New and Loving it



  • punker22
    punker22 Posts: 1
    Ive lost three lbs so far (in a week) and I'm super excited to lose more. Any tips for making it easier!?
  • Te2005
    Te2005 Posts: 173 Member
    I'm new to myfitnesspal. Do I have to eat all 1200 calories per day or just not exceed that amount?

    Yikes! If you are keeping yourself at 1200 calories, you had better eat every last one! Much under 1200 and you might put yoyr body into starvation mode which is counterproductive. Good luck on your journey, feel free to add me if you need some encouragment.
  • Ebolden06
    Ebolden06 Posts: 1
    Hello I just found this app and I am very excited about losing weight to better my health & prepare for my perfect wedding dress!!!!! Any suggestions on how to make this app work wonders? :smile:
  • mavelinehebert
    Hi everyone!! I am new here and was wondering how long did it take for you to start losing weight on this program?
  • omahagal30
    omahagal30 Posts: 6
    Love this site - my sister and I are both using it and comparing notes. I have had great results with following the Paleo Diet. It was recommended by my doctor. I lost 45 lbs on it two yrs ago... have gradually found my way back to being naughty and have gained 20 lbs of it back - HELP!!!!!!!!!! Back on Paleo now and it really just takes about 2 wks of "withdrawal" from sugar, breads, pasta, grains, soda pop, liquor (I still had some!) and excessive dairy and red meat. So what do I eat? Poultry, Fish, eggs, veggies, fruits, dairy in moderation and red meat sparingly. And WATER of course! But the good part is I eat ALL I WANT of these items!!! I can absolutely stuff myself and still lose weight. And once you get thru the withdrawal, you don't crave the sugars and carbs. My doctor lost 30 lbs himself and said he plans for his entire family to be on it for life-- because it is so healthy. He told me the original Paleo diet says no dairy but he feels a little bit is fine -- skim milk, a little yogurt, etc. I would recommend this to anyone!! Especially is you love veggies-- it's a real treat, AND you don't have that bloated feeling all the time becasue you are taking in more protein than carbs. Now after losing I became more active physically and my dr. said at that point to ad in a few more carbs to fuel my activity. Sorry to ramble but it's something I totally believe in!! Good luck everyoen on getting to your goal-- this site is an awesome tool!!
  • lizbeth12345
    Hello everyone. I not really new here. I used this website and the app a little over a year ago to help me lose the baby fat from my youngest. I have been going through some very hard times and stopped paying attention to what I was eating and let go my exercise regiment. I am back to a place in my life that I can pick up where I left off ( 20 lbs heavier). OK enough of my rambling. Just wanted to say hello to everyone and I'm glad to be back:smile:
  • mrsfish831
    mrsfish831 Posts: 1
    I just started us this app 3 days ago. I have tried the ideal protien diet ( I lost a lot but gained it back after going bananas on food for a while) and slim fast which I was never really able to stick too. I love this app because it shows me everting that is in what I eat. My first day was pretty bad. I didn't change my eating habits that day so I could see what not to do anymore and why. Just in the last two days I have started changing what I'm eating. I have had horrible eating habits my entire life, so yesterday I had half a dr pepper and half a bag of mint m & m's and still managed to stay in my calories. I know that keeping with that it will take me longer to lose weight but it hard to just switch out of bad eating habits and I think it's counter productive to just stop your regular eating habits and change because it only makes you feel deprived of what you really want and you end up reverting and making those eating habits worse then they were before (that is what happened to me at least). So I think that this app is great, you can choose what you eat, and it shows you all the nutrition facts so you can learn what's good to eat and what you should take in moderation.
  • sites02
    sites02 Posts: 2
    Your weight loss it great!! keep up the good work....
  • geneslilwifey
    I am new on here to its been a week and lost 6.6 lbs. I love this site. I am now notice that I am looking at every nutrition label before I decide to eat it or even before i buy it. Wow already made a babystep to a lifestyle change.
  • eaaiaui
    eaaiaui Posts: 1
    hi there.Im completely new to this and still waiting to see... A bit concerned about the allowance I have been giving Id 2500 calories...thats x lot...
    Let me introduce myself before boring the crowds. Im fit, healthy but naughty and take on eating when Im stressed with hectic life but still eat healthily. Im diabetic type One and alsogo coeliac. So fun when it to eating... Food becomes boring.
    I exercise most days, do about 7 workouts a week and um topping up with running...Im nit overweight but fed up if not being where I was before I had my daughter over 5 years ago, fed up of useless diets...Im hoping to get somewhere here wihhout feeling too much Pau..
    One of the downs of bei.g diabetic is when your sugars go down....I wish u could injects non calory stuff rather than having to gym on a hardwirking class and its hit, sugar goes down, u have to rake glucose tablets, not fair....Im normally pretty goof and can reduce insulin with good guesses but its nit ticket science...
    Any fellows on similar boat to me? Just want to loose 8kg...
  • KileeXO
    KileeXO Posts: 1
    Im also type 1 diabetic for almost 2 years now. I know exactly what you mean and what you're going through
  • kathleenp518
    kathleenp518 Posts: 48 Member
    That's awesome. It really works if you follow it.
  • nat7031
    nat7031 Posts: 5
    I have been on it for almost a month. I lost 4 pounds my first week but then gained it back and i have stayed with 1200 calories per day limit and im walking every day for excercise with it. I think the 4 pounds i lost right away was water weight because nothing has changed. Are people eating only vegetables? Or are they eating whatever they want as long as its still under there calorie goal? So far i am not impressed with this app/site and am wondering if i should eat less calories then it is telling me to. It is hard enough though as it is to stay under 1200 a day, i havent drank anything but water for this whole month to save calories. Any tips would be appreciated because im about to give up on this thing.
  • KALMdown
    KALMdown Posts: 211 Member
    I'm new to this too-doing it now for about 3 days. I love seeing how many calories and fat I consume. It's funny bcz I dont exceed my fat gram goal but I've exceeded my sugar goal everyday! Not by a lot, but still... Maybe now that I know what my problem is, I can work on it. Today I'm so hungry (happens once a month to every woman :grumble: ) and I just want to eat & eat. I don't eat bad food...but empty carbs will hurt me. I'm glad it's available as an app on my droid. I enter the foods within a few minutes of consumption. Good luck everyone!

