Exercising =0

nikinicole Posts: 19
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
ok so I attempted to exercise today and its not working out. I really need some advice on fun exercises i could do or something because ive been running and i end up caving and stopping at 2 min. so i cant do that obviously! umm im no good at push ups either. i cant even do one (how embarrassing!) but id like to get better at that. please give me tips I really need this program to work!

im at home


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Sounds like Couch25K and the 100 pushups challenge may be for you.

    They've both been working for me. :smile:
  • Are you working out at home or at the gym? The first 2-5 minutes are always the hardest on a treadmill/elliptial or running. If you can just push yourself past that it gets easier. Set a goal of running for 5 minutes, then x number of jumping jacks, sit ups, etc., keep switching so you don't get too bored.
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    If you're working out at home, try getting some dvds. They have all sorts of them, dance, bootcamp. Find one that you like and you'll probably stick to it.
  • does anyone know what is the best type of test to take?
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    For the running issue - try couch to 5 k - it gradually takes you through weekly steps to build you endurance so if you can run for 2 minutes before caving...maybe try 60 seconds of jogging and then 90 seconds of walking and switch back and forth for 20-30 minutes and then the next week jog for 90 seconds and so forth.

    If your exercising at home - I used to look up videos on youtube for different exercises to try for my legs, triceps, butt, arms, etc. and found some good ones.
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I used to walk outdoors and just loved it. Now things are changing for me and I go to the Y and do this machine I love. And I love it cause it is really helping me lose inches and get stronger. I am seeing results like I never did on anything else. 30 minutes on the Precor AMT is all a person needs.

    But everyone likes something different. That's why the Y is so popular. There are classes, machines, swimming, and the gym down stairs. It is very hard financially for me but I got a scholarship so that helps.

    Try something new all the time. Maybe you need a buddy? But keep moving cause I believe it is what we need to keep us healthy.
    As far as running, I don't think it's that great and very hard on joints. Especially if overweight. Just my thought. Be blessed. kc
  • Maybe you could try a wii fit, I know it is not that cheap but it is a fun work out for someone just starting out. I think that videos are a good idea too. As far as running goes I used to not be able to run for 2 mins either then I just tried slowing down the pace and focused on breathing and it became easier. Hope everything works out for you :drinker:
  • If you are looking for something fun and different to keep you attention you might could try crunch work out videos. The videos run around 15 dollrs a peice. I love them they couple cardio with standing pilates and mat work out for total body work out. I hate exercise that that does not keep my attention so treadmills are my enemy. If I can't walk out side I do videos instead. These videos are energetic and have great music to go along with the work out. As for running the couch to 5K might be a good place for you.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    The most fun I've had exercising is with my Wii. I have Wii Fit Plus & Wii Biggest Loser. Both give me a great sense of satisfaction and keep me interested by being so interactive and accessible. The majority of my weight loss has come from my Wii. :)
  • meglide
    meglide Posts: 37 Member
    years ago when I first started exercising regularly and had lots of weight to lose, I just went for a walk 6 days out of 7

    walked for 2 miles and first started covering it in about 35 minutes, got to where I could cover that same distance in under 24 minutes, after about 6 months I started to add running into my walk, only 3-5 minutes to start and eventually worked my way up to where I could run continuously for over 20 minutes

    that was some 7 years and 60 lbs ago, today I do all kinds of stuff I wouldn't have dreamed of back then, I can run for an hour straight or more, I've biked regularly for 1.5 hours at a time, I do TKD now just for fun, my main exercise program is some combination of P90X and INSANITY (from Beachbody), I can drop and push out 40+ pushups before I have to stop, I can do 8-10 dead weight chin-ups without stopping, etc.

    point is to start easy and be consistent, you get 2-3 months of exercising regularly 4-6 times a week and it will really begin to stick, at which point you can work on challenging yourself

  • Hemis_mom
    Hemis_mom Posts: 193 Member
    I live in Maine and getting outside unless you ski is tough this time of year so I have been doing wii EA sports active--I love it!! If that is too expensive the 30 day shred is great too- and some of the other Biggest loser DVD's are great too like 1 & 2 have lower impact workouts for people just starting
    Good Luck I know it is hard! Keep Trying
  • I work out at home. Here on cable they have On Demand (with the movies and shows you can watch anytime). If you have something like that, there is a sports and fitness section that has a bunch of different workouts on there. Tons to choose from and they are all free!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    ok so I attempted to exercise today and its not working out. I really need some advice on fun exercises i could do or something because ive been running and i end up caving and stopping at 2 min. so i cant do that obviously! umm im no good at push ups either. i cant even do one (how embarrassing!) but id like to get better at that. please give me tips I really need this program to work!

