The device they use is roughly that size, probably a little bigger. They place it on the area, leave it on for awhile and then can move to additional areas. The patient could do their whole midsection, for example, if they have enough time and money available.
Cost of cool sculpting was maybe $1000? I don't remember exactly. Lipo of same area was $2000
My husband did this through a reputable plastic surgeon in our area. It's very popular. If I remember correctly, the office was having trouble keeping up with demand and he had to wait a few weeks to get in. My husband has had a couple abdominal surgeries. There is a scar down the middle of his abdomen with a pocket of fat…
I've started buying ice cream novelties in small portion sizes. A Nestle Lil Drumstick is 110 calories, for example.
Get off the calorie roller coaster. Don't binge, don't restrict to an unhealthy amount -- just pick a reasonable number and stick with it.
Start by walking daily. Google bodyweight exercises to add in strengh training. It doesn't need to be anything fancy or expensive.
Find a therapist that specializes in eating disorders.
Monthly payments on $300K at 6% for 30 years is approx. $1800 per month. $31K per year pre-tax is $2583 per month. Perhaps it's time to reexamine your career goals. This makes no sense to me.
I am not comfortable giving my credit card info to a site that as so very many bugs.
Tip: If you don't like it, don't eat it. I've been on a few cruises, and the buffet food has always been subpar at best. People load up their plates anyway to "get their money's worth". If you don't fall into that trap, you'll be fine.
I mainly use glass. I like to freeze individual servings of casseroles in glass containers and then stick them in the oven without having to transfer containers.
I log mine because I track my calcium intake.
The key word in your post is "guessing"....
Eat the things you like. Bread, cheese, pasta, rice , pizza, potatoes, etc... All of these things are fine. Just work on portion control and stop at 1620 calories.
Pick the one you enjoy most. You'll be more likely to stick with it if you like it.
I am a participant in a 16 week weight loss program offered for free through my insurance company. Last week they suggested that skipping ONE meal will put your body into 'starvation mode'. Sigh. You'd think that such a large company with registered dieticians running the program would know a little more than that.
Don't spend time with people who make you feel bad about yourself.
If they worked the world would not have an obesity problem. Try weighing your food, logging it and sticking to your calorie target. That will work. Promise.
Several of the swim instructors at my gym are 300-400 lb women. They have great personalities and are good at teaching the kids. Nobody cares what they look like in a bathing suit.
Honestly, it seems like an excuse to me. Saying that you're not going to work out and eat right until you've spent months studying the subject is a good way to put it off for quite awhile.
Life isn't fair. Perhaps next time he will follow the rules.
My husband has a story about a college friend - he was giving a girl oral and threw up. True story.
This. Go to a wine tasting or a wine festival where you can try many all at once. It's much easier to find what you like when you can compare them back to back rather than just grabbing anything off the rack.
Perhaps that is their family time with their stepfather. I am sure their mother is fully aware of what they are eating since she lives in the same house and presumably buys the groceries. If my sister tried to tell me how to raise my kids, it would not end well.
Agree. They sound like normal kids. I had approx. the same stats when I was that age, and I had stretch marks on my legs from a growth spurt. When I joined jr high sports teams in 7th grade, I slimmed down some.
She might be busy with mother of the groom duties and not have much time to spend with you. Just don't be disappointed if you put in that effort and are sitting by yourself all night.
Start small. Just log your food intake. No matter what it is, just log it. One habit at a time.
Would it be easier to take a picture of the chart and post it?