I don't like non cat lovers



  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    My kitteh is in my profile pic. I had to put her down 2 weeks ago. She was with me for 17 years, since I was 19 years old!

    Ah I'm sorry to hear that. xx
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I still like non-cat lovers, but really like cat lovers more :smile: Here's my rescue kitty who is completely crazy (and so smart it scares me):



    She looks like my old rescue kitty Sabina (long gone now... I loved that cat!)
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    Oh! Oh! I love cats, I have to participate! I have two :)

    Here is my beautiful Maine Coon, his name is 8-ball. He is super loveable to everyone and used to be super fat when he was younger. Can you believe he will be 19 years old at the end of the year! And his cute butt is still going up and down stairs and eating well and everything. I've had him since I was 3 and I'm 21 now. I am going to be so sad when he passes because I don't even know life without him. I'm gunna cry for days, but I am so THANKFUL he has been here with me this long. 19 years is incredible for a cat.

    Yay for Maine Coons! He's lovely. Here's mine! Her name is Amber. Two guesses why.

  • kristen807
    kristen807 Posts: 361
    Cats are by far my favorite animal :D I would show pics but, I don't know how to upload.....I have a very volatile relationship with technology! Haha
  • keithnh44
    keithnh44 Posts: 5 Member
    II love cats and have always had them from childhood. I currently have a cat named Jack Porkins, named after the memorable character in Star Wars named Jek Porkins. They are similar in that they are both hairy and chubby. I don't have any pics here, but may post one later.
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    390643_2931179198384_1772803844_n.jpg This is Koa, he thinks he's a dog, I play catch with him and he love to face bunt. =)


    This is Abigail, I've had her since she was 2 days old, my ex rescued her when she was abandoned by her Mom. She's a brat and mean. I call her Crabby Abby.

    Abigail looks just like my cat Francis. I can't find the pic that I thought was on my phone. Driving home from work one day I hit a stretch of road that was straight for about 4 miles. For some reason I noticed that there was a car in the on-coming lane that didn't appear to be moving. It wasn't. There was a little old lady sitting in it. There was a Oreo cat laying in the middle of the road with a "Kill me" expression on his face. She hadn't hit him, she was just unsure what to do (she had been sitting there for almost 10 minutes she said).

    So I pick up this cat to have a look at him. He was wheezing and sneezing. Both eyes were so infected that you could barely see those eyes. he had scabs and what appeared to be a broken leg. I felt bad for him so I put him in the truck and took him home. The town vet lived across the street from us and I asked him to come over and have a look. I thought he was probably too far gone and the vet may put him down.

    As I was talking to the vet my wife wandered out. She had given birth to our daughter 3 weeks before and was taking a break while some friends were watching the baby. Anyway.. she came out and heard Scott say that this 3 week (same age as the baby) old cat most likely wouldn't survive but he could try. My wife looked at the cat, said "awwww", and basically handed him a blank check.

    So this is how he got his name: Almost anything that could be wrong was. His lungs were infected, his eyes were infected, Doc thinks he had a digestive tract infection as well. The leg was broken, compound break where the broken ends were side by side instead of in line on the x-ray. Doc couldn't operate on the leg until the infections were cleared up. 3 weeks later, when the infections were nearly gone, we take him back in for the leg surgery and neutering. The Doc came by later in the evening with the newest x-ray. He had done the neutering but not the leg surgery. He handed me the x-ray and said he hadn't seen it before. The leg bones had somehow pulled back into line and knitted. We knew that it wasn't an x-ray mix-up because you could see the calcium build up where the break had been.

    So this mangy little kitten crawls out of a corn field in the middle of Iowa, 10 miles from the nearest home or farm, has all these problems and a low survivability outlook-and lives. We figured naming him after the patron saint of animals wouldn't be too outside the box. We call him Francis, after St. Francis of Assisi.

    I think he may be the dark side of the saint though. He walks along counters and ledges knocking everything off. This includes newly opened beer bottles and cans, sippy cups, peanut butter jars, Basically anything that can hold water becomes a casualty of the "Crusade of Francis". There must always be a faucet running or he will meow like an air raid siren, and you will meet the claw as he destroyes your work shirt. Every now and then you will wake up with a cat wrapped around your foot biting your toes. Then he screams for water. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, he will jump straight up into the air to nearly 3 feet and then disappears into a cartoon cloud of dust and fur as he streaks to the other end of the house. Then he screams for water. He used to sit calmly in the middle of the room until the 80lb Rotweiler mix walked by. Francis would calmly look over at him-!!Snap from a psychological break!!- Smack him in the muzzle, and calmly go back to watching the wall. I once ran into the room (due to the noise) to find him wrapped around that same dogs face, mimicking one of the early scenes in "Alien".

    Did I mention that you can't approach a sink without him stretched across it screaming at you to TURN THE DAMN THING ON FOR PETE'S SAKE!! Every time I look at him I see the crackhead Pookie from "New Jack City".

    But he realy is a good cat... I think.
  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member
    This is my little Sophie, I love her! :)
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    This is Stelladactyl. She's a lady.



    Make that an OLD lady... over 10. She is a rescue, in these pics she has eye boogers as she was being treated for a sinus infection.

    *edit* and yes, I am aware that she is GAWDAWFUL UGLY. :) Its why we love her. Her nickname is Minger.

    OMG. I'm in love wiff her!!!!
  • Kalossus
    Kalossus Posts: 98 Member
    <-- Illi says "If not made for sits then why is dad made of warm"
  • smithy85
    smithy85 Posts: 104 Member
    I have 3 kittys, 2 girls and 1 boy, 2 naughty tortys and a tabby!! I cant add piccies thjough, I dont now how.
  • GroovyGirl69
    GroovyGirl69 Posts: 5 Member
    I love my Karma Blue kitty...

  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    I only want to be friends with people who love cats and plan on growing old with several cats. SO, if that's not you sorry.
    On another note, who wants to show me pics of their feline friends?

    I love this! I have two cats that like to sit on top of the TV stand and judge me while I do my 30 Day Shred workouts.
  • GroovyGirl69
    GroovyGirl69 Posts: 5 Member
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 453 Member
    I :heart: cats! I'd post a pic of my puss Mrs. Kensington but idk how to post pics on here. If someone can explain it to me like I'm 5, I could possibly figure it out...
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Here are my 3 fur-babies, all girls....
    Libby (tabby/tortoiseshell mix), Pookey (seal-point siamese), and Bebe (calico)

  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    They are cute and I like them but they cause me all kinds of issues... :( Allergic to them, and it get's worse as I get older...

    So you snuggle them for me and we'll call it even :)
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    I'd like cats more if they could play fetch. Or you could take them for a walk.

    I think my next pet will be a retriever instead.
  • Melancholic
    Melancholic Posts: 5 Member


    I'm not sure how to post pictures, either... but the link above is my American Shorthair kitty, Gracie (which she's smiling in!). I adopted her from the Jacksonville Humane Society. We play fetch together. :]
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 453 Member

    This is the love of my life, Mrs. Kensington. She is 7 and I have had her since she was 6 months old. I adopted her from the Humane Society and it was the best thing I've ever done.
  • Melancholic
    Melancholic Posts: 5 Member
    <--- There. She's in my profile picture. :3