Scared, but determined.

My name is Jenny, and I tip the scale at 340 pounds. I can't even tell you which try this is for me. I've tried to lose weight so many times I've lost count. I know this is a lifestyle change, I know I need to change my eating habits and exercise more. I've gotten to the point where I'm scared for my health. I can't afford to fail again. Any suggestions on workouts, meals, ect for me would be much appreciated. I want to make sure I start out right and don't go too hard and set myself up for failure. Thanks for the support everyone.


  • sbduvall
    sbduvall Posts: 42 Member
    Try to look at it like this. If you are working it...realy working it and you "fail" one meal or one day you are not really failing. Just keep going. Failure only happens when you stop trying. And if you are trying more often than you are not then you are doing better than you were before. It takes at least 28 days to form a habit, longer to replace an old one. Try just breaking certian habits. Walk in place during TV commericals if you watch a lot of tv. If you tend to snack while watching tv then cut up some veggies and snack on those. If you are a late night eater then brush your teeth after dinner and keep sugar free gum nearby. There are hundereds of little tiny changes that come into play when people say "Oh I am just eating healthier" so just try to change a few little things instead of looking at the unit as a whole.

    You can do this.

    PS. You are really beautiful!
  • smksapper
    smksapper Posts: 6 Member
    I want to make sure I start out right and don't go too hard and set myself up for failure.

    I think sbduvall has give you some very sound advice. Small changes. Pick your battles at first - don't set yourself for disappointment by setting rules for yourself that aren't realistic at the beginning. And you know yourself best so you know what's realistic and what's not. Don't be too hard on yourself but do challenge yourself!

    I know personally I have to say, "I'm going to try to work out at least four times this week" rather than, "I'm going to workout every day this week." Most weeks I do get more exercise than those four days... but if I don't and only get those four days I originally committed to, I don't feel like a failure.

    (BTW, my workouts are lifting weights so I have a rest day in between.)

    You can totally do this. Do you know why I feel l feel confident saying that? Because I can do it. And if I can, anyone can :wink: Hang in there!
  • rhartison
    rhartison Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Jenny I'm Roshunda and totally know what your going through. I'm at 306 at the moment, which I have lost 4 lbs. I have been going to the gym 3-4 times a week, consuming lots of water, and trying to control my sweet tooth( hey one habit at a time). It is defienitly a challenge and I have been working on it a long time myself, but it's different this time around. I would love to be added as a friend. We all need as much help as possible. We can chat about some ideas on how to get through this.
  • Melbel427
    Melbel427 Posts: 1
    I just started this process again for the upteen time as well. I am extremely motivated to do well and I know that I will as long as I stay motivated. I just started my fitness pal yesterday but really started the weight loss journey about two weeks ago and weighed in at 295 but now I am 284. I have lost 11 pounds. If I can do it...YOU can do it. The key is not depriving yourself to where you are miserable. If you are like me, than you love food! Choose better choices, ex., if you like salty things choose a handful of nuts or veggies instead of chips. If you have to have some chips find the healtier ones and MEASURE out the serving size so you don't go crazy like I would and eat the bag. If you need some advice or just need to vent I am here!
  • flyingpurplemonkey
    flyingpurplemonkey Posts: 105 Member
    I think the people above have good advice. Small changes will change your life. I'm not sure if I have much to add, but I just wanted to encourage you and let you know you are not alone! And I know you can do this!
  • nicolem1008
    Well you are here so that is a step in the right direction! Good luck to you-feel free to add me as a friend if you like for support. Read through the boards-great advice and support on here !
  • lilorphann
    lilorphann Posts: 138 Member
    Feel free to add me. Would love to offer all the support and encouragement I can.
  • MissAmy1982
    Hello, you are doing great. Don't worry about the slip ups or days when you feel like you are struggling. We are human. It is not going to be perfect believe me. I have tried over and over to lose this 60 lbs I have left and I always give up. This time I have not given up. It is okay to slip up once in awhile. As long as it doesn't become a constant slip up. You can do it! And it really helps to have others who support you and are in a similar situation.
  • MissAmy1982
    Oh and you can add me too. I am here for any support you need. =)
  • MissAmy1982
    That is what worked for me. Baby steps are key. You just have to do it a little at a time and before you know it you start notices that all the little changes add up to a big change. Great advice!
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    Welcome! Don't worry about slip ups in the beginning, it happens to most of us. You will learn over time to avoid the slip ups and it will become easy. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • tastywhalebacon
    my name is kristen. back in january, i was 220. i'm now 201. it's going to take awhile for the weight to come off, but when it does, it gives you the encouragement to go on and continue. It was hard for me to give up soda, but i did it. now i drink green tea and water. I have also cut out a lot of bacon :( and fast food. When i do go out to eat, i ask for a to- go box and cut my meal in half before i start eating. when i go to fast food, i try to choose something that isn't a burger.

    my only thing that has been really really really hard for me has been exercising.

