Help! Trying SO hard, haven't lost in 8 months!!



  • Misssassy1801
    Misssassy1801 Posts: 6 Member
    I would have to say if you are doing P90X, (I am doing it as well) I would say follow the meal plan, I saw you said you upped the calories and lowered them, my question to you is how much did you up them to? Another thing, don't be so hard on yourself you have accomplished so much more, than just the weight. I also think you could have plateaued which is another reason I asked what was the calories you consume. Remember with doing that workout and to even do the Hybrid your body needs lots of fuel to even make the scale budge, another thing I started doing is upping my protein and lowering my carbs to burn the fat faster. Oh and never forget muscle weighs more than fat, so your weigh gain could be muscle mass and again go by the measurements and pictures, and how you feel. I know it can be frustrating I just saw some weight gain and it's either I am gaining muscle or because it's that time of the month lol. Just keep doing what you are doing and maybe this will help as well it actually says 2400 calories for me or even the MFP calorie calculator.
  • maradot
    maradot Posts: 95 Member
    Well, I'm no exercise guru - but, I think, from what I've read, that serious body building activities/diet will make you the lean muscle machine you long to be. You may have to join some sort of body building gym or get some sort of machine.

    Also, I was told by a chemistry professor - many years ago, that once you put on fat cells you can never get rid of them. You may shrink them, but the are still there. Perhaps, you have shrunk you fat cells as far as they will go. I have watched those 600 pound life shows, and there is a point where they have surgery to remove flesh/fat. Not that I am advocating that. Get a good foundation garment. Much less dramatic.

    I am not a great exerciser, but I read a lot about it.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Diary is still not open. It would really help to see all that info.
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey friends. I need advice. Lots of info, so I'll try my best to be as brief as I can.

    January 2011, began weightloss journey at 204 lbs, size 18. Im 5'4", 30 year old mother of two young kids. Lost 50 lbs in 8 months. Hit 60 lbs (and a size 10) by 11 months. Then stopped. Completely stopped losing. I had an ultimate goal of 138 lbs, but never got past 144 when I stalled. I tried many things to jump start the process. Upping calories, lowering calories, changing foods, taking foods away, changing workouts, etc. In the past 19 months, Ive gone from eas(ier) work out DVD's in the living room, to running, to p90x, more running, Insanity, now Im doing a p90x/Insanity hybrid to work out. All of this really hard, very diligent, day after day work...and Ive *gained* back up to about 152. I simply DO NOT understand. I feel like there is no logical reason for it. Yes, I am putting on muscle, but the fat is not going anywhere. I wouldnt care about the number on the scale if I thought I were getting smaller over all. I would think that if I were gaining muscle, but losing fat, A). the number on the scale would at least stay the same, and B). my size would go down and I'd show a reduction in measurements. Im still a very solid size 10.
    I eat clean (with occasional exceptions). I try to eat according to my workouts.
    Don't get me wrong, I am VERY proud of my accomplishments. Ive worked hard for the body I have. But I never reached that ultimate goal. I do have the extra pounds to lose and they simply are not budging. For 8 months, Ive stayed the same. I just don't know what else to do.

    You talked a lot about your workouts. But, IMO, losing the last bit of weight boils down to do your diet-- and by this I mean primarily calories in and not necessarily just "eating clean." However, the workouts could come into play if you are overestimating your calories burned and "eating back" exercise calories. This is especially important when you are closer to your goal weight since you have less room for error. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

    1) Did you readjust your daily calorie goals to account for your weight loss? Losing weight will lower your TDEE (what you need to eat daily to maintain your current weight). Recalculate your BMR and TDEE and try setting your calories at your TDEE- 20%.

    2) Do you use a food scale? Again, since you were closer to your goal weight, you need to be more careful with your tracking. Even using measuring cups/spoons will often lead to underestimating calories consumed.

