Weight Loss Gone Badddddd

Lets Just START Fresh here!
i started MFP back in FEB of 08 at 260pounds
lost a few and gained it back and didnt care really
i came back oct of 08 and ready to rock and roll!!!!
i lost weight the healthy way and was loving it
then i started getting really obsessed with the weightloss and progress
i would then skip a meal or two and be excited to see the pounds melt off
this gradually became a regualr pattern for me
i was down to 1000 calories a day and still working out 2-3hours a day
not eating ANY meat...just organic and raw frutis and veggies
then i would use laxatives if i would stray from my "plan"
i started taking diet pills when i hit around 150pounds in addition to my laxatives and over working out
i ended up at 130lbs which is not unhealthy for my height
but people were starting to question my eating habits when i would have random bruises
when i was just plain exausted all the time
when i went from a size 22womens to a 3womens in less than a year
i ended up in the hospital with gallblader problems with low potassiem levels and heart problems
and dehydration....at that point i knew i was slowly killing myself and i needed to get some help
my trainer at 155 told me that i needed to stop because i was already thin and my body couldnt go any thinner without harm
and i didnt listen to her....i had a goal off 200 then 175 then 150 and eventually it was 115
it never would have stopped untill something was wrong with me....
its been a long year with many ups and downs and since the hospital ive been back on a normal track
but my weight is also baaack up :(
im currently 158 and about a size 7
i would love to be about 145 and i really will quit

this time i have to be very careful and do this the right way because i do not want to end up dead or back in the hospital
so i really just wanted to re introduce myself and start over fresh...start here again and do this the right way without becomming obsessed and go crazy again....and i need alot of supprt and help and knew this is where it all started and i knew i could come back here and have great support and friends wit the same goals as myself

Tam - ive missed you and you look great!

xoxox muah


  • kaylarose123
    kaylarose123 Posts: 11 Member
    Good for you, you realized you had a problem and you dealt with it. I was at 150 pounds got super obsessed with weight gain as well and dropped to 126. But it took about 2 years of hard work dedication and lots of sweat! You look amazing by the way and no one should tell you any different. Just keep doing what your doing. Eating at least 1,200 calories a day, Keep a healthy workout and remember to always give your body a rest at least 1x a week. & If you ever need any support you know where to find me!
    :) Good luck and you can do anything you put your mind to. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE- JUST DO IT.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Oh wow, I remember you! I was wondering where you'd gone off to. I'm glad to see you got your health back under control and on the right track. I know it's tempting to push yourself to the limit and beyond...once the weight starts coming off and you see results, you get addicted!! You want more results and you want them faster.

    You are looking great! I can still remember your pictures from when you first came here. Good luck regaining your health!
  • KillahHoney
    thank you guys ;)
    it's a struggle everyday I'm not gonna lie!
    but I'll do it thanks guys!!!

    I remember you tooo
    glad everyone is still here
  • Anumie23
    Anumie23 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm new to the board but I'm SOO glad you posted. The MFP meal recorder had began to tell me that I was eating too few calories and sending myself into starvation mode. At first I didn't take it seriously but after hearing your story I am a lot more aware of my eating habits and am making sure that I hit the recommended 1200 calorie minimum everyday. You have a great support system here! Glad to see you back and healthy.

    All the love and support from a newbie,

  • KillahHoney
    Yes be very careful
    GL on your weighloss journey!
  • lovely2bones
    Hey thanks for this post. I went through the same thing 3 years ago but refused to admit anything was wrong. I'm trying not to get back into it but it's such a challenge when losing weight like that is so easy. Your post gave me inspiration. Really, thanks a lot, best wishes on your journey.