


  • hartsmart
    hartsmart Posts: 141 Member
    i think a gin & tonic is your best bet. personally, I'm a whiskey girl (with a splash of water, usually), but i used to be a 'mixer' so i know how you feel. a nice dark & stormy or margarita can really push your calories over...especially if, like me, you can't stop at one!
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    tonic is just as high in cals as cola, stick with soda water and a squeeze of lime, or for a few extra cals, splash of rose's lime juice, it has sugar, but a splash cant be too bad!
  • spawngo
    spawngo Posts: 6 Member
    Bring individual packets of crystal light -I use cranberry immunity but pick the flavor you like. I order a shot of vodka, large glass of water and mix it right there. About 90 calories for a good sized drink. Also, Target has the Skinny Girl Margarita packets and my friend said they are really good. Can't help you with the dark liquor but maybe diet coke?

    that is a brililant idea, but...not to be picky, crystal light uses the artificial sweetener aspartame, and I don't go near the stuff.
    I wonder if there's something on the market that is like crystal light - low in calories, great flavor (bar the aspartame), but made without artificial anything?

    For tonight, gin & tonic is on the list :)

    edit: DIET tonic - gasp
  • i'm with you ladies..I"m a straight Canadian Whiskey gal, but I love my diet coke with it..Preferred drink! However, i do love a jagerbomb, but if I don't want to consume all those calories of a Jagermeister shot, I do like Vodka and Sugar Free Energy drink like RockStar or Red Bull
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    I mix my vodka with Powerade0. No calories, not sure about the artificial sweeteners though. I usually buy a bottle, devide it into 2 and fill each 1/2 bottle with the powerade (strawberry and vanilla vodka, mmmm!) and if I feel like having shots with my Bud55 - I take one (or 4) :laugh: but only end up with 1/2 the calories. Saves a ton of money too.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    i wouldn't even worry about it. as long as you drink in moderation (meaning, not every single night), drink what you want. maybe work out a little extra that day or just call it a "cheat" day and go back to counting calories the next day. my guess is you drink to have a good time, but you can't have a good time if you're constantly worrying about how many calories your drink has, or drinking something you don't like in order to stay within your caloric intake.

    that said, i looooove me some moscato wine, or 3 olives rootbeer with sprite, or 3 olives vanilla with oj or orange pop. yummy!
  • dmisom79
    dmisom79 Posts: 112
    I thought the same thing! Great idea! I do like to drink and was wondering how to keep enjoying it without all the calories. Great post!
    UMMMM HELLO!!! What an awesome idea!!!
    Bring individual packets of crystal light -I use cranberry immunity but pick the flavor you like. I order a shot of vodka, large glass of water and mix it right there. About 90 calories for a good sized drink. Also, Target has the Skinny Girl Margarita packets and my friend said they are really good. Can't help you with the dark liquor but maybe diet coke?
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    that said, i looooove me some moscato wine, or 3 olives rootbeer with sprite, or 3 olives vanilla with oj or orange pop. yummy!

    my roommate bought some moscato the other day and i tried it for the first time. BEST WINE EVER. I LOVE IT. i want to drink it everyday.
  • foodbuzz
    foodbuzz Posts: 39 Member
    I bought a Sodastream from Bed Bath & Beyond and love it. Use juice of any kind or well water mixed with half water and then just carbonate it. See for more info. I buy my flavorings from I use the SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia, English Toffee, Vanilla Creme, Chocolate Raspberry - there are many to choose from. I got tired of hauling home cases of sparkling water for my husband so I invested $79.00 (had a 20% off coupon) and had it shipped to me when they offered free shipping. I think it would work good for what you are looking for. Good luck!
  • If you're worried about calories you should really lay off the alcohol. Eating a double quarter pounder from McDonalds, a large fry, and a milkshake would be better for a lot of reasons.

    1) Alcohol is completely empty calories. They do nothing for you.

    2) Alcohol often makes people hungry. It certainly does me.

    3) Alcohol kills your "full" reflex, making it very hard to tell when you've had enough to eat or to drink.

    4) Alcohol is very high in calories. Mixer or no.

