

  • I consider moderation to be within my goals (calories, macros, etc). As long as I can keep those in line, I'm happy with whatever I eat. Some foods make are really hard to eat in moderation without overindulging. I'll limit myself more with these trigger foods, but I wouldn't call that eating in moderation as much as…
  • After last week's large loss, I held steady this week. LWW : 253.6 CWW : 253.4 Lost 0.2
  • Thank you for the kind words, shabbarshaikh. I have been basically been following the South Beach diet. I allow myself to go a little bit over the saturated fat it recommends, but I have a strict limit to the number of carbs I'll eat per meal. Usually, I don't even hit the limit. The only other variation from the diet is…
  • Touch not the cat bot a glove
  • LWW: 259.2 CWW: 253.6 Lost 5.6
  • LWW 262.6 CWW 259.2 Lost 2.6
  • I'm sorry for your loss, tdonlin. I'm sure he was a good man and any time is too soon.
  • LWW: 266.4 CWW: 262.6 Lost 4.8 Back on track after last week's hiccup. In other news, I've passed from morbidly obese to just obese. Hey, it's progress.
  • After last week's large loss I rebounded a little bit and gained a pound and a half. LWW 265 CWW 266.4 WD -1.4
  • Hey guys, I didn't lose much last week, but this week made up for it. LWW: 272 CWW: 265 Lost 7
  • Sorry I missed last week. It's been busy this week at work and I could have done better. LWW: 273.4 CWW: 272
  • The calories burned is an estimate. It might be way off for any one individual. The easiest way to tell if what you're doing is right for you is by looking at the results, i.e. your weight loss. If you find that you're losing too quickly, then you're not eating back enough of your exercise calories and should eat more. If…
  • The amount you sweat (er, perspire) also depends on your hydration level and the ambient temperature. If you're paying more attention to the amount of water you're drinking now you might be better hydrated now than when you were getting started. Or, the room or weather might be slightly different. It's getting cooler now,…
  • Her idea risks offending Christians, as well as those of other faiths. I know a number of Christians who would be offended by her idea of a birthday cake for Jesus. It does not show the respect or reverence that He deserves. Not only does she want to make this a religious event, but she wants to do it in a very unorthodox…
  • LWW: 279. 8 CWW: 276.6
  • I feel like I don't get as sore if I do some cardio after lifting. But, that might just be placebo effect.
  • I quit WW years ago because their online software was so bad. It might be better now... You'll find tons of support here on MFP if you look for it. Just start friending people.
  • LWW 283.4 CWW 279.8
  • My weight this week is 283.4. There was a typo in last week's chart. Last week's weight was 284.6, so I lost 1.2 pounds.
  • The problem is, the USDA guidelines are for added sugars, not naturally occurring sugars. By including the sugars from fruit in the sugar totals, MFP is really comparing apples and oranges. It's true that sugars in fruit aren't very different than other sugar. But, it's the largest source of naturally occurring sugar for…
  • I'm down to 284.6. My loss had stalled a couple weeks so it was good to see it get going again. To KokomoJoe, I use kettlebells exclusively for my weight training and I think they're great. I started using them because they were small and easy to keep in my apartment so I didn't have to join to to a gym. But I found they…
  • My wife loves pozole, but prefers chicken to pork. That might also be an option to make it healthier. We add fresh lime juice when we serve it, which adds a lot of flavor. Since she's not dieting, she eats it with tostadas, but I can attest that the soup by itself is a great meal.
  • If you have room, I'm really excited about joining this group. My starting weight was 303 and now I'm 288. My goal weight is 185. I've also started logging my workouts on fitocracy. I could also start a group there if anybody's interested. I've got some invites so hit me up if you need one
  • I'm really excited about joining this group. My starting weight was 303 and now I'm 288. My goal weight is 185. I've also started logging my workouts on fitocracy. I could also start a group there if anybody's interested. I've got some invites so hit me up if you need one.
  • A lot of what you read about "bulking up" are written by and for body-builder types that have already achieved a high level of fitness. They don't always take into account how things are different for people just starting out. What they mean is somebody who already has well-developed leg muscles cannot develop them more by…
  • I don't know why you think that is so slow. 8 months = 32 weeks, and to be healthy average weight loss should be 1-2 pounds per week. You've lost 29 pounds in 32 weeks, so you're just a touch below average. It's close enough that just water retention could cause the discrepancy. I don't know where you got the idea that 50…
  • I've had good success with SlimFast, but I only take it one meal a day (lunch).
  • South Beach doesn't have specific ratios. It starts out with a 2-week induction that is ultra-low carb. Then, it lets you start adding certain carbs back while you watch what effect they have. It recommends low-fat throughout all phases. The diet is based more on making good food choices than strictly counting carbs,…
  • If you REALLY like numbers, you might want to check out the Hacker's Diet. It was written by an engineer, not a doctor, so you might want to skip over the parts about nutrition and exercise. What I really like is the weight tracking. Instead of just saying, "Only weigh yourself once a week" it uses statistics to make sense…
  • Good work! Sounds like you're doing great! The "Fat Burning Zone" is a myth. Read this article: Keep exercising as hard as you want. I don't know if you're logging what you eat, but you might want to start doing that even if you're not "dieting".…