I search to find others share my frustration that you measure all your food in grams then occasionally MFP says screw you....find the 1 out of 20 in grams but here's 19 in fluid oz first. Wth.... I just don't get it. I'm typing in my breakfast today, all going well. Then Garbonzo beans only in cups??? Who measures beans in…
View ingredients when adding to diary
Currently the only way to see the ingredients and instructions for a recipe is to go to More>Recipes>Find the recipe>Edit. That’s a lot of clicking to see some information I want to quickly get to. What I end up doing is that I go to add something to the diary but then I can’t remember how much is in a serving or what…
Are the servers going bonkers? Diary errors:
Pretty much seems like diary is error'ing or timing out when trying to input items. Anyone else?
Tracking More Than 5 Nutrients
Everything I've seen says I can track more than 5 nutrients in MFP and, sure, I can see more than 5 when I click on Nutrients but, when I go to change which ones I'm tracking, I only see 5 drop down menus. Bottom line, is there a way to track more than that? Moreover, is there a way to add foods with more than that? The…
Why is iron shown as a percentage?
I need 8 grams of iron per day. I can't make that translate from x% as shown. Can I change it to grams? If not - what does the percentage mean - percent of what?
Anything on the menu?
When I first hit the trails running on a diet I read certain items should be removed, like bread or grain items but now I understand that anything can be on the menu just so long as you control your intake. For example there was a guy named John Cisna who went on a McDonald's diet, he wrote about it in My McDonald's diet,…
Show how item being added impacts daily macro goals
When adding a food or meal, I need to know where my macro targets for the day will be with this addition. Currently I have to fist go to dashboard, memorize current daily macros, then back to diary, add food, and mentally compare the effect of this item. Too many clicks!
Is this normal??
I think I don't need to say much. I wanna eat more but.. https://postimg.cc/tZVrprTp
Have meal type change automatically depending on the time of day.
Hello! One thing I was thinking would really help speed up the process of adding food would be that the meal type (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack) would change based on the time of day. I do know it’s easy to change, but it would be the cherry on the cake for a feature like that to be implemented. Maybe the users can set…
Bug: food can be added without meal being selected, food not listed in diary
To recreate problem: * At the beginning of the day, touch the search field and display the food logging modal * Do not use the selection menu to select a Meal, but observe that none is selected * Touch the My Meals tab * Add a Meal * Touch the Diary icon and view the Diary The food items are added. The calories, and other…
Keeping Track of More Nutrient Goals (Vitamins)
One thing I really wish was the Nutrient list on MFP to add more Vitamins. Like keeping track of your daily B vitamins, Magnesium, etc. Has anyone heard of this being talked about or added?
Move cursor focus on food entry page
On the myfitnesspal.com/food/diary page, select "add food"; food/add_to_diary?meal=3 (or whatever meal #) appears. At this point, I have to touch the screen or manually move the cursor to the search entry box. It would make using this page much faster if the focus were shifted to that box upon opening the page. Thanks!
Experiment - 12 week bikini body plan
Hi all, Using this thread as a daily accountability thread. I've followed this plan below in the past, and so I will be following this again for the next 12 weeks with some variations: https://muscleandfitness.com/muscle-fitness-hers/hers-nutrition/12-weeks-competition-body-diet-plan/ Variation 1 - Sticking to the Phase 1…
Looking for friends / support
Hello guys & gals! I'm posting here in hope of finding friends / members of community to follow my journey to healthier life and giving any advice and support they could share. My diary is open. I'm 42 y.o. male, 183cm height. My life has undergone drastic changes last 4 years, and I haven't paid due attention to my…
Is there an automatically complete food diary feature?
I'm sure this question has been asked but I'm not seeing it on search! I sometimes miss clicking "Complete Diary", which is silly because I keep up to date with it all of the time. Is there a way to automate this, so that maybe 11:59PM it automatically does it? :)
Is there a way to jump to days where you submitted things to diaries?
