my dreams.

February 2012 is when I reached the 20lb mark.
Then I began binging on everything. Even foods that I don't even like.
I'm 18 and still haven't been able to find a job nor do I have an income of any sort. So getting proffesional help from a nutritionist is out of question.
I'm a whole food vegan, so I've gained about 3-4lbs over the 6 months of my binging, not a huge deal. I'm asking for help for my stomach's sake. I eat until I'm rolling on the floor and crying from pain.
Thus, my question would be: How do I stop binge eating? I've been trying to get over this hell of an eating disorder since the first week of February. I really don't want to have to go back to square one of my weight loss attempts.
I don't starve myself either, I binge then I move on..then three days later I binge AGAIN.
I can't get help from my family members because they don't understand what I'm even talking about.


  • madeleinedun11
    It's funny but, even in life it feels like you are alone when you're not. I've been a binge eater (no veganism though) since I was about your age. Now at 24 I am still having to find the strength at times to not reach for a food and eat until I am unwell or mainly, uncomfortable.

    I know most people would comfort you to say, talk to your friends and family and they will understand. Mine didn't. I'm not saying yours won't, however I do think you need to speak with other binge eaters first and foremost.

    So, I'm 24 now and I finally discovered after 5 years of doing this to my body that it was related to unhappiness. Food is a stimuli and despite you saying you're binging on foods you don't necessarily like, i'm sure you will agree with me that it gets to the point when you binge when actually you can't really taste the food anymore.

    You sound like you're going through a rough patch and like many others, you are finding food a comfort even if you don't feel like you are. I binge when I lose control, when my work is hectic or I upset a friend or family member. The trick is learning to deal with the surge of emotion that your body is going through.

    My boyfriend knows about my binging and has taken to encouraging me not to do it, or if I yell and him and insist "That it's my body I shall do what I like" he measures out a certain amount of the food I want to shove in my mouth and doesn't let me have anymore. Odd - and perhaps sounding like feeding time at the zoo, but I sometimes find the physical feeling of shoving the food in your mouth in a repetitive motion is just as therapeutic.

    Who am I to know though - I'm no expert! What I can tell you is really think about what sparks this feeling and urge to eat and binge. I'm not saying to blame something in your life, but really consider why it is that you want comfort. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, but try to get some resolution now before you end up having a hard battle for many years to come!

    Good luck with it, and remember, as I sometimes need to - you're not alone!

    M xxx