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Called fat by a stranger.



  • mrstom09
    mrstom09 Posts: 5
    Its so sad that we have all got so many stories about random strangers calling us fat.

    I have had it on a number of occassions, even a boy of about 5 who lives up my road shouting 'your fat' at me. I don't understand why complete strangers feel the need to make us feel so bad about ourselves.
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 492 Member
    This is so sad. We have the same problem here in the UK. Kids are just so cocky and rude. :angry:

    BUT, not my kids! Oh no. Never. They wouldn't DARE. And why is that? Cos their father & I have brought them up better than that. They know it's wrong and hurtful and I can't imagine either of them speaking to anyone like that.

    Please don't let this pu you off havng kids, they really are a joy, but you gotta lay down the rules from an early age!!

    If i were you I would put the indignation and anger into my workouts! Think of them when you're hurting and push that little bit harder! Best of luck with your goals :flowerforyou:
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 492 Member
    I would have sat on the little ****er.

  • some kids are just ignorant.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I have been called "Fat" by many people throughout my life... I am aware that I do not look as fat as I used to look... On the other hand, I still feel very fat... It is a long story and I do not want to talk too much about myself right now...

    But, I believe that those kids who called you fat are wrong...

    I think children need to be taught that there is more than one acceptable body type... They also need to be taught not to use vulgar language to strangers or anyone else in public...
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    next time, just turn around and stroll on back, with a nice smile, " best thing about being fat? is I can lose it, you can't do that with stupid, sorry kiddo." turn around and keep on a walking with a smile.
  • louised88
    louised88 Posts: 159

    And for the person on this thread who intimated that people who get called fat must not be as confident a personality and are therefore somehow asking for this behavior... My only words are, "Wow. How ignorant." Perhaps you did not intend your words to come across that way, but they did.

    I absolutely agree. And saying the OP is 'as bad' for calling 12 year olds *kitten*? Sorry, but as awful as sweeping generalisations are, 12 years olds are not an oppressed group and calling them *kitten* is nowhere near as bad as deliberately targeting and attacking an individual who has done NOTHING except have the temerity to go outside while fat.
  • kann09
    kann09 Posts: 12
    Who cares what they say. That age they have an IQ for a gnat anyway. Just keep on track for yourself not others. You dont let kids in spiderman underwear uspset you. I know it hard but, try and brush it off. You are doing good and keep going
  • ValTheRizzle
    ValTheRizzle Posts: 28 Member
    I rejected a guy at a club once, and he randomly called me a fat b*tch. I guess he was mad I refused to dance with him. It really stung and ruined the rest of the night! How was I supposed to shake my stuff if I was feeling that unconfident!?

    People are rude. People are mean. But most people aren't making a positive life change like we are. Just keep pushing forward and keep your head held high!

    I've had this same thing happen to me on multiple occassions. Like it makes them feel better to just call me fat than deal with the fact that someone doesn't want to dance with them. It's ruined my night before too. I really don't let it bother me anymore, because I know that if anyone hears them, it makes them look like an idiot, not me.

    People are mean, bullies are everywhere, even when we're adults. It's sad.
  • kittyandclouds
    kittyandclouds Posts: 2 Member
    Nope, they are rude. I never have but my family has. I wanted to punch a girl out in class one time for calling my best friend a fat C*** to HER FACE.
  • jubeemine
    jubeemine Posts: 13
    I've been called awful names all my life. Nothing recent though. I have 4 girls, my oldest is 9. Once, in a store..when she was about 7..we passed a very overweight woman using one of the motorized carts. My daughter stopped and stared. Without skipping a beat, I looked down at her and said. "Isn't she beautiful?". The woman turned and looked at me, tears in her eyes, and thanked me.

    Not all kids are little ****s. And Karma sucks.
  • lovekohl
    lovekohl Posts: 111 Member
    That's so horrible. I've been called pregnant multiple times when I'm actually not. Please don't let those kids keep you from wanting kids. It has everything to do with how children are raised. It's very possible to teach your kids how to be polite and respectful even when they get an earful of that kind of stuff when they're at school or the park. Try and let it roll off your shoulder even though I know that's way easier said than done. *hugs*
  • lovekohl
    lovekohl Posts: 111 Member
    I may raise some eyebrows, but here is my philosophy:

    FAT is not a curse word. All it does is identify a person.
    Calling someone tall, short, skinny, black, brown etc.. is just a way to identify someone if you don't know them.
    But society has made the word FAT too complicated.
    People should not take offense to such things.

    That is just what I think.
    I apologize in advance if my philosophy made you mad.

    I agree that the word fat, when used as a descriptive term, is not a bad word on its own. It's when people use that word with the intent to hurt someone's feelings or as a derogatory remark as when combined with a curse word. There is definitely a difference. It's possible to use any adjective with a negative connotaion. Any of the words you listed (tall, short, skinny, black, brown) could be and have been used in a way that was meant to be hurtful. It's all about the tone and the context.
  • Kids are only stupid when their parents let them be. That's my opinion anyway. Just ignore them. You've lost a great deal of weight so far and you don't need a teenybopper trying to bring you down. Obviously they have issues themselves when they can mouth off to a complete stranger like that. Did you say they were on their bikes? Yeah, I would have knocked it over and laughed. Okay, maybe not.. but I would have thought about it. Sorry they were jerks. :( It's always upsetting - especially when YOU know you've been doing the right thing! Keep it up!
  • Filomenaaa
    Filomenaaa Posts: 61 Member
    Thats horrible im so sorry that happened!!! Hopefully it doesnt discourage your running!! They were obv stupid insecure individuals
  • im a kid myself, i agree kids can be cruel. just dont let it get to you..it happens to someone at least once in their life :)
  • ipodfreek
    ipodfreek Posts: 8 Member
    Sometimes people just suck.
  • sabinavaughan
    sabinavaughan Posts: 109 Member
    Please don't let them get to you hun. Like others have said its the parents not the kids. I have 3 boys and I tell ya they would never do something like that because I am not afraid to spank them if they did.

    Don't let that turn you off having children either. You are the parent and you will decide how to raise that child. It kills me to see how they are acting now a days. Scares me...my sis in law said I got lucky with my kids (hers are outta control half the time), I laughed said luck..no way...I was tough on them at first..strict and very involved in their lives (still am), but my kids know that if their dad or I said "no" its no.

    I think your doing awesome, you did go to the park and you know what??? You came here and posted and didn't grab something to munch right? Hang in their girl!


  • ipodfreek
    ipodfreek Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats on the 30 pounds!! :)

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  • ellie319
    ellie319 Posts: 139 Member
    kids are awful bc their parents allow them to be...let me catch my daughter being disrespectful and she will recieve a swat to the tush...