    im at home

    Don't think all of us just stepped off the front porch and ran a 5K...or 5 blocks, or 5 minutes even. Couch-2-5K is an awesome program. However, before you do that, just walk. 15 minutes of walking burns more calories than 2 minutes of running. The good thing about walking is, you can do that for a lot longer than 15 minutes.

    I walked a long time before I started running, in fact, I'm walking today at lunch because I was in the middle of an asthama attack when I was supposed to be running this morning.
  • I know that running is hardest at first. Especially when carryting extra weight.

    Try this:
    WARMUP - walk for 3-5 minutes at a medium pace
    WORKOUT - run as long as you can (like I began at 4-5mph on the treadmill and am now at 6mph for 10min = 1mile)
    WARMDOWN - walk for 3-5 minutes at a medium pace

    This works good if your total is 15-20 minutes. Your running will eventually get to where you want it. Patience.

    A treadmill is good because you can monitor your progress easily and efficiently.
  • Thanks and I like that thing that says "The lord is my Sheppard, I shall not want unhealthy foods" lol!
  • MaryFrances65
    MaryFrances65 Posts: 9 Member
    We have FitLinxx at my gym, each treadmill (bike, elipitical) has it's own TV. I love it. I can do an hour on the treadmill and not even know it. I used to watch "Everyone loves Raymond" it was the best time!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    RE pushups. That is something I have always had trouble with.

    Couple things you can do:

    1) Dips - these are easier. Just sit on a chair and then drop your butt off the front. Hold on the chair seat behind you with your hands and have your legs out straight on the floor in front of you - the more bent the knees the easier it is / the less workout. Lower yourself as far as you can and push yourself back up. Do this until you can't do any more. This is an easy one to throw in before you sit down anywhere to eat and take about a minute.

    2) plank - don't lock your elbows, but just hover up in the up position of a full (not on your knees) push up for as long as you can. you can bend your elbows a little bit and it makes it harder the more they are bent.

    3) Yoga move - lie on your stomach in the down position of a push up. The difference is your elbows will be right at your sides and your hands right under your shoulders not farther out. Constrict all your ab and back muscles and your arm muscles until you can push yourself just a couple inches off the ground and hold yourself there. This is good to try because it helped me learn what muscles they are that actually make that up motion! you can then do this move from plank - you lower down and then hold hovering above the ground. If you want to look up up dog, this is a move you can go into from here that works a little like a push up but not as hard to do.

    4) MODIFIED!!!! :) - Do pushups on your knees - brace your feet on a wall if you feel you are slipping. Try to keep your butt down, but if you need to stick it up in the air to start that's fine. You're at home - whose watching?! Go as far down as you can and then just an inch further. Do them regularly and you will get farther and farther! I still can't do a full real pushup (I never have been able to), but I can feel the modified ones really working!
  • I like the Wii fit games, they're fun and definitely a work out. But if anything...try dancing. Dancing can be a work out and fun too!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Try some free exercise videos from www.exercisetv.tv and sparkpeople.com. The ones from exercise tv are particularly fun. This is a fun one, and not too hard for a beginner:



    I don't know if someone mentioned it or not, but Dance Dance Revolution has a workout mode, and even if you can't follow any of the steps (like me), just trying to follow them is a great workout- for your body and brain. My daughter has DDR X for PS2, and the first full day she had it, she played for 10 hours straight. She was one sore 14 year old the next day. lol


    I heard a great quote on TV the other day...it went something like:

    Are you going to hand over control of something as important as your LIFE to a jelly donut?
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Remember if you are just starting out you are not going to be able to run a mile. You have to work up to this gradually. Today 1 push-up next day 2 and before you know it 20!

    You have to work up to big workouts gradually or you will get frustrated and quit. Set small goals that are easily attainable and then as you get in shape make those goals bigger until you achieve what you have set out to do.
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