One year later 58 lbs down! 5'6" 245 - 187lbs

jsabet Posts: 51 Member
A year ago I weighed a whopping 245lbs. 30%+ bodyfat. 38 inch waist. Heavy breathing going up stairs! Unhappy, unhealthy. In a horrible relationship.

Jan 2011 I decided I wanted a change. Not a change in diet, or a change in working out. I have always yoyo'd with the hardships of keeping in shape. I needed a drastic change.

I sold all my personal possessions. Got out of my relationship. Moved out of my apartment and traveled for months around the world. I took a vacation from myself, searched out my true happiness. I found love in every corner of the planet, took random little jobs, I had adventure, skateboarding in northern Africa, running around on beaches in Thailand, cliff jumping in Greece. I wanted more from my life, and I was out to take it. I felt worlds better about myself and finally felt a break from my troubles - thats when the weight loss started. Once back in the US my progress continued. I started to shed lbs almost effortlessly. I figured out which food addictions messed me up in the past and I have steered clear.

Today I weighed in at 187lbs 18% bodyfat. Loose 34 inch waist. Very happy, and extremely healthy.

How I did it: No sugars, starches, wheats, beer, simple carbs or stress. Only complex green carbs and lean meats. I practice yoga every day for 90 minutes, then on my off days I either run or weight train.


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