How has MFP changed your life??

EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
I've recently come to the conclusion that MFP has become truely life changing for me! I never believed I would lose the weight since I've always failed at the first hurdle in the past - yet here I am halfway to goal!! And I owe it all to my lovely friends - each and every one of them supports me more than they know and I would NOT have come this far without them!!

I'm only about half way there but for the first time in my life I KNOW I can do this, there is no turning back now - I'm completely set in my ways and I may not be the fastest loser or the biggest loser but it's coming off slowly and surely and I never feel deprived! I'm and certain that by 2013 I will no longer be the fat friend and I might even be building muscle by that point! My dream of having gorgeous shoulders and a flat stomach might actually happen!!

So tell me - how has MFP changed your life?


  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Don't let MFP take the credit - it's just a tool that has helped YOU do the work
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    I agree with you.... thats why I was thanking my friends on here who have helped me - the PEOPLE on here are the true superstars! And I'm grateful for MFP introducing me to them. :-)
  • sttrinians
    sttrinians Posts: 94 Member
    Goes both ways Emma, we couldn't do it without your support .:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • PrinnyBomb
    PrinnyBomb Posts: 196 Member
    It just helps me focus. I've never been this successful before. Every diet has failed for me. And now I'm a quarter of the way to my goal! Plus I couldn't have done it without the support of my wonderful friends including you Emma!!! :drinker:
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Finding MFP and signing up gave me an easy way to track my food intake as I lose weight. I was keeping a diary before, but didn't really find it helpful in seeing progress. Now I can keep a goal in sight and see my progress.

    Also, the feature to make friends who encourage me has been a real pleasure. Even the friends who just give me a heads up when I do my exercise or meet my calorie goal for the day.

    I need to lose weight and have a nutritionist to help me, but MFP has made the journey fun.
  • KatiaClouse
    KatiaClouse Posts: 27 Member
    MFP has revolutionized the way I look at food: "Is this worth its calories"? and "OMG no wonder I gained weight!" as well as realizing that my dainty 30 minutes of weight training really wasn't doing anything but killing time.
  • bazfitness
    bazfitness Posts: 275 Member
    Well I won't let MFP take all the credit. :tongue: I had decided a month before I joined MFP to stop letting the gradual slide of me into middle aged slobdom go any further. I had already lost around 4 lbs before hearing of MFP and joining. However the whole community, logging and what you can learn from other mfp members has really helped galvanize me towards succeeding in my goals, so I'm very grateful to both mfp , my supportive mfp pals and the mfp community in general. I've gone from merely looking to lose weight and get back to normal to being a fitness fanatic.

    Was just thinking this morning if I can harness that same determination in other areas of my life what could I achieve!
  • blf20
    blf20 Posts: 97 Member
    MFP has been a real help to me. The database is amazing and so are the comments from people like you. Both keep me going.
    I would also add that this is the first time that I've set the "guilt" aside and as Katia said, looked at the cold hard numbers.
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    I don' think I would have gotten close to where I am now without MPF and my Pals. The ability to see everything I eat and being held responsible for every calorie was just what I needed to get on track and stay there.
  • tas3980
    tas3980 Posts: 93 Member
    This is my second time using MFP but the first time I obviously wasn't ready for a life change. Now I understand the difference between a diet and a lifestyle change - for me, diets only work until you stop watching what you eat, the lifestyle change I am currently undergoing is about appreciating what I am doing to my body and making it better for my future.

    MFP has helped me be accountable for my actions and the support from my friends list is amazing! I get more support here then in real life but I guess that is because on here we are all on a similar journey..!
  • laurels12
    laurels12 Posts: 54 Member
    MFP has completely changed the way I look at my weightloss. I've tried and failed at every diet going but to me this isn't one!

    This has made me see the proper connection between diet and exercise. I count calories now where before it was always, sins, syns, points and whatever else the gimmick was at the time. Calories make much more sense. I also now think in pounds, rather than stones. Sounds silly, but its more motivational to me at least, to say I've lost 48lbs instead of 3st 6lbs.