    3) Have you been logging every single thing and every single day? This might be the most important part-- being honest with yourself. It's easy, and common, to let your diet go a bit when you get close to your goal weight. Although I cannot make this observation with you (your diary is not open), I've often seen people posting about not losing/losing too slowly with 2-3 out of 7 days per week unlogged (the weekend, usually). If you do omit days, you may find it easier to stay on track (and see where you may have gone wrong) with consistent logging.

    4) Do you "eat back" exercise calories? If so, note that estimates of calories burned are typically exaggerations. Try eating back no more than 3/4 of exercise calories. If you are on such a plan, you should have your activity level at sedentary (unless maybe you have a job where you are on your feet all the time) so you do not "double count" exercise calories.

    5) Do you eat out often? If so, note that the calories given can be off by a considerable amount. Try cutting back on restaurants. And if you do eat out, to account for some of the mis-estimation, try eating 3/4 of the meal and logging the entire portion OR eating the entire thing and logging 1 1/4 portion.

    6) Do none of the above apply? Then maybe it's time to talk to your doctor. You might also consider going on a break for a month or 2 and then trying to eat at a deficit again.

    No, I didnt readjust much. I am going to do that.

    Yes, I have a food scale, and use it often.

    No. I actually stopped logging for a while and felt myself slippping, so I started logging again. I have tried to be very honest and log every single thing lately. It adds up, all the little bites. Ive had several special event things lately, too, so that doesnt help...AND, Im off schedule this summer (I dont work in the summer...I teach preschool, so its a moderately active job). So this would not be a good time to view my diary! lol But even if I dont count this past month, I still have the same problem over the last 7-8 months.

    I have issues with eating back all the calories I burn working out. Ive always been troubled by that. I dont see the point in burning 300-400 cals, and eating back 250-300 of them. Seems very counterproductive. Ive read, and reread articles on this...I understand the science...but its something I struggle with letting myself do. However, I do allow more cals on a really tough work out day.

    No, I dont eat out often, but when I do, I try to be very smart about it.
  • Misssassy1801
    Misssassy1801 Posts: 6 Member
    There is a rule about the carbs and the protein sugar or fat I forget but the more you up the you don't have to necessarily have lots of carbs for the P90X routine...although I will double check that....I did notice some people who followed the meal plan had amazing results, do you drink Shakeology?
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    This is probably going to stir up the hotbed of debate, but I'll throw it out there - starvation mode? You lost a lot of weight very quickly, and say you were eating around 1200 cals and exercising at the time (unless I'm misreading). We can't see your diary, but how many calories does MFP say you should eat according to your current lifestyle/weight, losing one lb a week? Are you netting that after exercise?

    I learned early on in my journey that if I don't eat enough, I go into long plateaus.

    Its currently saying like 1353 or something, per day. With an intense work out, it will say I need as many as 1700. I rarely go over 1500.
  • Misssassy1801
    Misssassy1801 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey friends. I need advice. Lots of info, so I'll try my best to be as brief as I can.

    January 2011, began weightloss journey at 204 lbs, size 18. Im 5'4", 30 year old mother of two young kids. Lost 50 lbs in 8 months. Hit 60 lbs (and a size 10) by 11 months. Then stopped. Completely stopped losing. I had an ultimate goal of 138 lbs, but never got past 144 when I stalled. I tried many things to jump start the process. Upping calories, lowering calories, changing foods, taking foods away, changing workouts, etc. In the past 19 months, Ive gone from eas(ier) work out DVD's in the living room, to running, to p90x, more running, Insanity, now Im doing a p90x/Insanity hybrid to work out. All of this really hard, very diligent, day after day work...and Ive *gained* back up to about 152. I simply DO NOT understand. I feel like there is no logical reason for it. Yes, I am putting on muscle, but the fat is not going anywhere. I wouldnt care about the number on the scale if I thought I were getting smaller over all. I would think that if I were gaining muscle, but losing fat, A). the number on the scale would at least stay the same, and B). my size would go down and I'd show a reduction in measurements. Im still a very solid size 10.
    I eat clean (with occasional exceptions). I try to eat according to my workouts.
    Don't get me wrong, I am VERY proud of my accomplishments. Ive worked hard for the body I have. But I never reached that ultimate goal. I do have the extra pounds to lose and they simply are not budging. For 8 months, Ive stayed the same. I just don't know what else to do.

