Does anyone else have a problem with this?

My body doesn't want food in the mornings. More specifically, it doesn't want anything solid. The thought of eating when I get up makes me ill, even if I'm hungry. I can handle smoothies and protein shakes, so I'm still technically eating breakfast, but it's the only way I can get anything down. Does anyone else have this problem?


  • babesintow
    babesintow Posts: 59
    Yep! My children are the same way...we drink our breakfast too. I always feel sluggish if I eat my breakfast so I prefer to wait until after the gym...or lunchtime.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    You don't have to eat in the morning. Lots of people have their first meal around noon. It won't affect your weight loss. That whole "You must eat breakfast" thing is a diet myth.

    Why would you do something that makes you uncomfortable?
  • fromfattytohealthy
    fromfattytohealthy Posts: 60 Member
    You're having a shake, so that's good enough. A fruit and yogurt smoothie covers your fruit serving, your dairy and your protein. It's a pretty balanced breakfast, actually.

    As for not eating in the morning, I'm just not hungry right away. I can be up for an hour or two before I go, "Oh yeah, I'm hungry and should eat something, " :laugh:
  • lindseym1983
    lindseym1983 Posts: 209
    You don't have to eat in the morning. Lots of people have their first meal around noon. It won't affect your weight loss. That whole "You must eat breakfast" thing is a diet myth.

    Why would you do something that makes you uncomfortable?

    It is not a myth, your metabolism with be at an ultimate low with not eating. You need constant food fueling your body and your body has already been with no food for 10 hrs normally be breakfast time. It will affect your weight loss if your metabolism is always slow and dragging b/c of no food. The best thing for your body is to eat small meals all day and keep your metabolism up. Even a shake or a breakfast bar is good.
    If drinking your breakfast is the only way to get food in you, go for it. I can't eat a lot in the morning so I have a small bowl of cereal I really like, not a lot of food but good for a cpl hrs until I am awake enough to be hungry.
  • bexbug
    bexbug Posts: 5 Member
    It takes my stomach forever to wake up too. I always at least have a glass of water and then bring a banana or apple with me as I run errands or go to work, that way when it does wake up I have a little something.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've never felt ill at the thought of food in the morning, except maybe years and years ago when I was pregnant. But I'm rarely hungry in the mornings so I rarely eat anything.

    Smoothies are fine if that's what you want. Or just wait until you actually want food and eat something. Eating breakfast won't magically make you lose more weight. Not eating breakfast won't keep you from losing weight. Just do whatever works for you.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    You don't have to eat in the morning. Lots of people have their first meal around noon. It won't affect your weight loss. That whole "You must eat breakfast" thing is a diet myth.

    Why would you do something that makes you uncomfortable?

    It is not a myth, your metabolism with be at an ultimate low with not eating. You need constant food fueling your body and your body has already been with no food for 10 hrs normally be breakfast time. It will affect your weight loss if your metabolism is always slow and dragging b/c of no food. The best thing for your body is to eat small meals all day and keep your metabolism up. Even a shake or a breakfast bar is good.
    If drinking your breakfast is the only way to get food in you, go for it. I can't eat a lot in the morning so I have a small bowl of cereal I really like, not a lot of food but good for a cpl hrs until I am awake enough to be hungry.

    Well, me and many other people re doing it wrong then. I lost 55 lbs. Didn't eat breakfast. Took me seven months. I've been at maintenance weight since 2007. Not a breakfast lover. This "multiple times a day, and you must eat breakfast" is a myth. You can do it and it will work. It also works to eat one huge meal and one medium meal a day. It's about how many calories you are eating, and the content of those calories. Just because you read it somewhere, doesn't make it true.
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    I hate people who say you MUST EAT BREAKFAST even if you don't want to. Why would you do that??

    What's the point in wasting calories on something you don't want or need? LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!!!!!

    I didn't eat breakfast yesterday and I didn't pile on 100lbs overnight. I was hungry today so I had scrambled eggs and a grilled tomato. I'm hungry now so I'm gona go and have a snack. I just eat when I'm hungry, within reason.

