Calling for ROW THE WORLD 3 !!!

LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
Yes ok it's been a while so thought i would offer up one of my round the world games (yes it was my idea first!)

The basic idea is, as a team convert your "cals burnt" in to miles, which moves your boat around the track


1) Need to be in teams of six, and one to act as skipper and contact to me.
2) The Skipper is to get their team cals and convert to miles and submit to me as often as possible
3) The ratio is 1 cal per .05 if a team member submits a 600 cal burn x that by 0.5 to get 300 miles
4) If a team member is away or on holiday the team can sub in a new team member, or the team member away can submit any cals while away all at once.
5) the odd challenge day might be thrown in as and when, so team skippers should FR me to see any new reports.
6) when submitting miles, team skiipers should only submit the miles from the last report, not the grand total.

I work out that a team of six people, each burning around 600 cals per day will complete in around 30 days.

If you have a team please PM me a list of your team, and who is the skipper, plus a team name and a logo should you wish.

This will be starting on Aug 1st !!!!

any questions post on here or PM me !!!!


As an aside, if you are interested but not in a team, please post on here that you want in, and im sure people will get picked up !
