Hello... again. Friends please?

Hi, I'm Blu - 25 from the UK. I've done this before with MFP and done well... but then I fell of the wagon and gained by just under 22lbs of the 36 I lost. So, I'm back again and looking for friends. I really need the support and I have found I do so much better with online friends - they not only inspire me but keep me accountable. Would love to have friends if you'll have me.


  • bebe710
    bebe710 Posts: 3
    Hi, Blu, I just joined today for the first time. I am hoping to get some great results. So.... what will you be doing differently this time? Just interested. Bebe from the US.
  • flyingpurplemonkey
    flyingpurplemonkey Posts: 105 Member
    Hi, I'm just starting here at mfp. I'll add you!
  • weightloss06
    Hi, i've been here about 6 weeks, wld love to have you on board and in return i'll motivate and support you too.
  • tabbycat533
    I have only been on her for 5 day and would love friends
  • mama78loosinWeight
    mama78loosinWeight Posts: 130 Member
    Hello, new here too. 1st timer and happy to have a friend :) request sent