Meaning, I don't add to the diary every day, but let's say I did on January 11th. Can I click anything that would instantly jump me back there? As of now I only know to press the back arrow over and over until I get to days I used this, and I'd think there should be faster ways to filter for days that do have data while…
Remove the message that was added between Lunch and Dinner on the iOS app?
Yesterday's was congratulating me on starting the year off right. Today's says "Make Tuesday a move day". Can this be removed? I don't want the clutter in my diary.
Search for own recipes in Food Diary
It would be great to be able to search within the recipes tab when in the Food Diary. I love the recipes feature and I currently have three pages of recipes. Instead of looking through all of them to find the one I just had, it would be great to type in a search area so it can pop up easier.
Support Issue
I'm very disappointed how the Support Team handled the recent sync to other platforms outage. It left me with a strong distrust that any future issues won't be handled the same way. The opposite side vendor reports that My fitness never responded to the issue as well.
New phone isn't syncing with desktop:
UPDATE: Looks like it just took a while to sync all of my entries. I was freaking out, hehe. Thanks! Hi, I just got a new phone (iOS). Installed MFP and logged in on phone, but it's not syncing with MFP on desktop. Anything I can try to get this working? All of my previous entries are currently blank on my new phone.
I'm Debi and I was an app user a long time ago. I have found I really need to know exactly what I am eating. This app is great for that. I am working toward bringing my cholesterol numbers down. I do need help. Does anyone know how to remove an item on a meal? I appreciate the help. Thanks
Kilojoules conversion
Hi, it would be great if you had a kilojoules to calorie conversion when adding foods or even just as a calculator on the app? Some food labels only show kilojoules but it's no good if you are counting calories, I know it's roughly a quarter the value but an accurate reading would be great to let me know if a certain food…
Is there any way to recover old entries that disappeared?
Recently the app had me log in again and when I did, all of my past entries were gone. When I went to the “Weekly Report” it shows how many total calories I’ve tracked this week but when I go to the diary it doesn’t show that I’ve tracked anything??
Going with out cold storage for awhile!!!
Hello, I am planning a weird trip and cold storage is not going to be readily available. Stores and cooking equipment will be. I work a lot so prepping is ideal however storage is a small issue (or just an unsolved problem for now). I am not wanting to revert to my old ways of just eating whatever. I am looking for some…
Searching "Your Personal Foods" not working:
Hello community! Currently trying to search under "My Foods" -> "Your Personal Foods" is not working for me. It's been this way for a few days. Anyone else experiencing issues with searching their personal food? I'm on desktop (Windows 10) and the latest release of Firefox. I want to say search stopped working for me when…
Looking for friends / support
Hello guys & gals! I'm posting here in hope of finding friends / members of community to follow my journey to healthier life and giving any advice and support they could share. My diary is open. I'm 42 y.o. male, 183cm height. My life has undergone drastic changes last 4 years, and I haven't paid due attention to my…
Looking for accountability and daily check-ins!
I am in need of an accountability buddy. I prefer daily interactions and check ins including weight and calorie checks. I am attempting a calorie deficit this time. Let's chat! :)
Clicking on an item in daily diary not working currently:
Hi, This was happening the other day when attempting to modify a serving size for an item in the daily diary and today I am unable to even click on an item to view serving size information. I get the error, "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later." Anyone else experiencing problems today or perhaps…
Newbie looking for fellow diary-sharers as friends
Hello! I'm Peach, a mid 30s female from the UK who has just rejoined MFP and I am looking for some friends. I have about 90 lbs to lose. I have my diary open to friends and I'm looking for fellow diary-sharers. I am a typical wobbly dieter, so if that's you too, I'd like to meet you. I also have chronic health conditions…
Mini calendars highlight which dates there are data
I'm sure you've fallen off the wagon and gotten back on a streak, and you wanted to see how long your previous streak was. Or you have data from 2014, but not sure which day specifically, because you were maintaining back then, and logging was sporadic. And so you go into your diary/weight log and click back a few…