    You talked a lot about your workouts. But, IMO, losing the last bit of weight boils down to do your diet-- and by this I mean primarily calories in and not necessarily just "eating clean." However, the workouts could come into play if you are overestimating your calories burned and "eating back" exercise calories. This is especially important when you are closer to your goal weight since you have less room for error. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

    1) Did you readjust your daily calorie goals to account for your weight loss? Losing weight will lower your TDEE (what you need to eat daily to maintain your current weight). Recalculate your BMR and TDEE and try setting your calories at your TDEE- 20%.

    2) Do you use a food scale? Again, since you were closer to your goal weight, you need to be more careful with your tracking. Even using measuring cups/spoons will often lead to underestimating calories consumed.

    3) Have you been logging every single thing and every single day? This might be the most important part-- being honest with yourself. It's easy, and common, to let your diet go a bit when you get close to your goal weight. Although I cannot make this observation with you (your diary is not open), I've often seen people posting about not losing/losing too slowly with 2-3 out of 7 days per week unlogged (the weekend, usually). If you do omit days, you may find it easier to stay on track (and see where you may have gone wrong) with consistent logging.

    4) Do you "eat back" exercise calories? If so, note that estimates of calories burned are typically exaggerations. Try eating back no more than 3/4 of exercise calories. If you are on such a plan, you should have your activity level at sedentary (unless maybe you have a job where you are on your feet all the time) so you do not "double count" exercise calories.

    5) Do you eat out often? If so, note that the calories given can be off by a considerable amount. Try cutting back on restaurants. And if you do eat out, to account for some of the mis-estimation, try eating 3/4 of the meal and logging the entire portion OR eating the entire thing and logging 1 1/4 portion.

    6) Do none of the above apply? Then maybe it's time to talk to your doctor. You might also consider going on a break for a month or 2 and then trying to eat at a deficit again.

    No, I didnt readjust much. I am going to do that.

    Yes, I have a food scale, and use it often.

    No. I actually stopped logging for a while and felt myself slippping, so I started logging again. I have tried to be very honest and log every single thing lately. It adds up, all the little bites. Ive had several special event things lately, too, so that doesnt help...AND, Im off schedule this summer (I dont work in the summer...I teach preschool, so its a moderately active job). So this would not be a good time to view my diary! lol But even if I dont count this past month, I still have the same problem over the last 7-8 months.

    I have issues with eating back all the calories I burn working out. Ive always been troubled by that. I dont see the point in burning 300-400 cals, and eating back 250-300 of them. Seems very counterproductive. Ive read, and reread articles on this...I understand the science...but its something I struggle with letting myself do. However, I do allow more cals on a really tough work out day.
    When you log your workout and the calories jump back up to another 800-1000 doesn't mean to consume those extra it's just saying or showing you that with what you have burned off it's like you have that much more to eat....that could be the issue you are having with the scale, hope that helps.
    No, I dont eat out often, but when I do, I try to be very smart about it.
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    This is just something to look at, but not an accusation or a definitive. My sister lost A LOT of weight and her period stopped, her doctor told her to gain weight, her hair starting falling out, etc. But to look at her you'd never guess that she was dangerously low on weight. She was around 145 pounds and 5'7". But because her skin had stretched so much she looked bigger and seemed like she still had a lot of fat on her. Is it possible that your skin has just not snapped back and you are thinking it is fat when it is actually sagging skin?

    And I agree with lmelangley, if you're not eating enough your body is not going to let go of the calories you put into it. Starvation mode is real, and I've noticed that it will also happen if I'm not spreading the calories out during the day.