    5) Alcohol reduces your will power, judgment, and typically makes you crave highly caloric foods.

    6) Alcohol kills your metabolism. Anything you ate up to a few hours prior or during your night is going straight to your *kitten* because your body has to work to process the liquor before it can process anything else.

    Overall, as far as weight loss goes, alcohol is terrible for you. Beer and I are very, very good friends, but I had to take a hiatus from him because he just was impeding me from reaching my goals.
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    Rather than Crystal Light Look for True Lemon/Lime/Orange. They're natural and 0 calories
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    I actually don't like any sodas myself, but I have found sprite 0 with malibu rum good. But, I normally drink my Mikes hard lemon-aid light, its not very sweet tasting and doesn't have Sulfites in it ( which I can't have) they are only 98 cal a bottle!
  • A correctly made Cosmo would be a decent drink to order, if you must order a drink. It's almost straight liquor and liqueur, but doesn't really taste like it. 1 1/2 oz Vodka, 1/2 oz Triple Sec, Splash of lime juice, splash of cranberry juice.

    Anything on the rocks would be fine, or mixed with water or soda water if you wanted the carbonation. Jack and Soda is pretty decent, and any whiskey/scotch/bourbon is going to be much better for you than other alcohols, all things considered.

    Stay away from tonic. Order it with soda, all the added sugars aren't in soda. (Soda of course meaning Soda Water)
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I am currently drinking Three Olives Grape Vodka with Low Sodium Soda. It's DELICIOUS! The only calories come from the vodka- 60-70 calories depending on how big of a drink I make. :)
  • zanAspera
    zanAspera Posts: 29 Member
    Alcohol in moderation is actually not bad for you, but doesn't affect everyone exactly the same way. Yes, it is a chemically classified as a depresant as it depresses inhibitions mostly. So if you are feeling inhibited by your diet, and most of us are, that could be an issue.

    As Antipholous says, Alcohol does abruptly suspend the fat burning metabolism. Though I can't say as I agree on some of his other points, Alcohol certainly does something for me! It's decent in calories, but not huge, it's not the 64 calories an ounce that get you, it's the metabolic shift, so be careful what you eat when you are drinking. This metabolic shift won't be tracked.

    An interesting bit of trivial I've picked up is that when you are drinking, you will become drunk faster if you are using noncaloric mixers such as water, soda water or diet soda than you will with juices or full calorie sodas. The alcohol is absorbed faster out of the stomach when there is no food or other caloric content to slow it down. Depending on why you are drinking, this could be bad or good... }}:D But it is something to be aware of. If you can not eat as much on the day before the night you have your drink or two, and not be hungry and feel bad that I think would be the way to do it.

    I would definately not just call it an off day and not track yourself that day... It's okay, let yourself go over a bit if you are out having fun, but if you want to be successful you really need to be honest with yourself and record everything. Yes, you went over one day and failed to meet goals on that day, but track it so you know you can make up for it over the week. It all averages out, so it's okay if one day a week you allow yourself to miss your goal.

    Me, I love me some Vodka and diet soda. But just one or two on one night per week.

    *not an expert, I only know what I read on the internet, in books and from talking to friends
  • If you are going to drink at a club or party... dance it off! Or walk home from the bar or from the subway stop (with friends)
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Vodka, club soda and lots of lime
  • allisonjrasmussen
    allisonjrasmussen Posts: 1 Member
    Trader Joes makes some lower calorie all natural lemonades... No nutrasweet or aspartame and still good flavor. 40 cal/8 oz.
  • lynnprice
    lynnprice Posts: 101 Member
    vodka and tequila are the lowest in carbs. That's what I look for.

    My go to drink this summer (and on my upcoming vacation) is a greyhound. Vodka and grapefruit juice. It's so yummy.
  • Bighiker2
    Bighiker2 Posts: 100
    I'm 41 and never drank alcohol in my entire life!! I tasted it once or twice, found it pretty disgusting (honestly) and never tried it again. I drink lots of teas (vanilla teas with a splash of milk, green tea, regular black tea with fresh lemon juice), water and fruit juice. (I know it sounds boring LOL).
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