How do Negative people effect you?

Has anyone noticed that when you start feeling good about yourself - you get more annoyed by people that are negatvie and complaining all the time? Just curious if its just me.

I recently went to a really nice yoga class and afterwards ate lunch with two friends that just complained about the stuff the whole time. I just wanted to scream - well then do something about it!! UGH!! At one point to I get healthy enough that I can have compassion for people in this place that I have now left?


  • pickledplatypus
    Good question. Sometimes people are just in a cranky mood (but don't normally complain so much). If it's a longer term problem (that is, constant complaining that has been going on a while), then it's more trying to your patience. Can you gently guide them to taking positive steps? Can you offer help and support when they are taking those positive steps?

    I think being negative is like any bad habit. It can be fixed, but it takes work on the part of the person.

    Be strong and don't feed into it. :-)
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    My mom is a very negative person and shows it very well.
    She is very upset with her body and likes to take it out on other people.
    She likes to make me feel like I need to lose weight when in reality if i lost 10 more pounds I would be considered anorexic.
    But I just take breaks from her, spend a night at b/f's house start fresh and have the renewed patience to hold my whip-lash tongue in place. :flowerforyou:
    Also I have development a very good ignore/don't listen mode. :laugh:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    This has bugged me for years, even before I started my journey. The very slight difference now is that I'm not a hypocrite if I say "hey, why don't you stop whining and do something about it?". Most of the time I don't say much though because although I think it's a waste of time & energy to stress about something you could easily change, I get that people need to vent. But if I know the person well enough, it's a repeated complaint and I know they'll take my input in stride without getting all hurt, then I will say something (as nicely and tactfully as I can, of course).
  • Sbehlmer
    Sbehlmer Posts: 464 Member
    I don't let them affect me...There's people out there that are negative all day & all night long, their always complaining about something, & their not happy unless they get you down like they are....that's NOT me....Instead of complaining about something, do something about it....If it's that they don't like their own weight, eat healthier & try to get daily exercise...if they don't like their job, consider going back to school or looking for another that would suit them better.....I'm at a point in my life where I'm finally confident in myself & happy with myself..I'm pushing myself hard to work out as hard as I can, & I'm doing things (such as running) that I never thought I'd do in my life again, & I am now......& I'm not going to let someone try & take that happiness away from me.....if they want to be negative, let them do it elsewhere ;)
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Negative people? What are those? Ohhh yeah those are the ****** and ******* I ignore. I have no time for them. I crush them up for toppings on my yogurt cups! One of my best friends is a whiner "I'm fat I can't lose weight" I shut him down so fast! I haven't got time for negative creeps. If you can't step up on your own, get the **** out of my way I am coming through!

    Now you stop and say "Hey! I need help" Guess what. I am right there for you. I'll show you what I know, I'll motivate you. I'll build you up and make you stand loud and proud.

    Respect - Treat people as they should be treated. Does this make me an *******? Maybe to some. If so, well I can't please everyone. I am not selfish nor care to be. But I am not going to let my dreams and goals get set aside for someone that cannot even make an effort.
  • SuperCindy185
    SuperCindy185 Posts: 12 Member
    Good ideas and great job on our journey!