    I definitely have the stretched skin. You cant fix that, I know. Yes...that does make me look bigger than I think I am. I was this weight in highschool, but a size smaller because I was not as stretched out back then. This belly has carried two big babies in it, too (While being over 200 lbs)! Ive come to terms with the fact that only surgery can fix some thing...but I feel and see the fat under the skin. Its there. No doubt.
  • cindys0417
    cindys0417 Posts: 1,163 Member
    I was just told by someone that too much exercise hinders weight loss..just an idea...maybe you are exercising too much..
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    Perhaps your body doesn't need to lose any more o.O

    ^^This^^ I lost a year of my life obsessing over this dilemma. I lost 90 lb, I was wearing a size 8, I was so focused on getting myself to the magical 145lb in my head (5'7") I am a whitewater kayaker, I lifted weights, took 4 spin classes a week, and mountain biked 2 times a week. I could not cut any more calories without creating an unhealthy deficit, leaving me incapable of performing the above listed activities. I stayed at 153 for over a year. I've since gained back 60lb after surgery and meeting/marrying a man completely uninterested in fitness. Now Im struggling to lose again, and looking through pictures, I'm unsure what the hell I thought I had to do. I was, not to put too fine a point on it... perfect. I had definition, I was strong - easily comprised of mainly muscle, sadly looking in the mirror all i saw was the stomach that had the skin left over from being obese. I didnt "see" the definition, only the "pooch", and I didn't think an 8 was enough, not when the damn scale still said I was 8lbs overweight. I ate clean, ate frequently, and burned a ton of calories..... sometimes you are exactly what you're supposed to be even when you aren't whatever your perceived goal is.... numbers aren't always right, and the numbers that are suggested that we be are based on an average, sometimes you really are the minority. Good luck, and be happy - a size 10 on the right build is nothing to be ashamed of.

    Thank you for this. I do struggle with this exact thing. Ive come so far, and completely transformed myself. Im so proud of what Ive been able to do and Ive inspired many of my coworkers. Im strong, Im healthy, and sometimes I even let myself think I look cute. ;) Back when I was 204, I'd have given anything to be 175. Then I reached goal after goal and made it to 144. I guess if I had never seen 144, I wouldnt be this freaked out about it. But I did. And now Im sitting on 150-152 and no matter what I try, I cant get back to 144. I guess I just dont know when enough is enough. When do I stop TRYING to get back to a certain number? When do I give up on that and accept the fact that Ive busted my butt for 8 months with no change? I dont mean "give up" on fitness...because Im not going to stop striving to stay fit. I just mean, stop living for a goal.... But sometimes, I think a goal is what keeps me going so hard...
  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    No, I didnt readjust much. I am going to do that.

    Yes, I have a food scale, and use it often.

    No. I actually stopped logging for a while and felt myself slippping, so I started logging again. I have tried to be very honest and log every single thing lately. It adds up, all the little bites. Ive had several special event things lately, too, so that doesnt help...AND, Im off schedule this summer (I dont work in the summer...I teach preschool, so its a moderately active job). So this would not be a good time to view my diary! lol But even if I dont count this past month, I still have the same problem over the last 7-8 months.

    I have issues with eating back all the calories I burn working out. Ive always been troubled by that. I dont see the point in burning 300-400 cals, and eating back 250-300 of them. Seems very counterproductive. Ive read, and reread articles on this...I understand the science...but its something I struggle with letting myself do. However, I do allow more cals on a really tough work out day.

    No, I dont eat out often, but when I do, I try to be very smart about it.

    You do sound a stressed... Why don't you try easing back from the workouts a bit? You could do some strength training workouts 3X per week, but ease back on the cardio- P90X, etc. Sometimes giving your body a break for a little while works. I also think you can eat a bit more than 1350 (depends on your TDEE), but make sure your logging is on point. That way, you really know what you need to adjust down the road.

    If you have an active job for only part of the year, you may find that you need to adjust your calories a bit during the summer (I think there was a post about teachers gaining/stalling in the summer b/c of the change in activity levels). But I don't think that you need to go any lower than 1350, summer or not.

