Tredmill vs. Elliptical

mlauraa Posts: 166 Member
which do you think is more effective?


  • kimstaaa
    kimstaaa Posts: 24
    I think it depends on preference. For me I get a much better workout with the elliptical. I have 0 coordination on the treadmill so I spend more time trying not to trip than getting a good workout in.
  • Mskckaye
    Mskckaye Posts: 69 Member
    For me it is the Elliptical...I burn more calories when I am trying to get a good burn then when i use the Treadmill. Although I have done both in one day and the turn was awesome.
  • bwdcjk
    bwdcjk Posts: 96 Member
    Definitely elliptical! Burns approx 100 calories every 10 mins - treadmil doesn't come close. I can go about 6 mph on average on the elliptical and only 3.5 mph maybe on the treadmil. Strange the vast differences but I love the elliptical.
  • sourkeys
    sourkeys Posts: 36 Member
    I think the elliptical too. I can go quite a bit longer on the elliptical.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Just the opposite for me -- I like the treadmill, but am so uncoordinated on the elliptical! Plus, because I had a heart valve replaced in March, it gets my heart rate up too high for now.
  • danimal5867
    danimal5867 Posts: 390
    Elliptical wins hands down! Greater calorie burn. Very low impact so it's easier on the joints and never a problem with blisters.
  • papate
    papate Posts: 67 Member
    Elliptical. Last year I tore the tendons AND ligaments in my ankle and foot on the treadmill. I spent 3 months in one of those elephant foot boots, p.s. works great in the snow as a scoop. Anyway my doctor said ellipitcal better for the legs, knees, feet, etc. I could last a lot longer on a treadmill, but I feel the burn much more on the elliptical. Good luck.
  • msbonnier
    msbonnier Posts: 3 Member
    I think its preference too - I'm the opposite - I love my runs on the treadmill when outside isn't feasible! For me, there is nothing like a good run :)
  • kingkong247
    kingkong247 Posts: 55 Member
    I like stair master and the treadmill (i like to run) - elliptical doesn't cut it for me!!
  • millesun
    millesun Posts: 209 Member
    Elliptical....I can move much faster on the Elliptical(and burn A LOT MORE calories per min), when I try to move faster on the treadmill I tend to lose my balance.
  • mlauraa
    mlauraa Posts: 166 Member
    Yes, i was just wondering what people thought, but i also love the Elliptical..i hate running on the tredmill...i feel like my butt n boobs go everywhere lol
  • kingkong247
    kingkong247 Posts: 55 Member
    I think its preference too - I'm the opposite - I love my runs on the treadmill when outside isn't feasible! For me, there is nothing like a good run :)

  • alfpalmer
    alfpalmer Posts: 150 Member
    Elliptical is probably the better workout but I can't do that for more than a few minutes so given the two, I will go for a treadmill but REALLY prefer to be outside, it thats an option.
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    If I have to use either- I always pick the treadmill. When I run, I burn a lot more calories than when I use the elliptical. I find the elliptical to be boring and repetitive. I prefer running or walking outdoors, but will use the treadmill when I have to.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    treadmill for me. i can burn 100 calories in about 9 minutes, same as the elliptical. intensity is on me.
  • mlauraa
    mlauraa Posts: 166 Member
    lol thats also how i feel about tredmills..i cant balance on then
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    You are the engine (energy source) of the machines when you are using them...
    The calorie burn on the two machines should be similar...
  • tocara
    tocara Posts: 81 Member
    Elliptical for me.

    I like the low impact as my knees go through enough stress.

    Also, i think it depends on what type of elliptical you are using.

    I use the Precore one with cross ramp technology on a resistance of 10. LOVE IT =)
  • Jupiter878
    Jupiter878 Posts: 29
    The elliptical is "easier" for a reason. If you can't run, then yes the elliptical is more effective. Running burns more calories if you can sustain it. It's a personal preference. If you want to know what is more effective for you, wear a heart rate monitor, don't follow the machine's calories burned readout. It isn't accurate.
  • dkweathington
    dkweathington Posts: 69 Member
    i am a runner, so I am on the tredmill a lot. I do like to switch it up and get on the elliptical as well. I think it is good to do both if you can.