The crazy things people say when you are losing weight...



  • munkey418
    munkey418 Posts: 139
    Mine was 'I didn't know you had that much to loose'. Umm, yeah

    same! told a friend i lost 20lbs and had at least 130 more to go he told me he was concerned i had an ED and didnt think i needed to have such a high goal....
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    co-workers are the worst lol.I had one guy tell me 'Oh is your butt getting bigger?" I was wearing new pants that fit a lot nicer in that area so my bum was more pronounced and shapely, but he didn't say that!

    There is another guy who used to be a personal trainer, and is a BIG know it all (even tho he was eating redbull with hot cheetos and fast food today, like most days!) and he told me that my salad was pointless because it was all water and would just bloat me.......I'm sorry should I not drink water because its going to bloat me too?
    I am down almost 30 pounds with out your help, thank you!
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    Once had a person tell me, "Now how am I supposed to tell you and your sister are supposeed to be the fat one." Like it is my general description. Hi, I am the fat one, now let me tell you everyone else's name...oh, my sister is blond and green eyed with a tan. I am dark brunette with really dark brown eyes and very fair. Hmmmm.....let me see if I can find a better way to tell us apart....
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I always get the "you are getting so skinny" or "you are melting". I am so not skinny and I wish I was melting instead of working my a@@ off at this. Either one pi$$es me off more than it novitiates me. The last one angers me more as it implies to me that they think I am not working at it.
  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    everyone says that i look amazing and ask how did i manage to lose so much?? i reply that i started to exercise and watch every calorie that goes in my mouth....then they look horrifed and say..."oh i could never do that".....i think to, don't!!!.....

    now my dad is worried about me tho and says that i'm getting too thin and that if i'm not careful i'm going to get anorexia......i assure him that there is no worry about that....seems i can't win tho because before i started MFP.....when i would visit he would take a look at me and say....mmmm....putting weight on again are we?????/lol......go figure!!!!!

    Your going to get anorexia- lolol Like it's something you can catch. Gotta love parents.
  • robin68562
    robin68562 Posts: 116 Member
    One guy actually to me "Wow! You lost a sh*%load of weight!" What I'd like to know is, how much exactly is a sh*%load?
  • Judyalex
    Judyalex Posts: 2
    I lost around 15 or 18 pounds and people were thinking I had the bypass, lol
    come on! do you think a doctor will do a bypass to a person who weights 145 lb!
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    Bumping that one, to read it all :)

    I didn't get anything that was really uncommon, but I do get a lot of people that ask what I'm doing, and will usually reply with a tiny bit of useless micromanagement crap they read somewhere, like "You should really eat 6 meals a day", or "Meals timing is very important after workouts", etc etc... Like... yeah, next time you lose 40+ pounds with that, let's have that conversation again.

    I like talking about fitness and diets with people that are genuinely motivated, but I' starting to really not care anymore about people that are just finding excuses. Reflects my own attitude before doing this, and I just find it annoying :p
  • DanielleRN8
    DanielleRN8 Posts: 409
    A coworker asked in front of everyone, "Are you sick?" I replied with a no and said I was eating smaller portions and working out. She then decided to say (again, in front of everyone) "Why would you lose that much on purpose?" I just said, "Because I want to be healthy... Isn't that what we are teaching our patients?" Some people are just plain rude and ignorant!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    Them: I bet now that you think you're all cute (again, it happened in that exact moment I guess) you don't have time to talk to me anymore huh?
    Me: Well actually I didn't like talking to you before..I just didn't have the speed or agility to get away from you like I can now..

    I literally busted out laughing at this. You go girl! :flowerforyou:
  • AC417
    AC417 Posts: 56 Member
    Someone once asked me, " So, what route did you take to losing weight?" I told him, "The eating better and exercising route." :)

    The other day a friend told me, "You don't look like you're losing weight. You just look like you're getting smaller." :/
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    the crazy things people say is they know I am losing but they still need to tell me what I should be doing even though what I am doin is workin. or They now I am losin and they still say you need to lose weight, really? What idiots.
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    Bumping that one, to read it all :)

    I didn't get anything that was really uncommon, but I do get a lot of people that ask what I'm doing, and will usually reply with a tiny bit of useless micromanagement crap they read somewhere, like "You should really eat 6 meals a day", or "Meals timing is very important after workouts", etc etc... Like... yeah, next time you lose 40+ pounds with that, let's have that conversation again.

    I like talking about fitness and diets with people that are genuinely motivated, but I' starting to really not care anymore about people that are just finding excuses. Reflects my own attitude before doing this, and I just find it annoying :p

  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    This one annoys me a little: "You're lucky you're so thin!" I mean, I appreciate the compliment, but I work my butt off to be in shape! It's not about luck! I think it's one part genetics to 9 parts nutrition/exercise/lifestyle.
  • I hate people telling me I don't need to lose weight, or people looking at me like I'm an alien when I tell them I'm with WW. It's my decision, I want to feel comfortable in my clothes again, so I don't understand why so many people think I'm being unreasonable!
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Bump. Funny thread. I'm still waiting for somebody to notice!
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I am down 10#'s in my first 2 weeks using the site... so I am very proud to tell people what I am doing... I tell them tracking my food intake counting calories and working out... ALOT!
    It never fails... after I tell some one that... they invite to go have fast food or something else equally as unhealthy. When I decline because I don't want to eat junk anymore... or that I can't have that on my chosen food plan.. I always get the say reply... "well the secret to dieting is moderation... you know you can have anything you want in moderation." And while yes i agree that's true, please just let me turn down a bad food choice and move on! I am on my way to my goal!!

