For The Ladies (Unless the men know)



  • nolakris
    nolakris Posts: 98 Member
    I crave chocolate around that same time as you. I've discovered that allowing myself one small, bite of high quality dark chocolate really satisfies the chocobeast. I've also made myself mochas before with skim milk and the sugar free chocolate syrup.
  • AngieCook09
    AngieCook09 Posts: 51 Member
    Without reading what everyone else has said......

    I would buy a small bag of chips (1oz) and a chocolate bar. Get it out of your system and go on with life! It may slow down your weight loss one week a month but you will survive. IMHO :)
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    I had a horrible time with that this month (this week actually). I tried to make choices that fit in my diary, but to do so I had to work out and earn the calories. So I would say if you can't fight the cravings, up the exercise.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Find some really yummy protein bars. I like Balance Bars. It'll taste as good as any candy bar, but won't be nutritionally void. I have a box of the cookie dough flavor now, and the lemon meringue is amazing!
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    Totally understand...I am a bottomless pit around that time (which just happens to be these suggestions are great!)

    I also recommend Skinny Cow and Fiber One Brownies.

    Also, if you love popcorn, are you using the prepackaged stuff? If so, get an air popper so you can make it without oil. Then I spray it with a little bit of olive oil spray and lightly salt it. I usually get tired of eating by the time I'd feel guilty about the calories in it lol. And popcorn is a decent fiber source as well.
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    so many great tips! I make Non-fat Greek yogurt (in Plain) add coco powder and Truvia. Delish and now I am not going crazy.
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    Oooo I think I have all of these ingredients hehe. I shall be sure to try it.
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    I like to call it "moderated binging" Meaning, I'll eat the chips and chocolate and whatever else the hell i want in moderation. I weigh out my portions and limit myself to just 1. I tracked my calories on of my let loose binges and it was disgusting, and I felt like crap the next day. I ate a whole bag of Kettle Brand Chips in one sitting= 1400 calories!! EEEK! That's the last time I binged like that.

    So basically, don't deprive yourself. Eat the things you want in moderation
  • BeanQueen3000
    After two rounds of shark week while watching my diet, i've found that whatever water/snacking weight i put on before almost always comes off afterwards, and i start losing at the same pace again. While this isn't a great length of time to observe from, i think i can deal with that trend. I've got a long way to go towards my goal and i think it's healthy to be able to take the average biological bumps in stride.
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    I keep hearing about these "Skinny Cows" What are they exactly?
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I exercise A LOT so that I am so tired I don't want to eat. After I work out I will have a snack but I don't usually want the icky snacks. I want protien and water
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    One more thing...If you can find the high quality little chocolate squares at the checkout line, those are sometimes the perfect thing to satisfy cravings. I love the Lake Champlain dark chocolate ones that they usually have at Whole Foods. I buy one, break it into 4 pieces and that kicks my chocolate craving (at least for a little while). I know if I buy a whole candy bar or a bag of the squares I'll just keep eating them.
  • Tebbspcad
    Tebbspcad Posts: 233
    I try, but sometimes give into the cravings! If i know i'm going to be really bad i make a cup of Options Instant Belgian Chocolate. It's gorgeous and I get the choccy fix! x
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I keep hearing about these "Skinny Cows" What are they exactly?

    Basically low calorie versions of snacks and ice creams from what I've seen. The knock off of the snickers ice cream bars are very good.
  • BeanQueen3000

    I also recommend Skinny Cow and Fiber One Brownies.

    I was on a huge skinny cow kick until i realized that the generic fat free fudgesicles at my grocery cost half as much and had nearly half as many calories. Still really can't find anything that beats those peanut butter sandwiches, though. nom.
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    so many great tips! I make Non-fat Greek yogurt (in Plain) add coco powder and Truvia. Delish and now I am not going crazy.

    I keep passing by the greek yogurt I heard it is really good. I don't know how I would feel about plain yogurt though I do have frozen bags of fruit will it change the taste? I also heard putting a bit of honey in the yogurt tastes good too.
  • Dgarrett114
    Dgarrett114 Posts: 2 Member
    Sugar-free popcicles
  • ironicusername
    When I lived alone I would not keep junk food in the house (now my mom lives with me and she always has it around... sigh). If I absolutely HAD TO have some, I would be forced to walk to the nearest corner store/mini mart and only buy single serving sizes. That way, I actually had to burn calories to obtain the food. Plus, a lot of the time I was too lazy to put on pants and go to the store, so I just let the cravings pass.

    Now that I have to have more self control because the food is around, I measure everything and try to buy things in individual serving sized wrappers/containers. There are a lot of healthier options out there. I also keep Hershey's Kisses around and I'll only have a few and let them slowly melt in my mouth. That generally takes care of the chocolate/sweet cravings. fugesicles are also great. So are Dreyer's/Edy's real fruit bars and Skinny Cow candy bars. As for salty stuff, I just measure it out and try to savor it. I track everything and often I'm able to stick to my calorie goal.

    And yes, fiber does help. I've found taking metamucil has helped tremendously with keeping me fuller longer and keeping cravings at bay. It also helps lower cholesterol (which is the main reason why I started taking it).

    Also, I do the same as a previous poster, different flavored teas (some are wonderfully sweet) with stevia (the liquid comes in tons of delish flavors, I get mine on Ebay) and sometimes a bit of soymilk. It can help. In the summer I'll make a pitcher of sweet tea with stevia. I also like low cal hot chocolate in the cooler months.
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    I CHOMP on carrots, I love cucumber with salt and pepper - nice and fresh but at the same time savoury! yum! I distract myself with a workout. But, for the sake of sanity I do indulge every now and then, lol!

    also, dont'worry about the weight gain, a lot of women put on some water weight around that TOM, it'll come right off in about a week. It's not fat, keep telling yourself that, it's not fat!
  • ironicusername
    so many great tips! I make Non-fat Greek yogurt (in Plain) add coco powder and Truvia. Delish and now I am not going crazy.

    I keep passing by the greek yogurt I heard it is really good. I don't know how I would feel about plain yogurt though I do have frozen bags of fruit will it change the taste? I also heard putting a bit of honey in the yogurt tastes good too.

    The difference with greek yogurt is that it's super thick and creamy. I won't buy anything else. It's amazing with honey or anything. =]