How can I get my mother to eat healthy?

I'm really worried about my mother's health. She only eats one or two meals a day and they're both about 1,000 calories or more. She keeps making excuses to not eat healthy, like she blames stress and keeps saying that she wants to get on a diet plan. I've told her countless times that she doesn't need to spend so much money on diet food when I can just make her healthy meals. She thinks my opinion on her health is invalid because I'm thin so "I don't know what it feels like to be overweight." I just need some advice or tips on how to help her without coming off as insensitive, because I really am concerned.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Just keep eating the way you want. You cannot change her. She's a grown woman, and no matter how much you try, she has to make the decision on her own. Nagging never works.
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    I'm sure you'll get a lot of good suggestions, and some of them will be helpful, but I think the bottom line is you can't. She has to figure it out for herself. As much as it hurts you to see her struggle, you can only lead by example.
  • CynthiaAnnGA
    I love it when my daughter introduces me to foods I've never tried! She is always giving me healthy advice & updating me in fashion! I love it because I am always taking care of everyone else & when she comes to visit she helps me. Sometimes all Moms need is a hug & acceptance.
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    Sometimes the best thing to do is let someone take their own path. She may be defensive if you have continually initiated this type of conversation.

    If it was me and my mom: I would ask her to come over for dinner and cook a nice meal for her. If she likes it, I am sure she will compliment me. I would briefly discuss the recipe. Then I would offer to send her home with leftovers. Then suggest a nice walk around the block to talk about her day/walk the dog.

    Then I would let it go for a bit.

    You cannot help someone that doesn't think they need help. Someone will not change until THEY are ready to change.

    Good luck and keep loving your momma!
  • mttoni
    mttoni Posts: 1
    I agree that you'll get a lot of good suggestions, and some of them will be helpful, but you can't chnage her mind or MAKE her healthy. She has to make the change in her own way. BUT you can continue to eat healthy and if you live at home with her, try to make a few healthy meals during the week or on weekends. Encourage her to go for a walk or exercise with you, but dont nag her, that will make her push back even more. I wish you the best of luck!
  • hannahamay
    hannahamay Posts: 77 Member
    The thing with my mom is that she complains about how unhealthy she is yet doesn't do anything about it. Then she has the audacity to try telling me what to eat. She thinks I'm on a diet when I've tried to explain that health food is not the same as diet food. I've tried to be sentimental and nice to her but it's honestly no use since she is so stubborn.