    Hang in there! you can do this! stay positive and feel free to add me.
  • jamiegalla
    Hello! I am Jamie. i have tried many times myself to get to where i want to be. i never reaaly thouht it was a lifestyle change... but as i get older, i realize it totally is...... i think i am finally ready to do this..... one, because i am actually excited about it, and seeing results makes you want to see more, so i am starting to feel like i will get addicted to being healthier!! Two, i have not worn shorts since i was in the 8th grade..... i am now 30!!! i want to wear some dang shorts!! i just had my second child 1 1/2 years ago.... i weight more than i did when i gave birth.... plus, i was down, not really happy with where my marriage was at.... but everything seems to be falling into place.

    So where to start. see i love CARBS.... i eat bread, rice and pasta.... ALL THE TIME!!! so, i cut those 3 things out.... just doing that, i lost 4 lbs in 2 weeks, i gained it back because i had a weak point, but i am still thriving to make this change in my life!! so instead of having a sandwich with bread everyday.... i would take a leaf of bibb lettuce lay a oiece of kunch meat on it, take a string cheese and tear in half.... roll it up and have two of those for my sandwich, and you know... it was soooo yummy, i did not even miss the bread....

    So keep going..... you can do it, i will do it! and you really are beautiful!
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    There were some really good tips posted here.

    Most important for me is don't consider it a failure if you slip up, log it and keep going!

    Another thing that works for me is positive visualization or affirmation. For example, one that I'm trying to get to stick right now is I am happy and grateful that I am strong enough to quit smoking(I haven't quit smoking yet, but it worked for soda for me n I was a hard core mountain dew addict/gamer... It seems to help for me)

    Seeing yourself as the person you want to be can help you make the choices to get there.

    (if anyone thinks I'm weird... I am, no doubts lol, if u are too add me :) )
  • veduffey
    veduffey Posts: 73
    Hi, Take it an hour, a day, whatever at a time. I absolutely agree with what everyone has said. Walk, count your breathes as you walk. Do a little more each time you walk. You only fail if you don't get up when you fall down. Seriously, when I first started exercising I could only do 3 minutes on an exercise bike, it is amazing how fast you will be able to do more. My fitness pal is awesome, I feel so connected and so accountable, having encouragement from other people is critical. You can do this!
  • 2Shar
    2Shar Posts: 26 Member
    I joined about 20 days ago, so I am still a newbie.. So far these would be my suggestions: one day at a time, log everything you eat (eye opening), add as many friends as possible, delete any that do not give you positive feed back (I haven't run into any yet). Accept that everyday you log in and are accountable for whatever food choice you made, was better than before, when you were not accountable for your food actions......

    Read as many post as possible to keep your Mind in the MFP world!

    To anyone else, please add me if you would like to give and receive more support from a friend!!
  • veduffey
    veduffey Posts: 73
    I totally agree with what you said about visualization, another thing I do is make a gratitude list of 5 things I have to be grateful for each day. Little things make a lot of difference. Add me as a friend if you like. Victoria:flowerforyou:
  • gogospice
    gogospice Posts: 185 Member
    We all mess up. But saying, "I've already ruined my good eating for the day, I might as well continue to eat like crap" is about the same as saying "oh, I dropped my phone, I might as well smash it until it breaks".

    You can do it! I was in the same boat not long ago! I'm down 45lbs, and I fall off the wagon sometimes. Best part is, tomorrow is a new day, I can pick myself right back up!
  • tennisbabe94
    tennisbabe94 Posts: 444 Member
    Best advice I can give you is never give up. Don't let that even be an option. Ever. You can do this, stay dedicated to your goals. Don't let a slip-up phase you because we're only human. It happens. You can do this. :smile:
  • mariapg25
    mariapg25 Posts: 48 Member
    I wish this site had a "Like" button because I would hit "Like" at every piece of advice that everyone has given here. Joining is the first step. Please feel free to add me as a friend...the more the merrier!!! :-)