Refeeding day: fact or fiction?

invictus8 Posts: 258 Member
I've heard conflicting views on the concept of a "re-feeding day." The basic idea is that once a week (say, all day Saturday) you should stop your diet and eat a lot, especially the foods you might be craving on other days. There are two principles behind a re-feeding day: first, psychologically you will actually lose cravings since you will know you always have a Saturday to eat whatever you want; second, such a day readjusts your metabolism so you never go into starvation (thus allowing you to lose more weight over the course of a given month).

Thoughts on this?


  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    On how the body works in regards to this I'll leave to the experts. Why it sounds dumb to silly ol me is -- I thought we are doing a life style change. I thought greasy cheeseburgers, a ton of cake and all the crap that made us fat need to be put in their place. I thought we're learning to eat a normal amt of calories? So once a week we throw all we are trying to implement out the window because in reality we have zero or very little self control and have to coddle ourselves into a comfort zone of "if I eat broccoli today I can have pie on saturday" ...?

    No thanks- I want to be healthy 24/7 365. I will eat a cheese burger once in a blue and have cake on my kids' bdays- but once a week be the glutton that got me in this mess- no way. I cant see how that helps mentally, physically or any other way.

    But--- everyone is different. Guess that remains the same no matter what gimmick gets out there- some ppl will do it and swear by it.
  • linwaggs
    linwaggs Posts: 25 Member
    When I start to feel weak or am especially hungry (happens every week or two) I will eat my TDEE. It does rejuvenate me and helps me push forward. However, I don't go crazy on these days. I don't think it has affected me negatively and has helped me keep my sanity!
  • Hou_LH
    Hou_LH Posts: 27 Member
    I had a co-worker mention this to me just the other day. He is pretty healthy and used this method when he was doing some sports training or something. My thought is that although we are trying for a lifestyle change, I don't anticipate cutting those awful (yet delicious) foods out entirely. It is unrealistic to believe you will cut something out forever. Long story short, I am on the fence. Perhaps letting the food into your system every now and then will help keep you from ballooning when you fall off the diet band-wagon.

    My two rambling cents.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    I would say once a month and for one meal. You still have to be mindful of your macros, and calories to an extent.