Looking for a few good men



  • StarGeezer
    Despite a really crappy week, this morning's weigh-in didn't really show any significant change. Okay, splitting hairs, I think I am up 0.2 lb, but all things considered, not really anything I'm going to get worked up over.

    TWW: 427.8

    Reasons...let's see. Mother in the hospital. Moved apartments. Missed and poor meal choices. Back on track now. Hoping for better numbers next week.
  • piratepiet
    piratepiet Posts: 45 Member
    hi tim, hi team :-)

    scale says 290.4 lbs (131,7 kg)

    i hope all of you are having a great weekend
  • Dclem1206
    Im in. Need to lose around 100 lbs. so need the motivation. Anyone that wants to add me as a friend should!
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Still floating along with no loss. Weight bounce up a little, then back down. Work and health has meant less working out. Out shutdown should be over in a week so things may return to normal.
  • djsysstem
    djsysstem Posts: 115 Member
    hey guys i decided to join the weightlifting club here. i joined on there conditioning day and i ****ing hurt bad lol. i got regular lifting tonight and i know im gonna be sore for a few days.

    Reminds me how I almost fainted after a gym this week. Should've eaten more and had more blood sugar prior to workout!

    Anyways, this week didnt come out too well.

    SW: 197lb
    CW: 175lb
    Last Week: 175
    GW: 160lb

    Net Gain/Loss: 0lb

    I did however drop down to 174.5 and even 174 somewhere during the week, but gained it back! :( Will try harder this week!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    is it Sundays reporting in day? or Mondays? either way here's mine:
    SW: 464 (this is when I joined MFP)
    CW: 326
    Last Week: 328
    GW: 220
    loss 2
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    is it Sundays reporting in day? or Mondays? either way here's mine:
    SW: 464 (this is when I joined MFP)
    CW: 326
    Last Week: 328
    GW: 220
    loss 2

    It doesn't really matter too much as long as I get it before I post on Monday mornings. It's just if everyone waited till Monday to post it would mean me having to do all the tabulating on Monday morning. I do them as I get them on the weekend.
    Nice job on a 2lb loss this week.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    LWW 309.8 CW 313.2 With all the work I've been doing you'd think I'd have lost, but I am up 3.4 lbs right now. :huh: :grumble: Of course I've been eating like crazy all week and have had crazy sodium intake too, so hoping its just water and inflammation of the muscles. Will keep you posted. I don't feel heavy either I feel like I'm smaller this week, but the scale says otherwise.

    Nice loss Lacrolix. Lead us on to loser victory! :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I will start moving my posting to Sunday to help you out. I was 260 lbs this morning.
  • Dclem1206
    Alrighty, it looks like we have a great group of guys. I think we have enough now to help push each other on to success. Hopefully I don't forget to include anyone. I few more than I was expecting but I think I can manage it. Here is who I have.


    I'll post the weights of those that already gave them to me. If you know and can give me your weight last week, I'll get you ranked on the chart also. If any of you want to give a little info on yourself as way of an introduction, I'm sure the rest of us will appreciate it. We will all get to know it other in no time.

    I was forgotten :-(
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Alrighty, it looks like we have a great group of guys. I think we have enough now to help push each other on to success. Hopefully I don't forget to include anyone. I few more than I was expecting but I think I can manage it. Here is who I have.


    I'll post the weights of those that already gave them to me. If you know and can give me your weight last week, I'll get you ranked on the chart also. If any of you want to give a little info on yourself as way of an introduction, I'm sure the rest of us will appreciate it. We will all get to know it other in no time.

    I was forgotten :-(

    Never fear, I've got you covered on the current one that I'm working on right now. :)
  • Dclem1206
  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    LW - 236.4 10/24/11
    CW - 234.6 10/30/11
    Lost - 1.8
  • smarterthanyoda
    My weight this week is 283.4. There was a typo in last week's chart. Last week's weight was 284.6, so I lost 1.2 pounds.
  • gpbaldwin03
    gpbaldwin03 Posts: 44 Member
    LW - 374.2 10/24/11
    CW - 371.6 10/31/11
    Lost - 2.6

    I liked your format for the check-in there whoreheyR1, so I stole it.

    Decent week, keeping that downward pressure going. Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween if you have kiddos. Stay sensible with the candy this week guys.

  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    LWW 116.6, CWW 116.4 So hardly any change but no gain also.

    Won't make it in the top of the charts;-) Good luck guys
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Alrighty, we had a great response this week. I think this thread is just what some of us really needed to get things kick-started. We had a couple of new guys join and I unfortunately had to delete a few guys that hadn't turned in any updates in over 2 weeks.
    CambellHendry is this weeks biggest loser with a loss of 7.4lbs. Way to go buddy. There are definately more guys losing than maintaining or gaining these last couple of weeks and that is fantastic.

    Gotta give a shout out to whoreheyR1, he hit the 70lb loss on his ticker. High 5!!!

    Blue - posted a loss (2 new guys, fryboy1002 & gashinshotan, I don't have your previous wks stats but you showed an over all loss so I put you in this category)
    Yellow - no change from previous week
    Red - posted a gain
    White - no updates received and in jeopardy of getting voted off the island

    I also added a column of the date I last received an update from people.

  • whoreheyR1
    whoreheyR1 Posts: 135 Member
    Thank you for noticing and for taking the time to chart all of our progress... it feels so good to be this close to my first weight goal of 215! : )
  • BroDave
    BroDave Posts: 249 Member
    Down to 195 only 15 more to my goal of 100 for the year I am going to really push hard in Nov so maybe I wont have so much left for Dec.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Awesome job guys Thanks Tim for the chart! I hate red guess I'm gonna have to do something bout it!:mad: