

  • It is a lot!! Don't ever downplay a loss of any kind!! 1lb loss is still moving in the right direction!!
  • Type in your recipe under the recipe makes it very easy!
  • The sodium is what is going to hurt....make sure you ask for brown rice if possible - I know this is an option at many places now. Just make sure you watch your sodium levels for the rest of the day.
  • Diets don't need a lifestyle change. That is why people are unsuccessful when they reach their goal weight and stop "dieting". Doing a liquid diet will possibly give you instant results but in the long run it will not help keep the weight off.
  • Trainers are great but they can get expensive. I like to use the classes at the gym. You get a class and also personal attention from the instructor if needed. They can also answer lots of questions if you have them.
  • You need to have your heart rate elevated for a period of time before you are truely getting a fat buring cardiovascular workout. For me my ideal heart rate when working out hard is around 150-160 BPM. I find when I walk I barely get above 110 BPM. I would invest in a inexpensive heart rate monitor so you can keep track…
  • 13lbs in a month is awesome! That is over 3lbs a week! You should be extremely happy!
  • Yeah..I log it under the Dance category. I don't believe it is accurate but it will give you an idea.
  • I am not going to lie to you isn't easy. I know from doing it right now. Just find something you like to do and it will seem like fun and not exercise. When the pounds start coming off it will be motivation enough! I love Zumba and I do it 2-3 times a week. If I miss class I am sad. Find something that moves you! Good…
  • What they lack in calories they more than make up for in sodium! Better bet is to get the all natural hot dogs from Whole Foods.
  • DO NOT TAKE CENTRUM OR ONE A DAY!!! They are a bad synthetic vitamin that does not break down in your body correctly. They have actually taken x-rays of people who use them on a regular basis and seen the pills in their stomach. My nutritionist recommended me take Raw One by Vitamin Code - For Women. I purchased mine at…
  • Yup! I am 29 turning 30 next month and getting serious about starting a family. I have struggled with my weight since I graduated high school. I am trying to lose as much as I can before we start "trying" to have a baby...which is very soon. I am down about 16lbs so far!
  • Oatmeal with fresh fruit Plain yogurt with granola & fresh fruit Organic Waffles & fresh fruit Kashi cereal Egg Beaters
  • Just eat your 1200 calories. Don't eat the extra calories earned from exercise. It takes a 3500 calorie deficit to lose 1lb. I work with a licensed nutritionist and that is what she recommends to me - along with eating all of the right foods. I would also change your profile to only lose 1lb per week...that is more…
  • I agree. I don't "diet". I have a way of life that incorporates about 95% healthy eating and the other 5% I eat anything I want when I go out to eat. I don't keep the unhealthy foods in my house because they can cause temptation. If you are craving a burger...go out and have one....but don't do it every day! You have to…
  • Try to find a Turbo Jam (Turbo Kick) class in your area. I find that if you actually go to a class rather than do the DVD in your house you will stick to it more and go harder. I do Zumba religiously and Turbo Kick and I love them both!
  • You won't lose lb's in days. It takes a 3,500 calorie defict to lose 1lb. I would gauge things on a weekly basis :o)
  • I would only eat those processed dinners once a week max...they aren't good for you an they are loaded with sodium most of the time. Just read the labels and check the ingredients.
  • Barilla Plus! LOVE IT!
    in PASTA! Comment by decemberg July 2010
  • Life is a journey, not a destination :o) It has to be a lifestyle change not just a "diet".
  • Pick one day of the week and do a weigh in. When you weigh in do it right away in the morning before breakfast and after your first bowel movement. Don't over do day you could be heavier due to the water your body is holding etc. Don't get obsessed. Also go by how your clothes are fitting. You could also be losing…
  • Maybe try qunioa or a good protein for other foods high in protein that aren't in "meat" form.
    in Protein Comment by decemberg July 2010
  • Look for foods high in fiber & low in sodium. Don't starve won't help you.
  • Are you exercising and eating those calories burned during exercise? That could be a reason.... Based upon the info you put into the site...what is your calorie number for the day? Maybe you are eating too much sodium?? There are many different things that could come into play.
  • I am a Zumba maniac! I actually did a chartity Zumba-thon and did Zumba for 3 straight hours! It was so much fun I never even looked at the clock! As for the shoes....go with a good cross training shoe. I wear Saucony's. I go to Zumba twice a week at my gym and then take another Dance class which is geared more towards…
  • You lost 8 lbs in 3 days? Your original post says you were 3 days later you are 232? I don't want to be a Debby Downer here but you should only weigh yourself once a week. Pick one day & time and weigh yourself once a week (I recommend early morning before breakfast). Your body changes weight all throughout the…