I've entered the 160's

fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
After being in the high 180-peaking low 190's...after a lot of dedication, I have now entered the 160's. I weighed in at 169.2 this morning! I haven't been in the 160's for probably 6 years or more! I have 34 more pound to go until I reach my goal weight. When I first started this, I thought it was going to be brutally hard but you know what? I haven't found it that bad. I'm not starving myself, I'm just eating WAY better because I cut the garbage out of my life (with a few exceptions here and there) and I'm drinking a ton of water now. I don't miss the junk at all! In fact, when I'm at a store and "think" I have a craving for a chocolate bar, I turn over the package and look at the calorie count on it and then think...wow...what a waste of calories that is. I can go home and have something way more filling than that! In January, I wouldn't of thought twice about buying that chocolate bar. I'm not hating exercise, although I do tend to slack off a bit but when I kick myself in the *kitten* and run on my treadmill or work out on my weight resistance machine, I enjoy it and feel fantastic.

So I just wanted to boast a bit and tell those that are just starting out...you can do this! You just have to really want to make the change and when your mind is in the right place, it's really not that hard to make the life change. I'm a lazy person and if I can do this, so can you!


  • Roseysue
    Roseysue Posts: 12 Member
    Awesome! That's a great accomplishment!
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    that's about where I'm at! :) Good job...do you feel like you can keep going now since you broke into the 160s!? I have 1 lb to go and I feel like when I get to that point it's going to be easier for some reason....
  • rdy2lose
    rdy2lose Posts: 106
    fantastic! Great job! I know it is hard I am trying to get there myself
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    that's about where I'm at! :) Good job...do you feel like you can keep going now since you broke into the 160s!? I have 1 lb to go and I feel like when I get to that point it's going to be easier for some reason....

    Oh ABSOLUTELY! I'm just over the half way mark until I reach my goal...I still have a long way to go. I'm hoping the second half will be as easy as the first.
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