Challenge to MFP Members

Challenge to all on the gym do 5 more minutes on your cardio today!!!!!!!!!!! I will do it............will you?


  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I will, going to the gym in a minute. :)
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    I knew I could count on you Lect!!!!!!!! Go kick some *kitten*!
    I will, going to the gym in a minute. :)
  • Nofluffiness
    Nofluffiness Posts: 19 Member
    Added 5 minutes this morning and will be burning it up in the swimming pool later this evening! Up for the challenge!
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    Awesome commitment girl!!!!!!!!!!!
    Added 5 minutes this morning and will be burning it up in the swimming pool later this evening! Up for the challenge!
  • slliwlt
    slliwlt Posts: 68 Member
    Count me in! Getting ready for bike ride now & c25k tonight!
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    Outstanding to hear.........let me know how it goes :)
    Count me in! Getting ready for bike ride now & c25k tonight!
  • mhouston2011
    mhouston2011 Posts: 155
    Great idea!! Will be adding it in to my workout this evening...thanks for the add are truly an inspiration!!
  • Meadows_Mommy05
    I'm in, I go downstairs, I have my own mini gym in my basement--I'll be riding the bike today was planning on bumping up from 30 to 45 minutes-- Now I will have to bump it up to 50 minutes to get the extra 5 minutes in......
  • razorbecky
    razorbecky Posts: 134
    I'll do it :happy:
    Have a bike ride scheduled for after work, can't wait.
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    Great job on the commitment and thanks for adding me as well :)
    Great idea!! Will be adding it in to my workout this evening...thanks for the add are truly an inspiration!!
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    Happy to hear you took up the challege as well :)
    I'm in, I go downstairs, I have my own mini gym in my basement--I'll be riding the bike today was planning on bumping up from 30 to 45 minutes-- Now I will have to bump it up to 50 minutes to get the extra 5 minutes in......
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    Good to hear your biking after work......that is not always easy to do but go and tear it up girl :)
    I'll do it :happy:
    Have a bike ride scheduled for after work, can't wait.
  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    Challenge accepted. :bigsmile:
  • mmeddleton
    mmeddleton Posts: 100 Member
    Already done! Speed walked/ran 5 miles this morning. Heading to the gym after work to hit the weights. Thanks for posting the challenge!
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    Way to accept the challenge...............have a great workout!!!
    Challenge accepted. :bigsmile:
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    Great job this morning...........keep up the good work!
    Already done! Speed walked/ran 5 miles this morning. Heading to the gym after work to hit the weights. Thanks for posting the challenge!
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    Count me in!
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    Sounds great have an awesome workout!!!!!!!!!!!
    Count me in!
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Challenge to all on the gym do 5 more minutes on your cardio today!!!!!!!!!!! I will do it............will you?

    When I first read this, I thought you were saying to do 5 minutes of cardio. As in, total. I was thinking, wooo, I got this! Then I re-read it instead of skimming and realized you mean adding 5 more minutes.

    I will still take on your challenge. My goal was 30 minutes this evening (just starting again after being sick for a while), but now I will do 35. And I will start reading instead of skimming :happy:
  • bradday86
    bradday86 Posts: 4
    I was dying at the 15 mile mark on my daily bike ride today and wa at 54 minutes come to find out and was internally struggling with whether to go 5-10 minutes more knowing I was working legs today. I so wish I had seen this challenge as it would have helped me dig a tad deeper and get it done. Congrats to all of you who were stronger then me today= And I will remember this tomorrow when I ride. Stay Motivated All