    The support on here is totally amazing -- I'm completely addicted and hope to stay that way for a long time to come! I have friends locally that I see every day that are on here too, and have all been totally inspirational with the successes that they have achieved and they keep me going too!

    I actually look forward to exercise, actively seek ways to burn calories and my mindset has changed in so many ways.

    Thank God for MFP!!
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    MFP has completely changed the way I look at my weightloss. I've tried and failed at every diet going but to me this isn't one!

    This has made me see the proper connection between diet and exercise. I count calories now where before it was always, sins, syns, points and whatever else the gimmick was at the time. Calories make much more sense. I also now think in pounds, rather than stones. Sounds silly, but its more motivational to me at least, to say I've lost 48lbs instead of 3st 6lbs.

    The support on here is totally amazing -- I'm completely addicted and hope to stay that way for a long time to come! I have friends locally that I see every day that are on here too, and have all been totally inspirational with the successes that they have achieved and they keep me going too!

    I actually look forward to exercise, actively seek ways to burn calories and my mindset has changed in so many ways.

    Thank God for MFP!!

    This^^^ totally and completely
  • tmshank18
    tmshank18 Posts: 37 Member
    MFP has truly been a blessing to me. My doctor is the one who actually told me about it and I'm finding myself becoming addicted to it as well. If I don't log in and start my food tracker in the mornings then I feel like I'm missing something. I haven't gotten into the exercising full force yet as I am trying to the whole change in eating under my belt first but I have been going for more walks in the evening so that has to count for something. I have tried so many "diets" over the years and I done well on each one until I quit and gain back everything I had lost and then some. Now, I'm taking a different approach, realizing that this is a life change in how I eat and how I take care of myself. I'm hoping to change my eating habits and become a healthier person. MFP has simply made this journey easier. The support from everyone on here is awesome!! I'm so glad I made the decision to checkout MFP!!
  • 2wawas
    2wawas Posts: 44 Member
    I certainly could not have accomplished my weight loss without MFP. It has kept me in line not just for losing weight but also for eating healthier. I monitor my sodium and fibre intake as well as my calories and fat. It's truly a lifestyle tool that I know I will continue to use even after I've achieved my goal weight. MFP will help me to stay there and to continue to lead a healthy lifestyle. And I have introduced so many friends to MFP success has inspired them too and that really gives me a good feeling !
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    MFP has made me more concious of wot i put in my mouth lol...........seriously i eat far less, exersize more, drink more water....
  • julia6567
    julia6567 Posts: 27
    MFP has given me my life back. I could hardly walk due to my weight plus arthritis in my knees and back. Now I am off the pain and arthritis meds and in the gym 5-6 days a week (sometimes twice a day).

    It has completely changed the way I look at food and portion control. The kitchen scales are my best friend. There is no cheating going on in this house! Even down to the low fat spread I put on a slice of rye bread. My husband thinks im nuts but one you start estimating its a slippery slope to denial.

    My friends on here are always supportive and because we are all in the same boat understand what I am going through.

    I really could not do it without my MFP family and friends. I know I have done all the hard work, but you guys have kept me in check and given me a boot up the bum when I have needed it.

  • HunterKiller_wechange
    HunterKiller_wechange Posts: 369 Member
    a great way to watch what im eating, good info in some of the forum topics here and the best thing, my lovely new friends.
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    The obvious one is that all the new friends I've made and how they've helped me. I don't know what I'd do without them.

    I'm so much more confident then I used to be, I used to hate being a pear shape but now I adore my behind!

    On the health side I'm loosing a good amount every week and feel so healthy and happy about it.

    So in summary; friends, confidence and health. Love you MFP!!!
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    Never thought I would be consistent with logging my food for so long..I like it its not a pain in the butt..its simple easy part of my life style change. I like seeing the trends and I like the friends.
  • Stuz359
    Stuz359 Posts: 81
    I think MFP just makes it easier to hold yourself to account. I have been keeping a food diary before, but I had to 'guesstimate' certain things. The whole database makes it easier to track everything and since I eat a lot of the same things all the time, it takes me less than 5 minutes to put everything in for the day and stick to it.
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