Introducing ME :D

Hi My name is Nicole and I am a mom and wife. I have struggled with my weight since I was 19 years old. If their is a diet out there I have probably tried it haha. I am also a nursing student so I have learned alot on the do's and don'ts.

I also know that there is no such thing as lose quick. Most of the time if you lose 10 or 15 pounds in a very short amount of time it's most likely water weight. But don't get discouraged. Another no no is please let your scale rest. Don't weigh yourself everyday. Do it once a week. Because your weight goals anyways is to lose a certain amount each week :).

Also I keep a journal and the first thing I did is figure out the root cause of my weight gain and why I can't lose weight. I honestly believe you have to have your mind healthy before you can get your body healthy.

Y'all have a wonderful day and good luck to everyone.


  • abadaba
    abadaba Posts: 44
    Hi Nicole
    Thanks for sharing about yourself. I keep a blog that includes my food diary and some thoughts about feelings and this whole journey. I also go to OA meetings, since much of my eating stems from emotions and wanting to numb myself.
    Exercise has always been a challenge for me, but I like a challenge, and am faithfully doing some activity at least 4x a week.

    You will do this!
  • alegaux
    alegaux Posts: 11
    hi nicole, my name is Antoinette/ if you need support im willing to assist. im 27 lbs dosswn and its still hard for me but im pushing