Does anyone else have a problem with this?



  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I absolutely cannot eat anything in the morning. I like to have an EAS carb control protein shake. It's only 100 calories, 2 carbs and 17 grams of protein. It's small and the strawberry cream flavor tastes pretty good.
  • catwoman131
    Oh I love that I stumbled on this post! Somehow I feel quite validated... I like eating breakfast around 10 or 11, about four hours after I've gotten up. Only then has my body had a chance to wake up and decide whether I am actually hungry. Having to eat on auto pilot because "you're supposed to" seems counterintuitive to building good eating habits around "eat when you're hungry". On the days I eat a really late breakfast (or none at all) I end up eating less overall :tongue:
  • innocentangel
    im glad i found this post, i really hate eating when i first get up and dont normally feel like eating until around lunchtime. but because i was trying to do this properly i was forcing myself to eat breakfast which just left me feeling sick and struggled to eat it. i prefer to eat lunch and then dinner in the evening and it gives me more calories for those 2 meals i enjoy and a few snacks. so glad i can do that now without feeling guilty about it :D