30 Day Shred

So I just ordered the Jullian Michaels 30 day shred DVD. I needed something a little different to do to keep me motivated. This will be my first time doing any Julian Michaels but I have heard great things. Please give me a few of your success stories if you have used it and it worked for you. Looking for a little motivation.


  • nangel4u
    nangel4u Posts: 119
    I have done it and started doing level 1 for 2 weeks, then level 2 for the next 2 weeks then on to level 3 for 2 weeks when I first started working out. The first day I did it I thought I was gonna die and had to keep on pausing the video every minute but I got through it and level 3 is no joke!!! You can do it :-)
  • MrsFolk
    MrsFolk Posts: 205
    For the entire first week, I thought I was going to die, literally. I still dislike her, but her workouts are extremely effective. You will be very sore, so don't overdo it.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I did really well on this program. I used it during winter break from my job as a teacher, came back and people couldn't believe the difference. I just started doing this workout again.
  • stomachflu
    stomachflu Posts: 134 Member
    You will feel like dying on day one..it does get better. I still can't do the jumping jacks part because of knee pain. I don't like her and her banter but the workout is good. I tend to put the volume on super low or mute so I can't hear her *laff*
  • misstangieb2012
    misstangieb2012 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for the feedback guys. I started yesterday. I am wondering should I take rest days or am I suppose to do it for 30 straight days.