Looking for a few good men



  • CampbellHendry
    CampbellHendry Posts: 84 Member
    Ok quick introduction then.

    Campbell. 20. Glasgow.
    Got sick of being overweight and unfit! Wanna enjoy my youth to the fullest.
    Been a scout for 16 years. Love the outdoors And camping etc.

    Currently on my first round of p90x. Killing it/me. But well get there :p.

    Hoping to be at 170 lbs by 31st November. Puts me just a stone above my goal weight. Hopefully hit that early Jan.

    So I love sports. Football, American football, mma, kickboxing, tennis, golf, you name it.
    Sadly been more of spectator but lately I've been playing ten times more. And loving it!

    Also a huge pc/xbox gamer so if I have any fellow geeks out there hit me up :D
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Good job BroDave! Thanks Tim for the stats!
    Enjoyed wortking out this weekend at the resort, so came home and cleaned up the weight room and rearranged it so it is more user friendly. Going to make sure I am hitting it hard each week. Want to save up for an eliptical and have the perfcect spot for it. :-)
    PS... Friend me if you want more support!
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    um, my scales grew legs. they have walked !
  • graysie99
    Hi Guys

    Hope you're doing well and keeping on track.

    Campbell - good to here from someone else in the UK although we probably couldn't get much further apart geographically in the UK. Its really good your doing something whilst your still young - I wish somewhere like this was around when I was your age. (That make me sound ancient, but although I'm only 43 the joint clinic confirmed this week that my knees are totally knackered due to the way I've abused them!)

    The weather is looking ok for the weekend here in the UK frosty starts and sunny days - beautiful Autumn weather (or Fall weather if you're over the pond) and I'm planning on getting out into the woods with dogs this weekend and burning some cals!

    Enjoy whatever you all have planned and look forward to seeing everyones results on Monday.


  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Checking in.
    Weight this morning us 259.
    It has been a good week of sticking to the basics.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Way to go trelm. I think some of us sometimes over think things and get away from the basics. Well done on a good week.
  • piratepiet
    piratepiet Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in, great idea!

    Info is in the signature
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Last Friday I was 202.9, this Friday, 202.7 - so basically the same 203 (rounding to the nearest pound). A little progress is better than none.
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    Hoping by Monday I will have another 3 lb loss, but until then, is there anyone here using kettlebells? I am debating whether to add that to my workouts. I am surprised that there are this many men on here as it is usually the ladies that take over all the threads.....
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Sunday morning in Aust will be my regular posting, unconfirmed weight. Confirmed weight will be monthly by my Doctor.
    Today, allowing for innacuracies in scale (add 1kg - shoes I wear at GP + 1kg scale inaccuracies):
    Sunday 23 October 2011: 227lb
  • steve240
    steve240 Posts: 10 Member
    sounds like tgis is the motivation i need after 3to 4 weeks becoming a little harder to stick with my workouts although im still on track
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    I'm in, great idea!

    Info is in the signature

    Got you added!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    sounds like tgis is the motivation i need after 3to 4 weeks becoming a little harder to stick with my workouts although im still on track

    Have you added also. Send me your starting weight, goal, current weight, and last weeks weight. I post the new chart on Monday mornings. Welcome aboard.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Last Friday I was 202.9, this Friday, 202.7 - so basically the same 203 (rounding to the nearest pound). A little progress is better than none.
    Yes, a little is better than nothing. But remember that progress isn't always measured on the scale. Since you are able to weigh to the fraction of a pound, I will list your progress to the fraction. .2 of a pound is still a loss. Way to go.
  • steve240
    steve240 Posts: 10 Member
    im steve 5ft9 i started around 245 down to about 239
  • smarterthanyoda
    I'm down to 284.6. My loss had stalled a couple weeks so it was good to see it get going again.

    To KokomoJoe, I use kettlebells exclusively for my weight training and I think they're great. I started using them because they were small and easy to keep in my apartment so I didn't have to join to to a gym. But I found they gave a great all-around workout. Especially swings, which also give you a good cardio workout if you apply yourself.
  • graysie99
    Hi Tim

    This weeks weigh 247 lbs that's 2lbs down on last weeks weight - slow and steady wins the race!


  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    i am in
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    i am in

    Got ya Bigaug. Send me your starting weight, goal weight, current weight and last weeks weight so I can add you to this next weeks stats.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Drum roll please CW 309.8 LWW 313 down 3.2lbs. for this week! I'm not going to make goal by the 31st, but I will be close.