mrsshots2011 Member


  • Good morning everyone. My weekend was not a healthy one to say the least. But it's a new day and the beginning of a new week so I'm going to not think about the last three days. Today's goals stay positive, do my 1/2 time run, plank, log EVERYTHING and drink my 64 oz of water. Have a great day everyone.
  • Good morning, Well yesterday was stressful but I'm not getting laid off so far. Did do some stressful eating when I got home last night but I also did my 1/2 mile timed run and plank. Today log everything, walk at least once, 1/2 mile run, plank, boot camp and drink my water. Have a great day everyone!
  • @3greyhorses Thank you. I've still got my job and they are done for now. I'm hoping for good. So glad you got to ride two horses. I got two runs in and did really good on food until I got home. My husband brought a food gift box from a vendor and I devoured the chocolate nuts. I literally ate half the jar before I realized…
  • WOW! This group really helps me to realize I am not alone. Self sabotaging is what I've been doing the last couple of days. I worked from home yesterday only to find out they laid some people off. My emotional eating kicked in and now I'm wondering since I'm at work today if they will come knocking on my door. UGH!!!…
  • SW: 185.8 (11/9/2020) LW: 176 CW:178 Next goal: 170 Up 2 lbs @3greyhorses Way to go!!
  • Good morning! I had a fantastic weekend. Saturday was a lazy day after house work. Yesterday I got a good workout in and then did meal prep. Goals today are my 1/2 mile run, plank, C25k app. I hope to get two walks in but I'll be okay with one. Weather is awful hear today and I have to leave work early so we will see. I…
  • @3greyhorses So glad that you got a negative test. I was wonder yesterday if that might be what was up. Hope you get to feeling better. @rayonrainbows I love your new shoes and I'm sure your feet will too! I did great yesterday and met all my goals. Can't begin to tell you how empowering I feel when I go to bed knowing…
  • @rayonrainbows Please share your recipe for cabbage "noodles". I love cabbage!!
  • @3greyhorses so sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope that getting some rest today will help. I was sooo glad to hear you got to ride all the horses yesterday. I love that!!! Met all my goals yesterday. This morning I told my husband that I felt "light". I think it mostly due to being consistent with my tracking and doing…
  • Good morning peeps!! Met all my goals yesterday. Realized after leaving gym that I hadn’t done my plank so did it when I got home. My fur babies decided to help me and would not stop licking my face, head and neck. Lol!!! I’m assuming it was the sweat they were after. Anyway that minute flew by cause I was laughing the…
  • SW: 185.8 (11/9/2020) LW: 178.6 CW:176 Next goal: 170 Down 2 this week so that means down really only .4 in two weeks since week before I went up. I'll take it!!! Keeping my eye on my next weight goal of 170. I want to have this accomplished first Wed of January. I've decided that when I get there I'm going to treat myself…
  • good morning! Met my goals yesterday but it was a struggle. I got off work late and then was detained by a darn train for 10-15 minutes so I decided to go home. I DID NOT want to do my 1/2 mile run or my C25k app but I did and felt really good afterwards. Toda: 2 walks boot camp 1/2 mile time run 1 min plank log everything…
  • My fur babies walking with me 💕💕
  • Good morning! I had a great weekend. Did my daily 1/2 mile run and plank and was able to get some work done around the house. Today: 2 walks Week2/day3 of the C25k app 1/2mile timed run 1:00 min plank Drink all my water Stay under or right at calorie budget. I was also invited by some friends to a work week competition on…
  • Good morning and happy Friday!! Little late checking in but I took the day off and was able to sleep in. First thing I did though was go to the gym. Knocked out my daily challenge for December, 1/2 mile timed run and 1 minute plank then I did week2/day2 on my C25k app. Felt really good to get that part out of the way. Rest…
  • @tinacuso I'm the same this is the longest I've logged my food at least on this site. Really helpful for me to be accountable to the group.
  • WOW 21 days already! It doesn't feel like that long ago you started this group. Definitely getting into the habit of logging my food and it doesn't seem to be such a chore. I hit all my goals yesterday plus did some healthy cooking for the rest of the week. Today: 2 walks Boot camp Daily challenge for Dec organized by boot…
  • SW: 185.8 (11/9/2020) LW: 176.9 CW:178.6 (+1.6 lbs) Well I'm not shocked or surprised after my four day Thanksgiving. I'm a little disappointed in myself for sure but keeping my eye on next weight goal of 170 lb. I will have a minus next Wednesday.
  • Hit all my goals for Dec 1st and included a daily challenge at my gym. I was real proud of myself thinking about hitting my goals before I went to bed. :)
  • Good morning, Hit all the goals for yesterday except calorie budget. Ended up over 250 calories. I've already done one walk today so just need to do my second one and then boot camp after work. I have logged all my food for work so main goal is to log dinner staying under budget and drink lots of water.
  • Good morning Everyone! First I want to apologize to you all. The reason I was so excited about being apart of this group was the accountability. Well I have been everything but that. I haven't posted since Wednesday with any daily goals or checking to see how everyone else is doing. I didn't do much the last four days but…
  • Good morning! SW: 185.8 (11/9/2020) CW: 176.9 Last few days have not been my best but I'm still tracking. I've only had alcohol a couple of times this month and that helps me a lot. I think just being mindful of proportions has been the biggest thing for me. I'm still eating what I want just not overeating. Have a great…
  • @rayonrainbows Hi there! I did get my 2nd day of the app in yesterday. Didn't really want to but glad I did after it was over. :) Thank you for checking on me!
  • Good morning everyone! I've been MIA because I was making soup. I heard a long, long time ago an excuse is an excuse so now instead of trying to justify with a great excuse I just say "I was making soup." I haven't logged in with the group since Friday. I have been logging my food but I didn't really do an kind of real…
  • Good morning everyone! Well yesterday morning and afternoon were good. I did all my goals and then I went home. I ended up having a few beers (11...yep I typed 11) with my husband. This was my dinner. :( I new I had extra calories from my exercising but wasn't for sure if I would go over my calorie budget. I entered them…
  • It’s under motivational speeches and the one I’m listening to is Keep Yourself Motived Here is a picture from my phone.
  • @rayonrainbows I'm sorry to hear about your jog yesterday but glad you were able to get that hour in walking. Great job!!!! You just let me know when you start the C25k app but until then bug the hell out of me. LOL!!!! I'll need it!
  • I've got a station on my podcast called Keep Yourself Motivated. It's just random speeches from athletes (so far). Today was The Rock - Dewayne Johnson. They are pretty darn good. Makes me feel a lot of pride in myself knowing I did something yesterday that 90% of the population didn't. :)
  • Good morning! Met all my goals yesterday. I'm feeling pretty good about myself actually. For the first time in a long time I feel like I am in control of my mind regarding food. I haven't been perfect (last Friday and Saturday) but I didn't beat myself up about it or quit. I've been very consistent about tracking. Today:…
  • I've been weighing in on Mondays but I'm going to hold off on it next Monday and start doing the Wednesdays with you all. SW: 185.8 CW (as of 11/16): 179.4