey everybody on this thread! I'm Tara, and I am doing weight watchers again. I am not paying for it by any means, but there are some awesome websites that have TONS of information about the program, so you really don't have to pay if you don't want to!

    Everybody add me! I weigh in officially after my first week on Monday.
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    I track on both! Keeps my fruit intake in check.

    me too! and just overall comparisons!
  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member
    I had great success on WW! I fell off of it when I moved from a city where there were meetings ALL THE TIME to a smaller town where there is only one meeting/wk and I can't go to it because of my work schedule. I started tracking here a few weeks ago because the phone app is better (and free, heh).

    My user name is the same (if anyone is on the Canadian site)

    For those who wrote about "thinking of joining" what I liked about WW is it was as much about how and why you eat as what - listening to hunger signals, looking at your eating patterns, identifying emotional eating. While calories in < calories out is the fundamental truth to weight loss, there is so much more behind it when it comes to your habits and behaviours. Being on it really helped me sort those things out. I lost 35lbs and managed to maintain the loss for a year without really trying. Now I'm here because I know I need to track what I eat if I want to lose the 20 lbs I have left.
  • Inked2Love
    Inked2Love Posts: 48
    The one that is closest to me has meetings every day and at multiple times so Im glad for that. I am 29 yrs old and a first time mom.. Im wondering if I can take him with me to a meeting? He is only a month old on Tues. My hubby works crazy long days and Im a SAHM so he goes where I go lol. I also know that my body is sensitive to some carbs (like the ones in potatoes, breads etc.. I can do some fruit and some yogurt etc) so I am wondering if the leaders will help me make choices that allow for me to keep my carbs in check? Some ppl say it is a waste of $ to do it but Idk... its only $30 for a month and I figure its worth a try. I was able to maintain my weight from 2006 all the way through the end of 2011 when I got prego.. by staying low carb. But perhaps now that my horomones and body have changed.. as well as my age, maybe I need a different approach. One more question: Do they still give u all the books when you join at the meeting? I will for sure use a tracker on my Iphone but would still like books etc :)

    To those that did it in the past.. how many meetings did u go to? How often?
  • debjr66
    debjr66 Posts: 10
    I just began weight watchers yesterday. I lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks on Quick Weight Loss, but was very depressed. I was unable to socialize with anyone due to the restrictions. It has to be on the list and if it isn't, then I can not have it. I was afraid to get weighed and not see the scale go down a pound in one day.
  • runningartist
    runningartist Posts: 24 Member
    I lost 50 pounds with WW in 2006. When they changed to the new PP in 2011, I gained. So I joined MFP. One year later, I still havent lost any weight. Now they have revamped WW, so I'm going back. I'm double tracking for now because I want to see the difference. I've had doctors tell me the amount of food I should be eating and as of right now, I have one point left for today... but am only at 1200 calories. So... I'm wondering if you should dip into your extra points daily - because my most recent doc apt I was told I should be eating at least 1400...

    I also use the FitBit, which I LOVE!!!
  • goodigirl2
    goodigirl2 Posts: 58 Member
    I just signed up for WW again after 4 years. 6 years ago, I lost 50 lbs on WW. Since then, I've gained it almost all back by trying to maintain on my own. I have been using MFP for 2 years and recently bought a Body Media armband. While I LOVE the armband for the accurate information, it hasn't helped me in losing weight beyond 4 pounds the first week (it's been 3 months now). I'm getting married in 3 months and would like to lose about 15-20 lbs before then. I figured WW is my best bet as it has worked in the past, and I can do it all online now. For me, the points just make sense. Anyone else on WW--I'd love to find some friends!
  • I started weight watchers a little over a month ago. Ive lost 18lbs!! whew! But ive been eating all the same foods everyday and i feel like im going to hit a plateau soon. Any other WW members out there to keep me motivated??? add me as a friend!