this is hard.

i seem to be under my calories everyday. but im just not feelin it. I have never had this much trouble losing weight before. i was either really skinny or it just fell off. i also generally burn 500-1000 a day at work and or the gym. any ideas people?


  • cortexx
    cortexx Posts: 15
    Need more information.

    Are you at a plateau? How long have you been trying to lose more weight?
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    are you just not hungry?

    there's no need to force yourself to eat.
  • restoreleanne
    restoreleanne Posts: 217 Member
    Just keep going and you can get through this.
  • NS1216
    NS1216 Posts: 26
    Well doing research into the right kind of foods is important I think. I firmly believe it isnt just all about the calories. Keeping an eye on carbs, sodium, dietary fibers etc is also so important! I had no idea how much lack of potassium or too much fiber can effect you until I started paying attention to EVERYTHING.
  • estrada3d
    estrada3d Posts: 78 Member
    i should research it more. cause I never struggled like i do now. its really discouraging me, just gotta keep my eye on the prize
  • Merda
    Merda Posts: 2
    Are you taking a rest day in between workouts ? Are you getting at least eight hours of sleep a night ? My trainer made sure I had a cheat meal once a week. I did no carbs after 7pm and changed my workout. It really kicked started my weight loss again. Just throwing a few ideas out there for you. Hope they help