I hate counting calories and not losing.

JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
I have been counting religiously for 5 months. I have lost 0 lbs. Actually I gained 5. I am doing strength training so it could be muscle.:ohwell:

I am considering going low carb. Like no more than 1/2 a piece of bread with meal. I am always under my calorie goals. I eat clean. I am not eating too little. I did a metabolism reset. I tried eating more, eating less. I pretty much maintained no matter what the calorie level. Except for a 5 lb in one week gain on the metabolism reset. this is actually impossible by the numbers I was eating at.

The only way I have ever lost weight was by restricting carbs a lot. Are there some people like that?

Before I hated doing it because I felt so deprived. But now I hate being so fat. I don`t even want to eat at all. I don`t have too much to lose, but 20 lbs seems like a lot to me. how can I get to a healthy weight?


  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    I wish I could help. I'm bumping this though cuz I'm in a similar situation. My weight varies ... it goes up and down about 5 lbs and it has for the past (I think) 3 months. I can't seem to get it to stay down!
  • Nyranee
    Nyranee Posts: 57
    have you checked your Thyroid with an Endocrinologist ?

    I always stopp loosing but gaining if my Thyroid medicine is not propper adjusted and in my experience the general particioners are not the right people to ask as they just look if you are within a normal range that is so huge that for me, if I would be anywhere in the middle of that range I would need to be increased in medicine.

    Maybe it's worth to look at this if you really eat clean (your diary is blocked).
  • missxjuicy
    missxjuicy Posts: 205 Member
    What is a good amount of carbs to set this thing on to keep losing lol because, calorie counting and staying under is not really working anymore lol
  • Tonkatoni
    Tonkatoni Posts: 1
    your not eating enough. its best to go over a little then to stay under. also eat every 3 hours. set the alarm on your phone for your meals. plan your day a day earlier. do more cardio. this has helped me.
  • Pilotgirl86
    You said you are doing a lot of strength, how much cardio do you do? Cardio (basically an increased heart rate) is the best way to increase your metabolism and get the pounds off. If you are only doing strength you will find it hard to lose weight since it doesn't really get your heart pumping enough to burn calories. Remember that you need to burn an extra 3500 calories to lose 1lb of fat.

    Also, do you want to add me as a friend or make your diary public so I can take a look? I'm just curious if I can offer any "food" advice. I'm really not an advocate of cutting out whole food groups (such as carbs etc), but rather eating everything in moderation, lean meats, lots of veggies etc.

    Hope that helps, and let me know if you have any other questions.

    The only other thing I can offer is that I noticed you used HGC drops before, this can sometimes confuse your body's metabolism long term, and it can take your body a while to reset itself, it has also been shown to sometimes create metabolic problems (I'm not just a random that googled that, I have a degree in human physiology so have study this extensively). So you might want to get your thyroid levels looked at if you really are eating clean (all the time) and exercising properly.

    Have you lost inches but not weight? That's another way to look at things.

    Good luck!
  • Peppah7
    Peppah7 Posts: 64 Member
    bump. similar issues here - read later.
  • mjlobeau
    mjlobeau Posts: 28 Member
    I wish I could help. I'm in the same situation. Have been going up and down the same 5 lbs for 3 months. So frustrating. I have lost inches, but I can't even tell. I'm interested in answers too........
  • honeythatsokay
    Interested to see replies. I'm pretty much in the same situation.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Seriously.. people. It's so annoying to click on a post and want to help but see that the OP has a closed diary. If you want any kind of advice or counsel that will help at all.. make your diary public.
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294 Member
    also eat every 3 hours. set the alarm on your phone for your meals.
    Meal frequency doesn't actually matter at all.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    There are 6.7 billion people on Earth. There is an infinite amount of biochemical and physiological individuality among us once we get beyond the first principles of science. In your case, it sounds like you have the answer. You don't react well to carbohydrates. Cut them.
  • 4stephklug
    4stephklug Posts: 86 Member
    Open your diary and we can take a look. I can't lose weight if I eat exercise cal's back. I know, everyone says "eat more", but it doesn't work for me. I have my activity level on "slightly active" because it's not including workouts. I'm 161 and 1260 is what MFP sets for my calorie goal. I have to try to get it right around there to lose.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    your not eating enough. its best to go over a little then to stay under. also eat every 3 hours. set the alarm on your phone for your meals. plan your day a day earlier. do more cardio. this has helped me.

    How can it be best to go over a little then to stay under? People get fat because they eat to much.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    No open diary... for all we know you're downing 50,000 calories a day of twinkies and sprinting for 16 hours... Would absolutely love to know what your diet is like.
  • mrk34
    mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
    If nothing else works, you may want to take a look at the method that I used.

  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    Hi sorry for annoying some of you with my closed diary. But. I had it open before. I noticed I eat cleaner than all of my friends when I check theirs. I live in Japan, eat only organic and even a shot of wheat grass a day. I`d like you to take me at my word.

    I am not counting calories this week, first week in 5 months, because I am so frustrated. This doesn`t mean I have given up on eating well. Just opening my diary won`t help in this case. My nutrition is there. Just assume that.

    I always eat well. I used to do a lot of cardio. I lost nothing and still looked flabby even after months of it. I started doing strength training at home 5 weeks ago. I am doing a program designed by Leigh Peele, an elite trainer for gettting off those last 10 lbs. It`s a really active circut type. I do a round of cardio HIIt type after 3 days a week.

    I think the Spartan may be right. I`ll give it a week to try it out. I may have to kick the carbs. I have not lost at all. If this works it may be good for some of the others commenting on this thread.

    I really have tried everything suggested in eat more to weigh less group. I also tried eating really low cal and I didn`t lose their either.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    I have lost a few cm. from hips and maybe one from my waist. This is where I carry my weight. Anyway. hope you can help. I am seriously leaning low carb now. But are there any other options?
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    Almost certainly, you are either under-estimating what you are eating (weigh everything you eat -- even packaged food is usually a bit more than it says on the package) or over-estimating the number of calories you are burning (estimates of exercise calories from online calculators are very rough, and even estimates from heart rate monitors are only within 30% of the actual values, for women) or over-estimating your base calories (select "sedentary" and add any exercise you do manually).
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    In eat more to weigh less mode, 1 month ago. I went through all of this. I thought I was underestimating what I ate and over estimating what I burn.

    I weighed everything. I don`t count my exercise at all and have my calories set at -20% of my TDEE. I don`t do big bouts of cardio so I never net below my BMR.

    I didn`t know all these things before MFP but now I do and still no weight loss.

    I did HCG for 6 weeks all together 2 years ago. I want to do this and not gain it back this time. So I have to find a way that works forever. Maybe I can do carb limiting. But can I keep it up? I am sure I can do it long enough to lose 1 lb.

    Since I haven` t lost even 1 lb any other way so far. I guess I gotta see if this works for me.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    change your workout routines. my routines are all over the place. you dont want your body to get used to any routine. cardio or strength wise. good luck.