    There is just no way to have a big mac in moderation.
  • HeidiSmith419
    HeidiSmith419 Posts: 71 Member
    " dont you think your skinny enough yet", i think its ironic coming from someone who claims to be losing weight but hadnt lost a pound- continuing to stuff thier face- and said that to me with a scolding angry sorry whos got the problem here? not me...anymore:laugh:

    'this made me laugh because I CAN relate!!! I lost over 70lbs and showed up to Father's Day brunch, most had not seen me. ONE quietly gave me a very loving private praise. NO ONE ELSE MENTIONED IT. Now some of them are the same people that make no qualms about asking me about my personal health. even when I tell them OVER AND OVER that I had had no serious health issues over the years, very rude comments. yet here I bust my *kitten* and nothin'.

    I won't see most of them again till thanksgiving or xmas (my husband says, let's stay home turkey day, and then just show up for xmas all "skinny"! <3 him!) I'd just like to see their faces when I've lost 100+lbs. LOL because then if they say nothing, I can just laugh.
  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    One guy actually to me "Wow! You lost a sh*%load of weight!" What I'd like to know is, how much exactly is a sh*%load?

    Scientifically? A metric ton of crap :D
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    I get, "Wow you are wasting away to nothing!" Uhm no I am not, nothing would be 0 pounds and I am far above that. Of course thats what I think, but now I just reply "That's the point, maybe I can then just disappear?" haha they dont know how to respond to that.

    Or I get "Your husband must be all over you.....or your husband must really be attracted to you now.... or your husband....(something else about our sex life)" uhm, first I am not discussing my sex life with you, second my husband has always been attracted to me no matter what size I was or am.

    and the thing that bothers me the most is when they ask me how I have done it, and I tell them counting calories, getting proper nutrition, eating clean whole foods, watching my macros (protein, carbs, fat) and cardio and weight training, they go on to tell me about this or that great diet/eating plan/supplement/shake, etc GRRRRR!

    I love to talk diet and nutrition to those that are genuinely interested, and when i explain I have spent alot of time reading everything I can get my hands on about nutrition some will either really believe me, but most will start telling me all the same old myths and misconceptions about diet and nutrition.

    seriously people, if i was still at my original weight and telling you about nutrition you have every right to not believe me, but am i not living proof?
  • mondesa
    mondesa Posts: 61 Member
    I started dieting because i needed to have major abdominal surgery.After losing 40 pounds rather quickly it was time for my surgery a coworker said why dont you just have your stomache stapled then you wont have to worry about all the other stuff
  • My mom, who is going to be 80 in September, flew down to NC to see my daughter graduate high school. The first thing she said was, "Where's your *kitten*?"
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I had someone tell me today, when I mentioned my current weight, that I need to "put on a few pounds". This was on FB, so I replied "Why would I want to put on a few pounds when I've worked so hard to take them OFF????" No response....LOL
  • Just found this site and wish I had found it earlier. I lost 70 pounds in 2011 and the comments people made sometimes made me stop in my tracks. I'll admit most people were fairly supportive but some of my favorite comments included:

    - Do you have cancer?
    - Don't get too skinny - skinny people are ugly!
    - You're done right?

    I think that most people mean well but face it - change is difficult for people to accept. One thing I noticed is that initially I lost a lot of weight in my face and that made me look gaunt and skinnier than I was, but it eventually came back. In fact, I've had people comment that I look 'better' now that I've put on a little weight back (I haven't told them that I actually weigh LESS than the last time they saw me!). Only YOU know when you've arrived!
  • Yah! I love these responses - they show your maturity level and self confidence.

    No matter how snarky people can be: thoughtless, inconsiderate, mean, back biting, etc., it's a personal matter, and my weight loss is between my physician and me. (And MFP Pals!)

    Good Luck, and keep it up! It's OK to say this! We will have to "keep it up" for the rest of our lives to keep it off! We can do it!
  • LeesieLuLu88
    LeesieLuLu88 Posts: 9 Member
    back when I was a teenager I lost alot of weight, got down to 140lbs....some church lady asked "are you meaning to lose weight?". Uh, yeahhhhh! I think alot of people thought I was doing drugs. A teenager working out and eating right wasn't very common.
  • imwithgizmo
    imwithgizmo Posts: 146 Member
    "Isn't it haaaaaaard (they always draw it out like that) switching your diet all up like that?" Yup, you bet it is. It's even harder lugging my extra-wide butt around, and watching my loved ones enjoy things I know I can't do. I promise you, I'm not likely to expire from the effort of eating better. Maybe you should try it, too.

    Love this! If you wrote a blog I would so read it!
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    I don't see how u do it. U don't need to loss weight are you sick? Duuuh
  • tanmustlose
    tanmustlose Posts: 39
    I think one of the things I'm not prepared for is getting attention from people who would never have looked twice at my heavy self.

    Yeah, this one I can understand. Bah humbug!

    Oh, and ......... OMG what happened to you!
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I recently went on out and about with my youngest daughter. I was wondering if she would notice I lost a bit of weight. But, since I can't see it I was pretty sure she wouldn't either, but she notices everything, like her sisters. Anyway she came over and I got my jacket and out we went. Five minutes later she said "Mom you lost a lot of weight you are tiny". Wait wut??? I have a long way to go to tiny. Which actually won't happen because I am large boned. I will get smaller though much smaller.