Cheat Day or Craving Satisfaction?

macnotes Posts: 210 Member
I'm wondering about peoples' opinion on cheat days vs. anything in moderation. I find that I can be really "good" during the week, even ignoring cravings for pie, chocolate, cheesecake etc. but that's because I have a cheat "day" scheduled. However, when that cheat day comes around, I have a list of things I wanted to eat all week and then I have them, but I may not be craving it at that time. I feel as though I NEED to eat all those things I was craving because today is THE cheat day. Even if I don't feel like eating that particular item then. I find that if I eat what I'm craving on that day, it just makes for a slippery slope where I either can't stop at the allotted amount (not completely binging, but eating more than just a bit) or I want something not on as part of the plan everyday. I feel like the cravings can become habits like I used to have before I was MFP'ized.

What has worked for you and any suggestions?


  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Rarely would I have cravings and binge eat before MFP, more like mindlessly graze through what was available in the kitchen and simply overeat on a regular basis. Since starting on MFP I have continued to allow myself certain foods (chips, cookies, ice cream, take out - fast food, etc.) if I really wanted them, but making sure to log the calories and hold to serving sizes. The portion control being weighing out a serving of chips into a bowl and putting the bag away, or doing the same with ice cream or whatever. A lot of times I find that having a large amount of something bad in the house, like a full size bag of chips or cookies or a 1/2 gallon of ice cream instead of a pint, creates that slippery slope for me and I will eat a serving of that thing everyday until it's gone. So I try to not buy it very often or in large quantity.

    For me it boils down to mind over matter, applied through strict portion control with an eye on total calories and getting out of the grocery store without buying a cart full of bad stuff!
  • macnotes
    macnotes Posts: 210 Member
    So last night I had a bit of chocolate mint and limited my self to a reasonable portion. It satisfied my craving and I don't feel as though I'm going to go crazy with a "cheat" day. I'm so close to my goal that I want to see it through and get there...then allow myself larger indulgences...the small ones will need to do for now, during the weight-loss phase!
  • hippietofugirl
    I am exactly the same way, and I used to allow myself a cheat day. I would end up consuming up to 10,000 cals!!!! It was pretty ridiculous. But now I haven't "cheated" in almost 3 weeks and I plan to never binge like I did before. What has really helped me out is saving calories. I know that ideally its best to spread your calories out during the day but if I'm really craving something, I will eat small meals throughout the day so that I have enough calories to eat what I was craving. I did that the other day when I ate 3 hershey's dark chocolate bars with peanut butter for dinner. It totally satisfied my cravings, was very filling, and I still stayed under my calorie limit. I even think its okay to go over your calories sometimes, but certainly not by thousands. LOL
  • macnotes
    macnotes Posts: 210 Member
    I agree! It's amazing how quickly you can go over the top with calories even when you're eating "good" food like nuts or dates. Seems like small indulgences once in a while is what is going to work best for me.
  • fromfattytohealthy
    fromfattytohealthy Posts: 60 Member
    I have a "cheat day". It's when I don't actively monitor how much I'm eating, but I'm still eating healthy. Like, I'll still have a salad for lunch, but I might actually use dressing. Or I might have some chocolate covered nuts before bed. Small things like that that won't ruin my whole day, but I still feel like I'm indulging :laugh:
  • mainelymama
    Cheat days don't work for me. To me, cheat days imply that this is not a lifestyle change but a diet I have to stick to. There will be some days I go over, and I understand that, but I don't plan on it and I try not to.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I do have a "cheat" day, but I stay under my calorie goal that day just like any other day, but the "cheat day" I eat the foods I'm craving. Tonight is my "cheat" day, going to the fair to have a Gyro and some Cotton Candy :smile: Sometimes it's deserved! Tomorrow I'll be working out extra hard!
  • MrsPoodles
    MrsPoodles Posts: 11 Member
    I have one cheat day a week, but I save up calories throughout the week to help counteract its effects (usually 150-250 calories a day). I like to have one day where I can feel "normal". I don't track that day or worry about how much is in what I'm eating. Personally, I can't stick to moderation because I don't want just a bite of the food I'm craving, and there is virtually no way for me to work a decent portion of some things into my daily calorie goal. For example, last cheat day I had Sbarro's pizza, which is about 700cal a slice. My two slices would have taken up all the calories for my whole day!