    I have the same problem with my sugar intake. It's amazing how many foods have hidden sugar in it. I think once I control and lower my sugar intake, I will have a better time at losing weight.
  • tatoomagoo
    WIve been working on my diet for two months now, first month lost 26 pounds,second month didnt loose any. Wasnt taking my water pills. Trying but very hard to be consistant, but in trying.
    Snacking is my hardest thing to control at night, im a grazer. Always up looking. Well lets see how this month goes. Ill let you know
  • SweetMis82
    SweetMis82 Posts: 1 Member
    Try to read labels if possible to make sure that anything you eat is under 9 grams of sugar, which was something my personal trainer taught me. Also it is possible that you're not eating enough calories for your body. If you don't eat enough calories, you will not lose weight either. So if this is telling you to eat 1200 and you aren't even eating that, you won't lose. Maybe try eating 1300 and see what happens. Good Luck!!!
  • lililova
    lililova Posts: 3 Member
    wow! good for you!
  • loveinyourface
    Iv been on here for about 2 weeks and have lost 3 to 4 pounds!(; I love it!
  • Gimmeurs
    Gimmeurs Posts: 1
    I'm really loving this app. I've had this app for a while but never really followed through with it. For the past 2weeks I've been following, counting my calories and exercising with support. At first I had gained 2 pounds from my starting weight in the first week but by the second week I've lost 4. I'm proud of myself and happy that I'm already showing progress.
  • aprilmeg
    aprilmeg Posts: 10
    Nice man! I hope I can do as well! Cheers!