    As for eating back exercise calories, I think it depends on the size of your deficit and what you have set your activity level at. In your case, it does sound like it would be a good idea to eat at least some of those back. Check out the link mcarter posted for explanation about how big calorie deficits + tons of cardio can be a bad idea. Another way to think about it is that you are eating to fuel your workouts and to repair your body for those workouts. Plus, you are already setting up a daily deficit with MFP, so you don't need to decrease your net calories even further--the exercise will give you a bit more to eat.
  • angelachristin
    Hmmm, if it were me I'd probably go to the dr and have them check your thyroid and express your concerns there. There really doesn't seem to be much of a reason why you would just stop losing like that!

  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member
    I found this article really helpful on breaking my 6 month plateau. I got it from a thread on MFP :

    For ME, I ended up reducing cardio a bit and slightly upping calories - and I've lost another 10 pounds. I'm 5'3 started at an 18/20 and stalled at slightly higher than you have. I'm getting ready to up the exercise again because I miss 5k's and running.

    A lot of people told me that I looked fine, was "close enough" and I should just "accept that this was my bodies set point"....I'm SO glad I didn't!

    Good luck!
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    With all the exercise you are doing, I think you need to get your calories up for the day, and even though we can't see your diary I think you need to increase your protein intake and lower your carb/fat intake.. Eat healthier foods as well.. again I can't see your diary.. You need to calculate your TDEE and cut number from a moderate exercise number to get how much you should be eating.
  • BeantownSooner

    Its currently saying like 1353 or something, per day. With an intense work out, it will say I need as many as 1700. I rarely go over 1500.

    On this, it's very easy to make up this difference in calories by using nuts, all natural nut butters and good fats like avocado, coconut, sesame and oil oils.

    If you like PB and J do this:

    Take 1 slice of Whole Wheat bread (~100 calories), 2 tbsp of PB (~180 calories) and 1 tbsp of an all fruit preserve such as Polander's (~40 calories). It's simple, convenient and packs a lot of calories in a very small package. Instead of a piece of fruit or veggies as a small snack try some of these.
  • bownut
    bownut Posts: 8 Member
    Hey ... I just found this on Livestrong.

    It suggests that lower intensity workouts can burn more fat. Something like 50-80% maximum heart rate. I can't remember if you have a HRM, but I use a Zephyr HXM with Endomondo Pro installed on my Droid. It seems to work and calculates calories burned just like the complicated formulas I find online. Anyway, I thought it might help.

  • ljaroch
    ljaroch Posts: 64
    Be careful with the extremely low carb thing for a long period of time. I've recently read a few studies that showed people who do that tend to gain the weight back more often and quicker than people who stick to a more balanced diet AND those to cut carbs too much can really mess up their metabolism. I wish I had the articles to share. I'm just saying, be careful doing anything too drastically.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    So you stalled 6 lbs short of your goal. So what? Just maintain! It's only 6 lbs. Besides, I think size 10 women are the hottest ones and you are no exception. My fiance is so excited to be a size 8... I keep my mouth shut on that one.
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    Well this was my situation EXACTLY for 2 years... I didn't move an ounce... I was very active and I eat very very clean and healthy and I couldn't figure it out. Finally I met with a nutritionist and realized that I was not eating enough.

    If you are that active you HAVE to be sure to eat back all of your exercise caloires. If you don't, you won't lose. Never dip below the "net" 1200 caloires per day or your body will just shut down and you will stop losing. I was the same way with a rapid 54lb loss and then it just stopped. Evidently I was only "netting" about 900 calories per day so the only thing I changed 7 weeks ago was eating back what I exercise and now I've lost 11lbs....

    If you are that active be sure to record what you burn and never never let that net go below 1200

    Don't worry about cutting this or cutting that if you already eat clean and healthy... your body could truely be in a starvation mode and that is going to create an energy deficieny. If you are really tired all the time for the last 8 months I would say for sure that is what is going on.

    If you never fall below that "net" just examine everything else you eat and be sure that you are recording everything properly... if that doesn't work I agree with those that said go to the doc... they always know the best place to start.....
  • mmmyotwnz
    mmmyotwnz Posts: 119 Member