    Just do what your stomach is telling you to..... don't listen to randomers who have no dietary training and read the Daily Mail for tips on how to diet.
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    Well, me and many other people re doing it wrong then. I lost 55 lbs. Didn't eat breakfast. Took me seven months. I've been at maintenance weight since 2007. Not a breakfast lover. This "multiple times a day, and you must eat breakfast" is a myth. You can do it and it will work. It also works to eat one huge meal and one medium meal a day. It's about how many calories you are eating, and the content of those calories. Just because you read it somewhere, doesn't make it true.

    Thank God you exist
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    I feel sick too at the thought of eating breakfast as soon as I wake up. I need about 2 hours between waking up and eating something. Its fine... Doesn't make a difference what time you eat.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    A cup of coffee and two glasses of water with my prescriptions is all about I can get down first thing... I need to wait a good 90 minutes at the minimum before I consume food... hasnt harmed me yet! LOL!
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I do the same.
    If i try to eat a full breakfast first thing in the morning, It doesn't go well.

    I drink 16oz of milk, wait about an hour and a half, then eat my breakfast.
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    The whole debate around breakfast and weight loss centers more around the fact that if you give your body fuel in the morning, you are less likely to over-eat later in the day - you keep your metabolism and appetite steady throughout the day. If a smoothie is what does it for you for breakfast, then keep doing what you're doing! If it ain't broke...
  • jching29
    jching29 Posts: 163
    Most days, I don't have my first meal until about 11 or 12. I don't think eating breakfast is necessary, unless you're hungry...I thoroughly agree with some of the above posters: just do what your body tells you is right. If that means no breakfast, a moderate lunch and large supper, go with it. Calorie counts are more important than when/where you eat your meals.
  • cersela
    cersela Posts: 160 Member
    I drink some water when I first wake up, but I never eat until I actually feel hungry. I am usually up 1-2 hours before I eat anything.
  • cestlafete
    cestlafete Posts: 71 Member
    My fiancé is like this almost every day and I flirt with it occasionally. We usually just go for smoothies if we can't stomach 'real food' first thing, and while it's not a deal breaker to skip breakfast, one thing I HAVE found is that if I skip out on breakfast, I stay up too late. Your body feels as if it's just 'waking up' when you eat your first meal and in my experience, if I skip breakfast or eat breakfast late, I end up staying up way later, and generally oversleep the next day.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    I put down just under 600 calories within 15 minutes of opening my eyes.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I only eat breakfast if I'm hitting the gym, and even then, usually only a wheat bagel bar with peanut butter. I don't get to the gym until mid-morning, so by the time I'm done I am starving. If I'm staying at home, I'm happy with my coffee and water until about noon.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,220 Member
    You don't have to eat in the morning. Lots of people have their first meal around noon. It won't affect your weight loss. That whole "You must eat breakfast" thing is a diet myth.

    Why would you do something that makes you uncomfortable?

    It is not a myth, your metabolism with be at an ultimate low with not eating. You need constant food fueling your body and your body has already been with no food for 10 hrs normally be breakfast time. It will affect your weight loss if your metabolism is always slow and dragging b/c of no food. The best thing for your body is to eat small meals all day and keep your metabolism up. Even a shake or a breakfast bar is good.
    If drinking your breakfast is the only way to get food in you, go for it. I can't eat a lot in the morning so I have a small bowl of cereal I really like, not a lot of food but good for a cpl hrs until I am awake enough to be hungry.

    That is completely wrong. It takes 60 to 72 hours for your metabolism to slow down from not eating at all. For that matter in the first part of that time your fasted metabolism actually increases. You do not need constant fueling of your body to keep your metabolism going, you need sufficient calories long term. If the OP eats all their calories for the day between noon and bedtime they will be fine.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    I'm the same, but I stopped losing weight recently and I think it's because I get up at 7 and don't eat til about 2

    It takes about 10 seconds to eat a small banana, so no matter how much I don't want it or how nauseous I feel in the mornings, at least it's quick to eat a banana.. get it over and done with and get your metabolism started for the day