Men on a Mission - Part 2



  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Good job Tim! Yes let's drum up some competition. Thanks for the vote of confidence, I realized I haven't really worked out or even done anything around the property for three weeks whihc is a lot of the problem. I'm back in the saddle and geting ready to hit it.
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    Guys, again too late. LWW 115,1 CWW 114,9. Mmm, gotta do better, but looking for that motivational fire I had when I started. Difficult times on the weight loss area.
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    I have been up since 4am. Just realized I forgot to weigh in this week.

    Good luck to everyone!!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    I have been up since 4am. Just realized I forgot to weigh in this week.

    Good luck to everyone!!

    Go ahead and jump on the scale.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Well good news is weight not up this week, but not down either. Man gotta find that workout motivation. It's what I'm missing right now. Good luck gents!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Happy Monday morning guys. I seriously think we need some new blood on our thread. Tell me what you all think of this: How about I post on the general MFP a shout out for some new men that want to lose a minimum of 75 pounds to come to our thread? Also, how about I go ahead at this time and start a "New" men on a mission thread. I would have us, and any new guys, post our starting weights, goals, etc... just like we are doing now. We have all worked too hard and I personally don't want to start back at zero.
    I was thinking of trying to get 6 or 7 new men to join. Unfortunately, I would delete the folks that haven't been on here for weeks. It is just making the charts cluttered. I will ask everyone to get their weights in by Sunday night and will post Monday morning sometime. It doesn't matter if they weigh in on Wednesday or whatever, but for purposes of the chart the week will start every Monday.

    Here is this weeks chart. Looks like I was the only one to lose any this week.

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Sounds like a plan Tim. I just got back on the workout train last night and I think that's going to help get this thing moving again. It's funny how we convince oursleves it's only been a short time, but time gets away from you and the more I say I'll get around to it, the more I get a round too it. :-)
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I am willing to join this group. Looks like you are posting weights on Monday so I will add my weight then. My current goal is to hit 250 by Christmas. Ultimately looking to get to 225 again.
  • StarGeezer
    Reporting for duty as well. :)
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hey guys,

    Here is the link for the new thread I started. There are a whole lot of new guys and I think we will all do much better with the extra motivation.
  • smarterthanyoda
    I'm really excited about joining this group. My starting weight was 303 and now I'm 288. My goal weight is 185.

    I've also started logging my workouts on fitocracy. I could also start a group there if anybody's interested. I've got some invites so hit me up if you need one.
  • StarGeezer
    (Originally posted this in the sign-up thread, but as it may soon be closed, I figured I'd re-post it here to introduce myself.)

    Hi there, regular listener, first-time caller. Oh wait, wrong venue... :bigsmile:

    I'm Tim (not to be confused with Tim...err...the OTHER Tim. Hehe!) My story in a nutshell (which, by the way, is a really silly place for storage for anything besides nuts...where was I? Oh yes...) Been a "big guy" since I was about 7, and reached my maximum impressive dimensions after being taken out of work about 8 years ago for spine and joint related health issues. Most of it was largely due to a huge case of indifference on my part...just stopped caring.

    I had something of an epiphany earlier this year... it occurred to me that I didn't HAVE to live this way! It may seem simple to some, but it was a revolutionary concept to me! By doing nothing, I was succumbing to a slow, miserable death by putting a cream-filled gun to my head every day. I had it within my power to not only stop the slow descent into oblivion, but actually throw the whole train into reverse. And here we are, gentlemen. Step-by-step, day-by-day, calorie-by-calorie, I'm undoing what I allowed to happen for far too long.

    I'm in it for the duration. While I always tend to put others first, in this one instance, I'm making an exception... I'm doing this for me. It dawned on me I can't give what I don't have to begin with, so I need to start building some personal equity in my own life so I can have something of value to eventually pass on to others.

    And that, friends, is why I'm here. Well, that and the scenic vistas, but mostly the other thing. Great to be here, and thank you for having me! :glasses:
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    FYI everyone, I had the other thread moved to the Motivation and Support section. I hope you all get over there and become a regular poster and we will do this together. Here's the linky...
  • StarGeezer
    FYI everyone, I had the other thread moved to the Motivation and Support section. I hope you all get over there and become a regular poster and we will do this together. Here's the linky...
    OK Tim, I'm a bit confused...which thread is going to be the active thread? It sounded like the "recruitment" thread was going to be closed/locked. Kindly advise. Thanks. :)
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    FYI everyone, I had the other thread moved to the Motivation and Support section. I hope you all get over there and become a regular poster and we will do this together. Here's the linky...
    OK Tim, I'm a bit confused...which thread is going to be the active thread? It sounded like the "recruitment" thread was going to be closed/locked. Kindly advise. Thanks. :)

    The active thread will be on the other one. This thread was initially started by Apolloag and he still gets notified every time someone post here despite no longer participating. I was inquiring how to close the other thread so that additional guys would no longer try and join. I found that closing a thread doesn't actually prevent anyone else from continuing to post. I had the other thread moved to the Motivation section for a couple of reasons. 1) I thought that section was more appropriate and 2) I think the Success section is the most popular and did not want this thread to always go to the top and have others constantly trying to jump in.

    I hope this answered your question and I apologize to everyone for the confusion. Still kind of learning and fumbling my way through this.
  • chris_andress
    chris_andress Posts: 13 Member
  • chris_andress
    chris_andress Posts: 13 Member
    SW 293

    CW 256

    GW 230
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    I've just responded to an invite.
    I'll wait until the threads get sorted before getting involved. Confused.