Weight loss is really slow / 12 pounds in 3 months

For the last three months I've been doing Myfitnesspal with my daughter and husband and it's been a really SLOW process!! I've lost 12 pounds in the almost 3 months and yes I'm really sticking to my calories and doing exercise as much as possible..Is this good??Any feedback or Am I just worried for no reason??


  • hotrodchili
    By the way I joined in Feb but quit and started up again 3months ago!!
  • gowitdaflo
    You may need to mix up your workouts to challenge your body or do high intensity interval training. I've done INSANITY/ASYLUM videos and they help me overcome a plateau. email me if you have any other questions: florsum@gmail.com - Florence:smile:
  • abbie72003
    abbie72003 Posts: 57 Member
    Sounds like about a pound a week to me. It's hard when its coming off and it feels slow but it is coming off so you are doing something right. Keep doing what you're doing :)
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    4lbs a month is good/keep it off weight loss. Keep it up :flowerforyou:
  • hotrodchili
    Thanks for all the input!!!Sometimes I just need to hear it from other people besides family members..
  • o2barichgirl
    Just started in May and have lost 20 lbs. as of today. I have found that around 1700 calories, low-fat, no sugar has worked for me. I get very little exercise but intend to start. Thanks for asking our advice. I think you are losing weight properly and safely. Congratulations!
  • im_2gd2btru
    I just went through a plateau, I lost 10lbs in the first couple weeks then had a plateau....I changed my caloric intake because I was more active then I first started....so with increasing my calories and changing up my workout routine I lost another 4 within 2 weeks...It hard to say without seeing your food and exercise. Everyone is different though....
  • flyingpurplemonkey
    flyingpurplemonkey Posts: 105 Member
    That is still 12 pounds that is no longer on your body. A pound a week is nothing to be disappointed by!

    And generally when weight comes off slower, it's because you are doing it healthier and in a way that will last, rather than losing weight quickly, returning to old patterns and ending up with the same body. (Actually, to be honest, I have no idea if this part is true. It makes sense to me, though).

    Anyway, good job and don't give up!
  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    It's taken me the same amount of time. I started in April and to date I've lost 12 lbs.
    Sure, I get frustrated, and would like to lose more, faster. However, I am also trying to get healthy while living a pretty normal life!!

    I work out 3-5 times a week, and I don't worry about calories on the weekends. I'm sure that If I worked out 7 days a week and logged on the weekends, I would lose more....But, I've got teenagers and fat friends who I want to see me doing this the right way, still enjoying the occasional party/bbg/famly gathering/dinner out, and not being THAT GIRL who whines about what she can't have and all that crap.

    In my humble opinion, you're doing fine.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Unless you're over 200lbs, a pound a week is average.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    That's not bad at all! Slow and steady wins the race. Remember if you lose at a quicker pace you could be losing muscle too. It's hard to hear because we want to change quickly but our bodies don't work like that.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    That is not bad at all, don't get discouraged. I started trying to lose the 52lbs gained over 6yrs in 2010, lost about 28lbs then completely fell off the wagon for 9 months and regained 13 of it.

    Got back on track and have lost 26lbs in 28weeks, yes it's slow but hey they are still pounds that are GONE. Plus by focusing on making sustainable changes I know that they are likely to stay off for good. Hang in there, those one pound a week loses add up.
  • ILoveYouZandT
    ILoveYouZandT Posts: 7 Member
    Unless you're over 200lbs, a pound a week is average.

    What do you mean by this?! Should you expect to lose more being over 200? I weighed over 200 and lost the first 25 lbs pretty easy, then a few more slowly.. And now that I'm under 200 it's.. Not.. Working... Anymore!! Ugh. >_<!!

    I don't know if I need to lower my calorie intake, raise it.. I don't know how this works!!

    ***Sorry if I'm stealing your thread OP, great work!! 12 pounds is great!***
  • muirspud
    muirspud Posts: 27 Member
    Dieting is marathon, not a sprint i have found.

    You could lose lots of weight fast, but then you may struggle to not keep it off after you have hit your goal.

    I see it as, changing your ways and getting a good eating and living lifestlye and adapting new things to your life which you are going to keep.

    If someone said 1lb loss every week for a year, you would be 52lb lighter by the end of that year!
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    For the last three months I've been doing Myfitnesspal with my daughter and husband and it's been a really SLOW process!! I've lost 12 pounds in the almost 3 months and yes I'm really sticking to my calories and doing exercise as much as possible..Is this good??Any feedback or Am I just worried for no reason??

    I haven't read the other replies... but...

    it has taken me since 2004 to lose 70#...

    if i take another 5 years... that's ok... :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Unless you're over 200lbs, a pound a week is average.

    What do you mean by this?! Should you expect to lose more being over 200? I weighed over 200 and lost the first 25 lbs pretty easy, then a few more slowly.. And now that I'm under 200 it's.. Not.. Working... Anymore!! Ugh. >_<!!

    I don't know if I need to lower my calorie intake, raise it.. I don't know how this works!!

    ***Sorry if I'm stealing your thread OP, great work!! 12 pounds is great!***
    1% a week of you body weight is a safe and achievable loss. As you lose weight, you'll either need to bump your exercise to eat the same amount or, lower your calories more because less mass means less energy use.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LindsayLaing
    LindsayLaing Posts: 1 Member
    I am a personal trainer at a gym. We always say one to two pounds a week is great maintainable weightloss! Keep up the good work and never get discouraged! One pound lost is better than one pound gained right!!!!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Did you have several pounds of initial loss from water weight, or have you been losing steadily at about a pound a week?

    Also, what is your goal set to? Are you trying to lose 2 pounds a week?
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm sure other posters have said ALL of this, BUT 1lb a week is GREAT loss especially when you don't have that much to lose.

    Here's an example:

    My family is on a weightloss plan together- all doing MFP
    My mother: 4'11" and wants to lose about 35lbs
    My father: 6'0 and wants to lose about 50lbs
    Me: 5'7" and want to lose 90lbs

    My father has lost 15lbs in 2 mnths
    My mother: 7 in two months
    Me: 4 (apparently after this weigh in...HA!)

    The point is, there are xyz factors that contribute to weight loss: Height, age, sex, amount to lose and will power. I have the MOST to lose but I"m not as strict. My dad is OCD and my mother is working out a TON to lose 1lb a week because of her height. HOPE THIS HELPS! Keep on keeping on...it WILL come off :-)
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    you are doing great, it took me 6 months to lose 10 lbs!