    I don't binge, but I do eat whatever I want. I know I must go over on my daily calorie goal by a lot, but I usually have 1000-1400 calories saved up from the week to help counteract that. It has been almost 9 weeks, and I've still managed to lose a consistent average of 1lb a week even with the cheat day. So, why fix what isn't broken?
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I dont really have a cheat "day" but more of a cheat "meal". I've found that if i either do IF that day, or, eat lighter I can usually eat WHATEVER i want for that one meal and still barely tip over my goal for the day. ;)

    I'd found when I had less to lose I was causing my net weekly calories to be in a surplus even though I ate well all week and at a small deficit. I felt like it was really holding me back.

    To be fair though, I eat whatever I want, hit my macros, and still stay within my calories every day despite eating foods you might consider "cheat foods".

    OP on an unrelated note... DO YOU HAVE A SHIBA-INU?
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I used to have cheat days, but than my cheat days turned into cheat weekends and it all went downhill from there.

    I eat what I want in moderation for the most part. Do I have to say no to extra cake or chips sometimes? Yeah. but usually even a little bit satisfies my craving. I RARELY feel like I am being deprived, and it's usually only turning TOM ;)
  • moonlightturk
    You have an all of nothing mentality. It's not very healthy. I advice you to cut out those cheat days and really just eat everything in moderation. If you crave chocolate for example, have one today, right this minute, as long as you eat lightly during the rest of your meals and it's still in between the calories you're supposed to have. It's way better to do it that way. :)
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    My opinion is that there shouldn't really be a "cheat" day. If you are looking at weight loss as a "diet" then what will happen when you get to your goal weight? When does everyday become the same way it used to when bad choices were abundant? It's about lifestyle change.. someday you can go for the whole piece of cheesecake instead of half, but a binge day on bad food just seems counterproductive!

    I think of it as a lifestyle change... that way of binging and "cheating" needs to be gone from our lives to truly live as happy and healthy people. We can eat what we crave, but as we go futher on our journey we find we crave less of the bad and more of the good... or we hope right?
  • jrutledge01
    jrutledge01 Posts: 213 Member
    cheat days are bad

    i sometimes do a cheat meal, but even then i hit calorie goal because i make up for it with my other meals (or lack thereof)
  • fleur_de_lis19
    fleur_de_lis19 Posts: 926 Member
    IMO... its (most of the time) best to give in to some cravings, just to get the over with. I don't believe in full cheat days, maybe cheat meals or treats..but a full day of not focusing set me off for days.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    I don't allow myself an actual cheat day, but I do give in to sugar (in small portions) on a regular basis. This way I never feel like I'm depriving myself of anything.
  • susiebear29
    susiebear29 Posts: 266
    I can't have a cheat day as it will just turn into a full on binge!! instead I allow myself a little treat every day like a couple of squares of dark chocolate or some reduced fat ice-cream with a tiny bit of chocolate sauce, this helps me stop bingeing at the weekends which is my worst time because I work every weekend at the moment and get very stressed!! If im really really craving something though and im thinking about it for more than a day then I will just have it!! life's too short to deprive yourself of all the nice things and as long as you're exercising and eating healthily most of the time then it can't do much harm as long as you know when to stop! I firmly believe that food feeds us mentally as well as physically!! :smile:
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I used to allow myself a cheat meal on the weekends. Ate good the entire week, but weekends were off limits.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    Honestly I have a hard time eating my designated intake amount during the week, not sure why, but I prefer lighter meals and less of it, maybe because its busier and more work out intensive who knows. Because of this I find that my weekend free day turns into catching up on a much needed calorie boost so my metabolism is fooled and it doesn't get used to the weekly routine. As far as portion control goes. I use childrens dishes and sometimes even cutlery! It sound stupid but if I'm going to have a bowl of iced cream or a piece of chocolate cake, it seems to go a lot further if I can have a whole small bowl with a tiny spoon, than what feels like a tiny piece in two bites with a big spoon.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I would never schedule a cheat day, but I will allow myself occasional treats, if I've earned them. Also, I will eat a treat on a special occasion, such as a holiday.
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    I always take Sundays off of counting (and I try to avoid the internet the whole day as well) but I don't call it cheating, I call it a break! It's more for my mental state than anything else... I'm not a binge eater so I'm not in danger of going WAAAAY over a healthy amount of calories, but I allow myself healthy portions of wine and dessert without worrying if it will fit into my daily calorie goal, for example. It's great to have that day off so you can start the week fresh. =)